westsidestory iowa city west high school
2901 melrose ave.
iowa city, IA 52246
FEBruary 2016
The World In My Eyes Photos by Janaya Buns
for more coverage go to wsspaper.com
Pages Framing The frames of the halls, and the frames of the walls are what captures the moment. Pictured above and to the right is Ceacilia Shoppa’18. 4 FEBRUARY 2014
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Portrait Page
Pictured above: Caecilia Shoppa’18 as she stands at the front entrance of West High immersed in deep thought as she asks “Why is it so cold, I’m freezing out here.” Pictured to the right: Chideraa Okeoma’18 This photo had to be re-taken a couple of times since Chideraa kept asking, “Are you done yet?+” Only to be told, “No.” 4 FEBRUARY 2014
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3 FEBRUARY 2014 5
Shutter Speed From wonderfully patient models such as Caecilia Shoppa’18 pictured to the left to antsy 4 year olds by the name of Sebastian Buns a photographer has there work cut out for them along with many great moments. 3 FEBRUARY 201463 5
Aperture In the photo above of Sebastian Buns one can tell by the excitment in his eyes that he was anything but still. And in concerns with the photo to the right, “Yes it was very, very cold. Especially because I had to focus the camera with one hand and hold snow with the other.�
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Perspective From the music sheet to the window of a classroom, the world is full of things to see.
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The common pattern in photos of Sebastian Buns is that he would rather do anything but stay still. In order to take these shots a bribe of one sucker was made in order to get them.
The Good Old Days FEBRUARY 2016 5
Hauling the 48 year old tricycle from the upstairs of my family’s garage is one experience that shall not go back on the list of things to do, but the adventure of finding old ojects around the house to take the picture to the right was well worth it. 4 FEBRUARY 2014
The Good Old Days FEBRUARY 2016 5
Ceacilia Shoppa’18 upper left. The outdoors of Iowa City Iowa pictured in the lower left hand corner and to the right.
Light FEBRUARY 2016 2014 5
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20-21 Leading Lines Both pictures are of Ceacilia Shoppa’18 going about her buisness in the halls of West High School
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