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from Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and Hunter Valley | INTOUCH MAGAZINE OCTOBER 22' ISSUE
October is breast cancer awareness month, which means we'll be seeing loads of pink ribbons and be given plenty of opportunities to support this wonderful cause (like purchasing the Australian Women's Health Diary, for instance!)
You might also want to head down to the harbour on 8 October to witness a stunning display by Newcastle Hunter Dragons Abreast as they celebrate their own health by paddling the dragon boats, decorated with heads and tails and flowers, past the Marina and up the harbour.
Newcastle Hunter Dragons Abreast are a team of breast cancer survivors who stay fit and healthy by paddling dragon boats. You may have seen the team paddling from the Carrington Rowing Shed up the harbour on Sunday mornings.
In addition to celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness month, the dragon boaters will travel to New Zealand for the international Breast Cancer Paddling Festival. There will be more than 80 teams participating in this colourful event as teams come together to celebrate their living with this disease.