Trip Tips

Page 1

November 0


Keep your dog’s tail wagging Top 10 cities for BEER lovers Barcelona’s top 4 clubs 18 Rules of Stress-Free Travel Fiji me experience Delicious Chinese breakfast awaits travelers in Taiwan Shopaholic guide in Malaysia Visiting Paris in the winter

Table of Contents

1 2-3 4 5-7 8 9 10-11 12

by Kristine Brabson To most pets, traveling ranks somewhere beneath a bath and the vet. Few people know more about taking their dogs on all flights and into hotels than American Kennel Club staffers. We hit them up for tips on make experience easier for both pooch and owners. Be sure your pet’s crate has extra hooks or the latches so the door doesn’t jostle open if it gets bounced around in transit. Traveling with a big bag of dog food is inconvenient. Order food online before you leave, and have it all delivered to the hotel. Bring your dog’s rabies certificate. It’s the only vaccination required by law in all 50 states. Also, get a certificate from your vet 15 days before you travel that lists up to date inoculations, and search online for area animal hospitals. Always have a photo of your pet in case he gets lost or stolen. That way you can make signs quickly. Tip baggage handlers well, as they’re the ones who are mainly responsible for your pet. Research local dog parks or good walking spots near your hotel and request to be on the hotel’s first floor so you can be closer to the outdoors and avoid disturbing other guests. Ask where the correct exercise area is and always bag it! Get the hotel to confirm that it allows pets and to specify rules about sizes and surcharges. Don’t rely on what’s on the website. And if you leave the hotel, confine your pet to the carry crate so there’s no chance he’ll destroy the room. That can cost you a fortune.




est may be

2 Gate

over, bu t don’t stay ho Amste me and r d am drown y Cozy, n eighbor our sor hood w exactly atering rows” two fin h g

o ers’ wo and Am rth of fo les serving be st er (or p am on witte (w el are three o ils as th to f heat) b e locals eers fro the best-know p – aren’t har bars, so ca d n nativ m neig called fo hboring e brews to find in this ll it), the Dut consum r their c , but a Belgium ption, t antiqua samplin city. Heineke h way – with ar ake a t n, Grols g of art our of t ted, nicotine-s e also on the isanal b ch, he Hein menu a Berli tained len walls. I t eken E f your in Amsterdam’s ds and with xperien Is theren ce, whe cozy “b a re tastin terest in hops r in its c ny place on e goes be own” arth be ity of o gs are e yond tter to rigin? T ncoura favorite s g ip Berli he city ed. – along n boasts year ro with hu more th er Weise (bee und, Au ndreds r e w n 20 be gust in of othe Bierfes er gard ith woodruff o r particu tival, a ens r raspb lar stan frothy ales. T nd the 80 cou err c h d it s out, w ough th where you ca ntries, n enjoy y juice) than represe y center turn e h e c n it y is a h the firs s into a nting 1 this lo aven fo t we ,750 dif 1 Brugg r beer lo cal ferent b .2 mile-long b ek of the mon e vers all th is de eer gar rands o Slightly den ho f beer. voted t smaller s o th t in g 240 b for its fi than th rewerie e e Belgia ne lace s from , Godiv place t a choco n capital of B os russels late – a You’ll fi ample over 45 , Bru nd b nd 0 uniqu e variet eer. Indeed, t gge (also know brewerie a preserved h ies of B pub, Ca n as Br s that s uges) is elgian b is tiny city is fé Vliss till use Brewer , in r re a y Muse e a mazing g w n h , t e iquated each se (www.c um, wh ly enou nowned rved in brewing afevliss ere bee gh, a pr it in t s e r g chniqu own sp, has bee ime Burlin es ec th n produ ced sin , and even mu at dates back ialized glass. Set bet gton c s to e 1455 eums, li we . ke De G 1515, new Burling en two beer-b ouden ustling ton, Ve Boom rmont locales to the q is – a M uirky m u o n n iv t r ers eal to t icro-bre brews s he nort uc wery M ity town with h, and agic Ha o pedestr h as #9, Fat A Boston t, visito ne of the bes ian-only ngel, an to the s t brew rs can d d Blind brewed zone bu out culture o F a Otter C zzes wit a s it t s h h e in New heast I PA to n lo reek an E ame a fe cals do and d the L h vibrant bars sample ngland. Home ong Tra w. Chu with to Dublin homegr rch Str il beer p -n o t c ow e collectio h et No beer n, whos beer on tap, in , a four-block n list of a e c luding specialt ny kind where p Ve y beers ub cult would b change rmont ure thr e comp lumina iv seasona ries lik le e t s e a w n d the fa it e Ja lly. creamy vorite lo hout a nod to flavor a mes Joyce pe the Iris cal pas nd dark rhaps o Storeho t h ime is im and its nce did us body of c bibing . Dublin G pint, an e, where visit in age-o apital city of ers and ors can uinness, the d The P D ld tave visitors city’s fi orterho watch t city’s t rns whe ublin, nest, h alike ca use, Du he brew op draw r e o th n m blin’s fi ing pro s. ’t resis e-brewe ce rst brew t the sm e d stout o pub and ss and learn t . The n Mexic o pour ew Guin oth a must o City themse n on any ess Una cer lves th pub cra veza po e perfe wl, are r favor! maraca ct two of Th .C the country orona, the sig ese words wil lh na ’s clubs, a largest brewin ture Mexican ave you sippin nd bars brew, is g Mexic g comp an ab o’s fine Negra M p st odelo, a ound where y y. While brew roduced in Me pubs ar ou can xico Cit in two shakes chocola style e t a y, at Gr of a t r s y a t -s r e e m your sh in the c lager w upo M a ith a se ooth dark lag er (also re of local bee apital, fun tav odelo, the mi-dry erns, m r flavor, produc ed by G s. Our favorit and Do s XX, a e brand ariachi rupo M s includ o golden lager-st delo), Bohem ia, a pil e yle bee sner r.



l There’s more to particu lar, boa this Québec p r sts sev Sergen eral bre ovince then L tR abatt a wpubs, typicall ecruteur that nd M like y serve u p first-r Le Cheval Bla olson. Montre like, be change with t nc al, in a h er here t is comm e season. Rath e micro-brewe , Dieu du Cie (amber l, and d beer ), and n er than only dif in flavo oir be clas ferentia in town rs that sified a ted by in early (dark) – and a s lager, color – re orde June, d a b le, a r lo e on’t mis n d s the an as such at th de, rousse (red nd the Portla e ), a n b ual Mon ar. If yo nd dial de u happ mbrée In Port en la Bière b lan eer fest to be based h d, there are p ival. le er Northw e – more per c nty of drafts t est city o go ar apital t o han an clearly city’s o y other und. Indeed, w boasts ldest an city in the mo ith 28 b d large over 20 the ther rewerie st 0,000 b s arrels a breweries, Wid load of Americ country – this drop by m y Pacific a ear, inc o n micro er Brot luding include n a weekend h b e r r e s w Br s. One a top-s for free Gastha of the elling G ewing Compa u tours a are on ny, pro erman-s nd tast tap, an s, where hard duces tyle He -to-find d Bridg ings. O fe ePort, P ther po brews li pular d weizen; ortland ke Sno Prague raws he wplow ’s oldes S t micro re brewery tout and Cher Beer lo ry Bom . vers lov b e Pragu of the b e for tw eer bre o wed he main re by Nort re, t h as brewpu American stan he second bein ons – the first b, and d being t g its a r d s. The c on he high origina ity is h price – which l (and m e of Europe’s qualit o is very m most fa e to U F any wo Traditio inexpen y mous b uld say le k nally, b u , the w eer bet e two or orld’s o sive three, s er halls only p ter) Budweise halls. It’s also r, know o you w oured o home t ldest serious n locall o the on’t ha ne bran enthus ve ya d, ia Pilsner , is just sts, Plzen, ho to pub crawl t but have rece s the Budvar. me of t ntly be o 50 mile gun po he world sample Prag s away. uring u e ’s ’s best fi r st beer Sappor suds. F museum or o a nd the Think t origina he Japa l nese sit popular ar a vendin lcoholic drink ound sipping g mach sake all here – s ines on day? T name b the stre o popular, in hink ag eer lov fact, th ain. Be et. The ers are town’s at you fa t o namesa miliar w wn of S can pur er is the most ke and a it beer is p h p , or chase it thanks which u th to the g o, in northern from sually a museum e city’s most olden b Japan, p p p e o a p t e r is ular ex he only s v e in a r a a g daily ba e that s silver t port, it one of rb all-boy. hares t makes its kind he draft be eque creates S s e in in nse tha Jap the per er. t it has ce Sapporo fect set an. Next door it s own , a beer ting for garden kicking with a back w ith cold



in atazzBarcelona clubs aencdovers m z z a ll fe a f R ntrance other o

our e he m u walk This is t s in-one and y co the one yo lay b is d lu ll c e a th nd p fact 5 rooms in the largest, a r a surreal 5 ll a f O all. kes fo way is aight a hich ma m playing into str ering music w o ro a om iff wildly d e wandering fr nk. u nc laying p experie to one p in e c n ra t

Elephaynnetw, uptown night

This relativel om y “to do” list fr club was on m in a two level ’s It my first week. and has been on si an m d ol azingly, decorated am bient white sofas, am tdoor ou e lighting, a larg ze elephants on br area, huge es a VIP area. It do t and naturally an eg laid-back, el have a lovely e ar le the peop atmosphere, e drinks very th d an trendy the kind of expensive. It’s d that u can preten yo club where is a ed de in s, and you’re famou re he the people quite a few of k they are! seem to thin


4 Gate

Varied Trendy Spectacular

ria This club up ne renovated o ar the mountain Tibid abo is in a b ld mansion eautifully and attracts There have a trendy, ele been mixe gant crowd d reviews, hate it, Alth people eith . ough there er love it o have been staff, I wou r complaints ldn’t let that about rude put you off in the club . Although there is an it can get h area outsid good view ot e to cool o s. Finally it ff. It also ha can be tricky afterwards s to get back because yo to your hote u will have a taxi. l to wait quit e a while to get


This is quite s m styled club b all, industria ut it ha l visited s be b among y some big n en am t infamo hem Jeff Mills es, us ame , the ric artist. It ’s open an mix DJ too wh o en the n Sundays entran comes ce d you do own to 5 eur fee os but n’t get the fre Again, ed it’s dark so not big but rink. it is keep h old of friends your !

By Peter Greenberg

Once upon a time, air travel was a glamorous adventure. Now, it’s more of a calamitous misadventure. Here’s how to get from place to place without feel like part of a cattle drive rocking around. Use these rules of stress-free travel, and seize back a little control. You’ll reduce the stress and the strain on both your mind and your wallet. Talk to a Human! ?


Your new travel ma ntra for 2007: huma n being. While it ma seem cheaper and y easier to book your flight on the Intern remember that ma et, ny Web sites pose as informational wh they are, in fact, tra en nsactional trying to push the sale.




t your heapes rice h the p mote their c screen. Work

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Don’t be blin

ded by Forget hotel ratings system stars and diamo nds s. In many de government stinations, st designation ars are a for how muc not a reflect h th ion of quality . It just means e hotel is charging, for your room you’re paying . more


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Departure Time

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Negotiate y

our phone b Yes, phone an ill d Internet ch arges are ne a deal ahead gotiable, as of time. Befo long as you re you take yo at the front de make ur room key, sk you want tell the person yo a flat fee of $1 ur phone an d Internet ch 0 or $15 a da arges bundle y for unlimite long-distanc d d Internet an e calls d domestic



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Undress for

success Before you leave for th e airport, pu with you wat t everything ch, keys, co met ins, jewelry plastic bags , pens, chains allic you’re taking and pack th , et al in zipl em in your ock carry-on


y to

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8th Floor Water

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Follow the bo

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your room Short of wea ring a biohaz ard immediately upon enterin suit, you need to do thre e things g your room sanitizing w : First, alway ipes, and us s pack some e them to w the phone ha ip e do ndset. Second wn the TV re mote and , walk over to bedspread an the bed, pull d throw it in to a corner of off the at it again. N the room. N ever touch it ever look again. And la the bathroom st but not le . ast, go into

6 Gate

Call during Fo o

tball Always try to call a hotel at 4 p.m. on a Su your reservatio nday to make n. Why? That’s the one day ea hotel revenue ch week that managers -- th e folks who set room rates -and control aren’t working . You’re in a be to negotiate, tter position since the hote l knows that an revenue they ’ll unsold room never recoup is once the sun rises.


Departure Time

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Ignore the de

parture boa If the airlines rd ra still show th n the shipping busines e Titanic as s, the depar “on time.” Lo ture boards only one pie ok at the de w ce of inform partures boa ould ation: the ga scheduled rd for te from whi to depart. Th ch en go immed your flight is iately to the arrivals boa rd. Get

u rge yo

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s, rent o fill up you ey and time t t e case s n In som f $6 a gallon me real mo the cheape e o o ts north e car. Save s , which lis en fill up th m h h t o t .c d n y r n d a u ret bud ute, to gas ng your ro going alo s n io t a gas st rself ou tank y


Take pictures

Since you probab ly travel with a dig ital camera, why it to good use? Walk around th not put e rental car and and dents. If yo look for dings u see any, activat e the camera’s da option to stamp te-and-time on each photo, and snap a few shots.


so any rea

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Think locall

y Once again, using an 800 number to re the lowest ra serve a car m te or the best ay not get yo car. Rent a ca cars sudden u r on a Saturd ly become av ay. Why? Man ai la ble on Saturd reserved them y ay when cust for the weeke omers who nd don’t show up.



Fiji Me Experience by Tom Koppel My wife and I had stayed at a couple of mainstream Fijian resorts and enjoyed the palm-fringed beaches, great snorkelling, and fine food. We decided to take the two-hour ferry ride from the main island of Viti Levu to Levuka; with a population of 2,000, Levuka is the only sizable settlement on rugged Ovalau Island. English is Fiji’s official language, and everyone wanted to know where we were from. “Bula!” said a couple of young men in baseball caps who were hanging loose on the sunny top deck, bidding us hello in Fijian dialect. There is no better place to get a whiff of colonial-era atmosphere. Built in the 1860s, the hotel is the oldest continuously operating hotel in the Pacific Islands, with lazily turning ceiling fans, rattan chairs, a billiards room, and the ambiance of a Joseph Conrad or Somerset Maugham novel. We walked a couple of blocks to a simple Chinese restaurant where the staff appeared more Fijian than Asian. The walls were lined with framed photos of old ships and former chiefs wearing grass sulus, or wraparound skirts. After dinner, we strolled along the sea wall. Clusters of young people gathered under the street lamps enjoying the cool breeze, playing music, and singing. “Bula!” they called out as we passed. The slabs of pork would be cooked in the traditional way: simmered for hours in a pit using rocks heated by a wood fire. In Levuka, the old ways coexist easily with the new.

8 e t a G

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ila Rajah

by Sharm

Petaling Street


ET SET. Strap on your jet packs. Go. No, this is not a space jaunt at the speed of light but an exhilarating and potentially exhausting shopping marathon at whatever speed your wallet can muster. From haute couture and high-gloss brands to flea markets and home grown fashion, Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, has it all. If you’re truly serious, invest in a large size suitcase, don’t over stuff it, ensure that your credit is great and mark your date from 16 June till 2 September. This is the official Mega Sale Carnival period.

10 e t a G

Central Market One of the first things you might do is to pop into Central Market, on Jalan Hang Kasturi to pick up a host of local handicraft and other quirky souvenirs. It’s little wonder that this art deco market is top on every traveller’s list. It offers a genuinely local feel and, most importantly, friendly prices. Once inside, you’ll excuse the shades of pink and blue that coat the exterior. Amble past painters, sculptors, fortune-tellers and traders who have made their home in this former wet market.


Be sure to also visit the House of Silver to take home, a Kelantan tea set, nice antique silver dining wear, jewellery or the Malay keris. For kites of every shape and size, stop by Wau Tradition. Batik is wall to wall throughout the market. Before heading off, rummage through the pottery, pewter, shadow puppets, nice traditional costumes and local snacks or have your portrait painted. Stop to refuel at the newly opened Precious Old China an antique and art gallery doubling as a nice restaurant and bar serving authentic Nyonya cuisine.

A short walk from Central Market is the fairly newly upgraded old Chinatown with its signature lantern lined streets and pre-war shop houses, now oddly complemented by palm trees and modern roofing, aimed at sheltering more shoppers from ugly Kuala Lumpur’s heavy rains. Nevertheless, Chinatown retains its old world charm when it transforms, come rain or shine, into a bustling night market. Thread your way through the maze of street-vendors on the near Petaling Street and haggle vigorously. Not for the faint hearted individual.

Little India

A similar makeover is taking shape here as part of to the country’s beautification and the upgrading project. Don’t fret; all is not lost despite the covered walkways and paved paths. Little India’s vibrant character is very much alive. Vendors lug bales of sarees through the traffic and past the shops heaped with gold, traditional medicines and gaudy glass bangles.


Moving upscale, Kuala Lumpur’s monster malls are crammed with designer brands and more. Just name it and KL has it, from Versace, Gucci and Prada to Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior. The Suria Shopping Complex (Jalan Ampang), situated at the foot of the world’s tallest twin towers, is a gem, with its swank shops, cafes and beautiful people. Stealing the thunder is the upscale Aseana, a treasure trove of handmade clothing from all around the region. Perk up your wardrobe with shawls and sarongs by designers Marilyn Tan and Bobby Ch’ng and your home with silk, teapots and sculptures.

Lot 10

If you love all things beautiful, step into Salabianca (17, First Floor, tel: 23820428), adored for its stunning fashion. Expect everything from top to toe - accessories to chiffon and silk tops and skirts adorned with delicate beading, the pain stakingly hand sewn. For special designed pieces, ARCH World Miniature has the small-scale reproductions of just to about anything. It’s one way to take a small piece of KL home in your pocket. Head up to the KLCC’s sprawling Kinokuniya bookstore which offers a wide selection of coffee table books, novels and specialty material.

Sungai Wang

No shopper will be disappointed with Sungei Wang Plaza’s fu nky fashion style s, found nowhere else. This is fun sh opping, low-bro w, elbow-jostling. Browse Giordan o, Baleno, mobile phones, device cameras, compu ters, costume je wellery, SASA fo cosmetics, and r Levi’s.

Berjaya Times Square

With over 1,000 sh ops, some of them also still vacant. This a hu ge modern spraw l that also hosts the indoor theme park Cosm o’s World and an IMAX thea tre. Despite a co nvenient monorail stop ne xt door, locals an d tourists have not as yet turned up in the substantial numbers. Britain ’s Debenhams ha s one since closed, making w ay for the KL’s fa vourite one stop fashion store , Metrojaya. Can ’t get over how much you’ve spent? Mull over it while Berjaya Times Sq uare takes you fo r a ride at its largest indoor them e park, the compl ex’s top shopaholic attra ction.

Mid Valley Megamall

This suburb is stealing the thunder with its rising tide of fashion hotspots. To get to Bang sar, one hop onto the light rail transit (LRT) system, then catch a taxi to the Jalan Telawi enclave. Once better known for its countless nightclub s and pubs, Bangsar is fast becoming a chic stop for fashionistas. The boutiques mushrooming in the area display a unique bent on what’s hip new. These boutiques are a cross between man y someone’s living room and a museum; very Bohemian in appeal. They’re quick to pick up on catwalk trends.



One of the most popular ways to see Paris on the cheap is by to go there during the winter. Though most people overlook the possibilities of a vacation during the cool season, for the visitor willing to try something a little different, a visit to Paris during wintertime can be a great way to see the city without the crowds and still not burn a hole in the pocket at the same time! Before we go on to what you can do in Paris in the winter, we might as well get over the obvious objection: yes, it will be winter. Yes, the sky will probably be grey at least part of the time, and the day will certainly be cold, though the temperature almost never drops below freezing. There will almost certainly be rain, but there probably won’t be snow it’s as rare in France as it is in England. Be sure to pack an umbrella and raincoat, as they are essential gear during this season, but don’t let some rain stop you - the Parisians don’t. Having said all that, you may be one of the lucky few who see Paris at its most natural. Parisians in general and Parisians in the service industries in particular breathe a sigh of relief at the end of the September and generally more relaxed and accommodating then they would be hectic tourist day. There are also large number of events during the winter which make a day stay in Paris particularly memory. One of the biggest annual events of the early winter is also the Festival des Inrockuptibles, when the country’s biggest rock magazine brings stellar international acts to the city, for one of the the best musical events on the Europe Continent day.

12 e t a G

AH Anuar

One of the very most ‘unmissable’ attractions in Paris is the world famous Musee de Louvre. Would you like to gaze upon the Mona Lisa or the Venus de Milo without fighting for elbow room with a horde of other admirers? You can in the winter, when the halls of the Louvre are often resound empty. This is particularly to pleasant for those visitors, such as the less robust, the physically handicapped or families with children, who find the stress of dealing summer time crowds a bit too much. In a museum which really demands more than one day’s exploration to do it justice, being able to indulge in leisurely exploration and lengthy searching in front of its masterpieces may well be worth a visit in the cold November days.

One of the best by things about city visiting France at any time is the chance to try authentic French food. So come here and enjoy good french way.

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