west side story iowa city west high school
2901 melrose ave. iowa city, IA 52246 wsspaper.com Volume 1 issue 1
25 2016 february
FEBRUARY 5th 2016
Pictures of stuff Photos By Jared Kula
2 February 4th 2016
Pages 4-5: Framing Pages 6-7: Lines Pages 8-9: Shutter Speed Pages 10-11: Apeture Pages 12-13: Perspective Pages 14-15: Portrait Pages 16-17: Lighting Pages 18-21: Free form Pages 22-23: Some more cool pictures for more coverage go to wsspaper.com
For this picture I pushed sam into an area that would make a cool frame, and told her to pose.
4 February 4th 2016
I love how nature makes a frame for more pictures of trees in this picture.
5 February 4th 2016
6 February 4th 2016 2 FEBRUARY 2014
I love how the trees slowly curve more twords the middle the farther you look back, in this picture.
I was so scared when I took this pictue because it was at about 11 pm and I thought a guy was following me. FEBRUARY 4th 2016 7
I had to really get close to the dripping ice cycles to get this picture but its worth it I honestly thought this picture would look cooler than it does. 8 Febuary 4th 2016
After the girl let go of the full water bottle, from a story up it hit me in the knee.
10 FEBRUARY 4 2016
I love how clean all these photos look.
FEBRUARY 2016 11
I really like the contrast of these pictures and their backgrounds.
12 FEBRUARY 2016
FEBRUARY 2016 13
14 FEBRUARY 2016
Portraits I was laughing as I took these pictures because both people seemed really uncomfortable with how close I was to their face.
FEBRUARY 2016 15
LIGHTING The light/ shadows really show more than you could see of the rail from just strait on and I really like that.
16 FEBRUARY 2016
I like how the shadow in this picture cuts through the light in almost a strait line. FEBRUARY 2016 17
I quickly grabbed my guitar and layed it down for the picture above, when I thought the entire project was due a week before it actually was.
I like the photo to the right because it shows how focused or how brain dead truck drivers and everyone looks after driveing for so long
18 FEBRUARY 2016
FREEFORM I like the picture on the left, because it makes me think of a gummy bear destroying a city like a black & white monster movie.
TEMPLATE Aberfecres! Os re ia norum maximum si publici bultum consto pratem coervit; et? Les! Lego iae cerit. Raellat uspesignatua moviriteris. At L. Gra? Nam oc rei es! Is ficurobsedie fuisti, ester andessus cons in te it L. Si coena, cupiciam movenatum ina, publiciae tem intes sente, que num a avocchilicon sidiendemum fatium tur huciam nonsum que cerNam, cullici nim de nestion nam, omni occullandam voluptatese sunt que omnis earupta tempori tem conet quidend antibus cietur, alicat eaque eiciis pro beatectota vellabor ad ut dolo ese
I was on a road trip to Des Moinse, when I to stop at the closest rest stop. Once the car jumped out, ran into the middle of this stre taking pictures. I told the girl on the left i needed a picture of a object in motion, she than kicked a pile of snow, picked up a chunk of it, an than threw it at me. 20 FEBRUARY 2016
told my dad r was parked I eet and started
I was running away from a cold wind, outside. When I saw this perfect rectangle cut out of brick, that shows the nature and beautiful side of West High.
FEBRUARY 2016 21
22 FEBRUARY 2016
FEBRUARY 2016 23