westsidestory iowa city west high school
2901 melrose ave.
iowa city, IA 52246
What the Lens see photos by Kevan Patel
Pages 4-5: Framing Pages 6-9: Shutter speed, aperture, ISO Pages 10-11: Portraiture Pages 12-13: Lines Pages 14-15: Light Pages 16-17: Perspective Pages 18-21: Free form for more coverage go to wsspaper.com
(left) A picture of a bag in a tree I took though a West High door. It really shows the problems with littering in nature, well, that’s what I thought so I just took it. (top) A picture of the Taj Mahal I took during the summer though a castle wall design. It looks good, but I wish I had a better quality camera so it looked better further away.
Framing FEBRUARY 2014 5
(left) I picture of my pencil falling I took in math class. It was pretty hard to get and took a few tries. It was taken with a pretty slow shutter speed so it wasn’t very clear. I’m pretty sure a few people thought me and thought I was wierd.
Shutter Speed FEBRUARY 2014 7
(left) I took this by the West High logo, and I ment it to be perspective because I was kneeing down and taking the picture. But, for some reason my camera blurred the marble that was right next to the plant so I put it in this category. (top) Pretty much the opposite of the plant, the pencil isn’t in focus, the surface is.
Aperture + ISO FEBRUARY 2014 9
10 FEBRUARY 2014
(left) A black and white picture taken of Francis Jayoma. I took this in January and he looks pretty serious. (top) A squirrel muching on a snack. I took this during the summer. I wanted to get a little different and take a portraiture picture of an animal rather than a person.
Portraiture FEBRUARY 2014 11
12 FEBRUARY 2014
(left) I really liked this picture because it looks so cool how the walls overlap closer and closer the farther you look, and I think it reflects lines well. This was taken on the side of walls of West High. (top) A picture of a fancy ceiling I took during the summer in the trip to India. If you look close you can see a lot of the cool details.
Lines FEBRUARY 2014 13
14 FEBRUARY 2014
(left) A small tree in the morning I took. The sun just came up and it looked pretty cool, especially with all the snow around it.
Light FEBRUARY 2014 15
16 FEBRUARY 2014
(Left) I dropped my pencil and forgot to pick it up during class. I thought that I could snap a quick bird’s eye view perspective of it as if you’re actually looking at it before you pick it up. (Top) A picture of a branch I took from the ground. This was taken in January and if you look close you can see a lot of the details in the snow.
Perspective FEBRUARY 2014 17
18 FEBRUARY 2014
(Left) I thought it was interesting that all other trees around that tree had leaves but that one didn’t, so I thought it could be a good “break in pattern” picture. This was taken right in front of West High in January. (top) A picture of a upside down plant I took in my house. This was in January.
Free Form FEBRUARY 2014 19
20 FEBRUARY 2014
(top) A picture of my chandelier I took from the floor. The light was shining on it too so it looked pretty cool. I took it in the morning in January. (left) A tree I took in the Intro. room. Trees look so much smaller when they are seen from higher up than from the ground.
Free Form FEBRUARY 2014 21