Featured Art By:
Victoria Cicha and Eric Yang
Paul vs. Paul Two pauls, Two great talents.
Issue 1. May 31st.
07 Paul vs Paul found on pg. 7 COVER DESIGN BY// KEVIN CHIN PHOTOS BY// GRAHAM BLY
07 Paul vs Paul
12 Editorial
10 Sequels
04 Artist Profiles
13 Columns
06 Games
03 Louis Profile
MAY 31, 2013 TOC 02
11 Albums
A man, a plan, and a violin÷ BY ANTHONY PIZZZIMENTI
either, where the talent level runs high. Ho, even with his musical expertise, has a different plan for his future. “No, I don’t think that I will go into music as a career. I don’t think I would do very well as a professional musician, given the number of amazing players in the world,”. However, many studies have shown that playing a musical instrument such as the violin improve skills such as math, literacy, and memory. These attributes can really bring along a professional career in another field. I would prefer to go into some sort of field involving engineering and science,” Ho said. Although not qualifying for All-State this time around, Louis remains as one of the most proficient violinists in Concert Strings. Through taking this class, he’s met a lot of new people, interesting people, that share a common interest: playing a string instrument. Music brings together people of all backgrounds together. Through all the practice and concerts, “It’s amazing what simply playing an instrument can do,” he said.
This man (well, he’s really 15) has blown away the music scene at West with his prodigious performances in Concert Strings Orchestra. Also a guest musician in many other concerts throughout the school year, his achievement in the world of West Fine Arts has been a great one. Meet Louis Ho ’16, freshman (and, coincidentally, first violinist) at West High School. Coming from early beginnings, Ho has become one of the premiere violinists at West. “I started playing when I was in kindergarten, so that makes.... nine years,” he said. When beginning at a young age, most smaller musicians prefer a smaller violin and some easier music. But not for Louis. When most violinists begin, they start with the Suzuki method of teaching. The Suzuki strings books are specifically designed to tutor each student in relation to his instrument. With his combination of creativity and his excellent dexterity, Ho plays a wide variety of music, from Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos to the Super Mario theme song. Many violinists of this age are beginning to combine the violin’s one-of-a-kind sound signature with the electronica music genre. A select few of these artists portray characteristics that are inspiring to young artists like Louis. “Well, just off the top of my head, a favorite of mine is Lindsey Stirling. She shows that the violin can have a lead role in modern music. Her use of the violin with a heavy beat and a harmony comprised of synthesizers creates a unique sound. I also like that a lot of her songs are covers of video game themes, which I think is pretty cool.” And with these changes comes the transition of the interests. If nothing new arises in one’s passion, no excitement, no reward (tangible or intangible), it will slowly die off and become just another song they used to bow. But what keeps younger musicians coming back each and every year to the band and orchestra rooms of West? “Well, a number of things. Just being able to play in and of itself can be very satisfying. It’s fun to see how far you can push yourself with a piece of music, playing around with the dynamics and speed. It’s also an emotional output. Whenever I feel angry or sad, I will play my violin and it will usually make me feel better. It helps to calm me down and focus on what I need to do.” While many musicians at West put a large amount of effort into their productions and talents, it is often not a career choice. The amount of extremely talented musicians is an intimidating factor in choosing a career in this field, and it doesn’t help that we go to West,
Ho and friends pose at the Kennedy Honors Orchestra.
MAY 31, 2013 FEATURE 03
The Eroding Stone visited two uncredited West High artists, to hear their tale, and see their magic. There are many amazing artist at West, from all walks of life, doing all different types of art. Victoria Cicha ‘16 and Eric Yang ‘13 are two such artists, at opposite ends of the spectrum. Cicha and Yang have both been drawing for as long as they can remember. Yang said, “I’ve always liked drawing. It’s fun.” They
agree that the secret to being good is practice. Their favorite medium is pencil. “Pencils are always readily available, and forgive mistakes,” Cicha said. This may seem like a lot of similarities, but Yang’s and Cicha’s styles are incredibly different. Cicha enjoys drawing manga. Manga (mahng-guh) is a Japanese style of comic, also known as anime (an-uh-mey). Eric Yang prefers a more realistic style, specifically still lifes. Cicha said her style has changed alot over the years. “My style changes as my skill advances, so my style molds itself to my level of ability. I
tend to use a lot more sketchy lines than I used to, because now I try to be a little more accurate in structure.” she explained. She gets inspired by both professional artist and her friends, whom she can bounce ideas off of. As well as working in pencil, to finish a drawing Cicha will either use pens and colored pencils, or use computer programs like MS paint. The most challenging thing for her is shading. Yang often uses colored pencil, crayon, and pens in his work when he wants to add color to his art. One of his favorite pieces is a crayon drawing of an apple on a wooden desk with leaves around it. He counts it
Art by Eric Yang
MAY 31, 2013 FEATURE 04
as his first successful work in crayon. On harder still lifes, he will sometimes take a picture of the set up and draw a grid over it so he gets the proportions right. Yang struggles with learning new mediums. As well as art, he plays violin, swims, and collects coins and rocks. There’s one other thing these two have in common. Yang said, “I don’t really have any plans. Just to get better.” Cicha described her goals similarly, “I want to keep improving. That’s most of what I’m currently working on. I want to expand my abilities.”
Art by Victoria Cicha
For more art by Eric and Victoria visit wss.com or scan the QR code PHOTOS USED WITH PERMISSION FROM//ERIC YANG AND VICTORIA CICHA
MAY 31, 2013 FEATURE 05
ourney: a single-player game for the PS3 Network, Journey is just as amazing a work of art as it is a video game. You are first spawned in a faraway desert, not knowing anything about your surroundings besides the fact that it’s all sand. With your sights set on a distant mountain, your only objective is to get there, through the help of other players and articles of clothing. Right after spawning, you acquire a scarf. This scarf can be charged, and allows you to levitate, fly, and jump quite high. Once the scarf is depleted, you can walk through nearby floating pieces of cloth which recharge your scarf. Throughout the game, the scarf gets longer, allowing your character to fly longer. As you progress, other live players appear throughout the game. Communication between you and the other participants is key; some puzzles require two or more people to solve. Musical notes and symbols of an ancient language (which looks like an 8-bit version of Mayan) allow for easy communication between players, and as a bonus, when another player walks up beside you, they can recharge your scarf. Though not formatted like the usual FPS or RPG game, Journey makes everything work. Through a stunning storyline, requiring help from outside sources and your own intuition to solve small puzzles to complete objectives, the game has it all. The art direction is great; simple, but perfect for the game. The user interface.. well, there is no user interface, which makes the game easy to navigate, and even less frustrating to play. All in all, ThatGameCompany (yes, that is the name of the company) did a great job with this perfectly simple gameplay phenomenon.
he Walking Dead: Following the zombie apocalypse, you take on the role of Lee Everett, a formerly incarcerated criminal. The first scene opens with a disgruntled Everett BY ANTHONY PIZZIMENTI sitting in the backseat of a police car racing down pizzimentianthony@gmail.com the interstate. As you’re driving along with the old cop, you choose your responses to the stories he tells, and are able to look around at passing cars and trucks. After a few minutes of conversation, the cop is caught not paying attention and smacks into FAN a zombie which just happens to be walking along FAVES the road. As the officer lets go of the wheel and screams in terror, the car rolls and flips into the zombie-infested forest nearby. Good luck. The game runs on all platforms, including Starcraft II iOS. It runs smoothly, and while the graphics aren’t makes me squeal the greatest (as they are based on comic book drawwith joy but also ings), it more than makes up for in storyline. flip over tables.” } The game is your oyster, with the responses you choose and actions you take constantly Logan Zhang ‘16 changing the course of the game. This randomized style of campaign really makes the game that much { “Fifa 13 is my favormore interesting; the user’s manual give you your ite by far.” } control options, then sets you on your own.
Richard Zepeda ‘16
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, iOS - $24.99
THE RUNNER-UPS Mass Effect 3 - 9.5/10 IGN - 93/100 Metacritic Borderlands 2 - 9.1/10 IGN - 91/100 Metacritic Halo 4 - 9.8/10 IGN - 87/100 Metacritic Dishonored - 9.3/10 - 91/100 Metacritic
PlayStation 3 Network: - $30
ioShock Infinite: The year is 1912. You are Booker DeWitt, a former Pinkerton Detective Agency operative, on a mission. The story begins on the coast of Maine, where DeWitt is floating outside a lighthouse with the Lutece twins in a rickety dinghy. Upon arriving at the light tower, it is revealed that it is, in reality, a missile silo designed to send a person to Columbia, President McKinley’s floating citadel in the sky. The final words of the Lutece twins are “retrieve the girl and wipe away the debt”. A huge competitor (and possible victor) compared to its predecessors BioShock and BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite wraps its story around the minds of all who play, with intense plot twists and an a amazing storyline overall. The characters, unlike most video game persons today, have real value and importance to the story, and can really evoke some emotion alongside the brutal FPS gameplay style. Art direction is excellent, and Columbia is excellently rendered and the imagery along with the general beauty of everything really ties it all together. For $60, it really makes the spending worth your money. While still having the violence, much like in-general FPS games, BioShock Infinite sets the bar for the rest of 2013. We’ll see how it turns out.
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac, PC - $60
MAY 31, 2013 FEATURE 06
{“Back in the day, I would say Gran Turismo was my favorite.” } Sr. Dave McNair Spanish IIH/4
Paul Vs. Paul Two extreme forces of evil battle it out in the halls of West High.
And they’re both named Paul.
Paul Curry “What I like best about speech, is you get to perform a lot, it’s not like a play where you practice for half a year, and only perform it twice.” “I think speech is important, because it teaches you to not have any stage fright, it’s great for coming out of your shell. Speech is also friendly, a community of people where everyone’s working together, even though they’re working individually; [it] teaches you how to be funny, teaches you how to be dramatic, and it’s a great learning experience.” Paul Curry ’14 may continue to participate in college forensics, provided the college he attends has a forensics club. Curry wants to go into the field of computer science, with a minor in theater. How can you join speech? If someone wants to get involved in speech, all they need to do is: go to Melissa’s room (history of europe teacher). It’s the main hub for high school speech. You go there, you say ‘Hey, I wanna do speech’ and they’ll help you pick some literature, whether it’s comedy, drama, or a script you’ve written. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to the next competition. You are encouraged to join anytime you’d like.
Food: Sushi
Mango Smoothie
Color: Purple
Curry acts in the production of Dr.Horrible at City High last year.
Someone didn’t finish this article..........
Children of Men
Music Artist: Deadmau5
Animal: Gorilla
Go to:
For more on paul curry!
Curry shows off his trophey from a compition at Berkeley.
MAY 31, 2013 FEATURE 08
Paul Ross
And someone else didn’t Favorites even F : write Spaghetti and Meatballs this D : Strawberry Kiwi Capri Suns article.......... C : ood
Hot Pink
Ross speaks at an event.
The Men Who Stare at Goats
Music Artist:
Lil B da Based God
Quokka (like a mix between a kangoroo and a teddy bear)
Go to:
For more on paul ross!
Ross sings in show choir.
MAY 31, 2013 FEATURE 09
2013 is a tough year. We’re on the verge of war with North Korea and now terrible men are trying to poison our country’s leaders... but hey, at least 2013 brings a surplus of sequels that’ll leave you entertained for the com-
KICK-ASS 2 Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall takes place after the popular Kick-Ass where Dave Lizewski and Mindy Macready otherwise known as Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl just defeated Frank D’Amico and his villainous gang. Dave being a normal teen and in his last year of high school he’s unsure of where to take his life and so forms the world’s first superhero team with Mindy, But after she’s caught sneaking out as HitGirl she’s forced to give up being a superhero and take on a new role in society being a freshmen in high school. With no Mindy Dave turns to Justice Forever, a superhero group led by Colonel Stars and Stripes. After they start to rid the streets of evil the world’s first super villain, The Mother F*^%!R starts to take action. If you’re into hilarious action packed entertainment, Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall”is gonna be your salvation.
insidious 2 Insidious: Chapter 2 shows the Lambert family struggling with hauntings that have been occurring, as a result they dig around to solve the mysterious childhood issue that connects them to the dangerous and ominous spirit world. Being the sequel to the ever so terrifying “insidious” this movie promises great fun for those seeking a fright.
paranormal activity 5 Paranormal Activity 5 is the movie to see around the Halloween season, being the fifth installment of the horror series it leaves big expectations to truly terrify and chill your bones and is quite possibly the most anticipated horror movie of 2013
ing year. It wasn’t easy choosing between the many sequels that are coming out this year, but I used the best of my ability to see what movies would be the most popular. So now, it’s my job to make sure you know about them.
ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTIINUES Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues is the long awaited sequel to the popular goofy movie “Anchorman”. With all our old favorite San Diego newsmen back this movie has us follow them as they go around New York having many quirky and hilarious adventures. Not too much information has been revealed about the movie yet but it’s for sure expected to live up to the Anchorman legend and leave you laughing until it hurts.
THE HUNGER GAMES: cATCHING FIRE The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”is the sequel to the movie adaptation of the popular book “The Hunger Games.” After winning the 74th annual Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark have no choice but to leave their close friends and family to take the “Victors’ Tour” of the districts. Meanwhile, the Capitol’s president Snow is preparing for another inhumane hunger games making it the 75th. Because of Katniss’s victory she is seen as a beacon of hope for the poor and starts to spark a rebellion against the capitol to stop the corruption and fight for equality. “Catching Fire” is sure to be a fan favorite and has high expectations with “The Hunger Games” winning a Grammy award and multiple others, as well as many nominations.
Daniel Gardarsson ‘14 Transformers 2
Rachel Stovall ‘13 Kung Fu Panda 2
Ike Barrash ‘16 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Yuxuan Zheng ‘16
Star Wars Episode ii: Attack of the Clones
MAY 31, 2013 REVIEW 10
Franz Ferdinand - TBA
Modest Mouse - TBA
Domino Records The Glascow native quartet has returned to claim the crown once again, after their four year hiatus since “Tonight”. Be sure to hear their new album if you enjoy clean Indie Rock with smooth vocals and dreamy phrasings.
Epic Records One of Washington’s finest bands is still at it, and have announced their latest album will have songs to make you cry, and make you sing. Fans of great percussion, thin tenor quavering vocals, and great melodies should make sure to hear their latest.
Deltron 3030 - “Deltron Event II”
EMI Records Del, Kid Koala, and the Automater continue on the Deltron legacy started in late 90’s. There’s currently no set set release date. Deltron fans must enjoy complex rhythmic beats, professional scratching, and a grandiose vocabulary.
Glitch Mob - TBA
Madvillian - TBA
Stones Throw Records An iconic group two of the most dynamic artists in the business will team up once again to produce what is pressumably to be nothing short a sheer masterpiece. Samples from old tv shows, and great flow will surely be found on the next album as well.
Glass Air Records
Glitch Mob’s great production, and very technical timing makes them a key name in the electronic music industry today, their last EP “We Can Make The World Stop” had a very unique sound to it, thus there’s much anticipation to what their latest will sound like.
Earl Sweatshirt - “Doris” Columbia Records
Beyonce - “Mrs. Carter”
Columbia Records The queen is back, two years after her last smash album. There has been much controversy about what “Mrs. Carter” will have in store, however her fourth concert tour entitled “Mrs. Carter Tour” leaves listeners with a good idea. “Mrs. Carter” is sure to be a good album no matter what direction it takes.
Grimes - TBA
Earl has been through hell and back, and by hell Mean Samoa, Earl has an ever expanding vernacular, and beats so juicy you could drink for nourishment, his newest album “Doris” will surely be anything but dull.
Portgual. The Man - “Evil Friends”
Atlantic Records
9 1
Portugal. The Man never disappoints, they’ve come a long way, since their first record in 2005, yet their sound has stayed diverse and true. Great guitar and synth riffs, and john lennon-esque vocals, Evil Friends is sheculed for relase in early June.
Daft Punk - “Random Access Memories”
4AD Records For fans of ethereal electro-trance pop with phat bass lines and ambient eeire vocals Grimes is an ideal artist. With great success on her last album “Visions”, Grimes is sure to deliver another one packed with hit after hit.
Columbia Records
The french duo returns with a new album and many new faces, such as Pharell Williams and Julien Casablancas. Daft Punk will once again render listeners earfuls of classic synth licks and disco funk leads. Release Date: May 19.
What sweet jams are west kids excited for in 2013? Zora Hurst ‘13
“Beyonce - ‘Mrs. Carter’ Beyonce is fabulous and an inspiration to women everywhere, what’s not to love”
Max LeaVesseur ‘14 “Flaming Lips - ‘The Terror’ Wayne always comes up with the most unique sounds, I’m sure ‘The Terror’ will surely be awesome.” MAY 31, 2013 REVIEWS 11
Harry Manaligod ‘15 “Daft Punk - ‘Random Access Memories’” I love the electro-funk sound Daft Punk creates, and can’t wait for the release”
What word can be said about Iron Man? Badass. This resurgence of the superhero has been brought about by Warner Brothers and Marvel for the past few years. Through superb technical animation and a-list actors being brought onto the scene, the revered heroes of American culture have returned in a swath of modernism and kickassery. Movies are bringing back the cool cinema marvels (haha, get it) that brought us to their scrubby theaters in the first place. They’re recapturing the real, modern superhero... and with it, an American dream, version 2.0. Let’s go back to what started it all. Kicking through the old superhero design board was Batman Begins, back in 2005. The dark tale of a mysterious billionaire in Gotham City (or what really looked like New York) was a blockbuster hit, reaching no.2 on the blockbuster hit list, second only to Star Wars: Episode III. Batman Begins really set the stage for the next generation of superhero movies. Following it up a few years later was Iron Man, the first MAY 31, 2013 FEATURE 12
chapter in Marvel’s epic Avengers master scheme, was a new era in modern heroism. The playboy billionaire philanthropist Tony Stark takes on baddies in his high-tech 350 million dollar Iron Man suit. The writing is excellent, and the story takes a turn from the traditional superhero plot line of “new superhero; hero gets good, hero nearly gets killed; hero rises up; BOOM POW; hero wins”, and Robert Downey Jr.’s performance as the snarky Stark really took it over the edge. And it took an edge over all other movies in 2008, beating out WALLE for best movie. Still, there’s a lot to be desired from these films, especially the cliffhangers, like if Batman dies in Dark Knight Rises and what happens to Iron Man after he destroys all his suits. They leave us in this pendulum, this wire of suspense that keeps us coming back to the theaters for more seemingly endless action (Scarlett Johansson helped as well). As for now, we have the DVD release of Iron Man 3 on the horizon, and the new Thor up there too. Those should keep us full for now. After that, I suppose we’ll have to wait for the next big release in 2017. Good luck.
Movies disgust me at times. Well, not really the movies themselves, but the amount of flare and excessive use of... well, everything in the silverlined playbook is so overdone that it turns away viewers at the beginning of the trailer. In The Great Gatsby trailer, for instance, Leonardo DiCaprio looks to be the big screentime actor, but it is in fact Spider Man... um, Tobey MacGuire that is the narrator of the story. Only people that have read the book are going to realize that Gatsby isn’t the main focus of the story, and that Daisy is an inherently terrible person. Also,
Movie Previews: The Hidden Truth
This Old Girl Just Aint What She Used To Be
talents on choruses filled with three words, and a basic kicksnare pattern [gives a stern look to jbiebs]. From a business perspective, pop music is genius: it’s popular, cheap, catchy, best of all, requires no actual skills to create. I don’t mean to “player-hate” on anyone’s celebrity boo, but this business has to be put to an end. I used to live in a world where people looked up to rockstars and cared about the tonality and musicianship of a band, but those days were many moons ago.
they’re just looking for something visually entertaining, usually leading to the fact that they don’t know the difference between Tony Stark and Iron Man. What we need to realize is that there is SO much more in the information we’re given than what we just see in between episodes of The Golden Girls reruns. So many sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb offer information on all the movies that are out and are coming out, but we choose to ignore them, and by doing that, effectively ignoring the time-tested method of not judging a book by its trailer (or its movie). Just be able to move the mouse a few pixels to the left and click on that movie title, and check out the critic rating (represented by a fresh tomato or a green vomitous splatter) beside it first; it might make or break your decision to spend a rainy Tuesday night chomping on Reese’s Pieces in a sticky theater. And after people choose to ignore this and are disappointed, the best part of seeing the movie you thought was going to be the best thing of all time is shopping at Target for cheesy Father’s Day gifts afterwards.
The pop music industry has shut the doors for the discovery of any and all forms of actual music. Nowadays it’s all just a business; artists make hits for the sole purpose of radioplay and not for the love of music itself, which is the entire purpose of writing and playing music! Today’s pop artists write single after single only with the intent to get a song stuck in your head. No one even uses instruments anymore, it’s just four generic chords processed through the synthesizer equivalent of an instagram filter. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the use of midi or programs like ableton or fl studio or anything like that. But what’s the fun of going to a show just to see a guy stand behind a silver macbook pro and fistbump for an hour and a half ? The most distressing part of it all, is that some of these artists have great potential in the music realm outside of pop music, yet they waste their
like the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine (yeah, anyone else remember that movie?), the trailer shows him fighting in the Civil War, World War I, World War II.... not really the most... er... accurate portrayal of the modern metal-spike-clad crime clobberer. However, the causal, once-a-month-moviegoer doesn’t really see through the facade of high-tech animation and dryly funny jokes of the seconds-long preview that appears on his TV screen. It’s really a phenomenon that most people don’t realize what the trailer entails: false scenes, advertised actors and product placement to the max. It creates a false sense of hope, almost, that at least one of the movies you are going to see during the year will be pleasing to your cinema-pallet (as well as all the overpriced food). The argument can be made that the reason trailers are like this because of the money factor; attracting the viewer for the sole purpose of having them plop themselves down in the chair only to be disappointed for a few hours, but have to pay money for it. Most Americans aren’t really looking for a story,
10 COLUMNS MAY 31, 2013
Eroding Libs: Pop Songs
Right from the start you were a ___ You ___ my ___ and I, your willing ___ I let (adj)
you see the ___ of me that weren’t all that ___ And with every ___ you ___ them.
Can we go back, this is the ___ Tonight is the ___, we’ll fight till it’s over So we put
our ___ ___ like the ___ can’t hold us Like the ___can’t hold us. (noun)
I can’t wait til I get ___ on the ___, good-looking Going out so ___, just like an (noun) (noun) (adverb)
___ And I’ll ___ myself, but just had to ___ it, It’s so fly and it’s all mine. (noun)
All along it was a ___, A cold sweat hot-headed___, I ___ my ___ in the ___ I (noun)
said show me ___. He said, if you dare ___ a little ___. (noun) (verb) (adverb) 5.)
I got this feeling on the ___ day when you were ___. I ___ my car into the ___. (noun)
I ___, I let it burn. I threw your shit into a ___ and pushed it down the ___. (verb)