westsidestory iowa city west high school
2901 melrose ave.
iowa city, IA 52246
tHROUGH THE Eyes of a Photographer photos by lEOLA eKO
Pages 4-5: Framing Pages 6-11: Shutter speed, aperture, ISO Pages 12-13: Portraiture Pages 14-15: Lines Pages 16-17: Light Pages 18-19: Perspective Pages 20-23: Free form for more coverage go to wsspaper.com
Framing The photo at the top is Zayetzy Luna ‘17 posing in a tree outside of West High. The photo to the left is a bookshelf, on which I placed a miniature statue which is in the frame between two stacks of books.
Shutter Speed Zayetzy graciously agreed to jump happily in the commons at West High for my photo. I caught her grinning in midair. I imagine that this how she looks everyday coming to school. The photo on the right is Zayetzy running, and I captured the blurred motion.
Aperture The photo below is a line of cans, which I strategically placed for the photo. I focused on the can closest to my camera for the aperture effect. The photo to the right is a bookshelf with similar effects.
ISO The photo below is a cup containing vanilla yogurt and M&MS. This particular photo depicts a relatively low ISO setting. The photo to the right contains shiny ornamental objects, which were taken with a similar ISO setting.
10 FEBRUARY 2014
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Portraiture In the photo below, Zayetzy is standing in front of West High in the courtyard. Notice how her arms are perfectly aligned with the top of the building. In the photo to the right, Zayetzy is sitting on a staircase inside West. Her position and facial expression add to the mood of the photo.
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14 FEBRUARY 2014
Lines The photo to the left is a railing at West High, and the two lights above it make it look like a kind of like a face, particularly that of a “monster.� The photo above is the front door of my house. I really like the geometric shapes that are in the window.
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Light The photo to the left is the sun coming through a window at West High in the late afternoon. The bright red was actually caused by the sun, before the photo was edited. The photo above is a nightlight in a room, with the other lights turned off.
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Perspective The photo below was obtained by leaning down in front of a large tree to give the perspective called “worm’s eye.” The photo to the right is a ceiling fan in my house, which I also took leaning down to create a similar perspective.
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Free Form It was a snowy night in January. I noticed a streetlight not too far from my house and thought “This is the perfect photo opportunity!� I bent down under the streetlight and managed to snap this photo. The photo to the left depicts my inner creative self coming out in the courtyard.
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FREE FORM The photo to the left depicts the empty hallways of West High during seventh hour. The photo above is Zayetzy once again, posing in front of a window
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