Nicole Lange's photo portfolio

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westsidestory Iowa city west high school

2901 melrose ave.

Iowa city, IA 52246


Photography Photos by Nicole Lange


Pages 4-5: Framing Pages 6-9: Shutter speed, aperture, ISO Pages 10-11: Portraiture Pages 12-13: Lines Pages 14-15: Light Pages 16-17: Perspective Pages 18-21: Free form For more coverage Go to


TOP RIGHT: Old Capital building in Iowa City being framed by two of the surrounding buildings. TOP LEFT: Stained glass archway in the art hallway frames the door LEFT: Old Capital building framed in reflective windows


Framing FEBRUARY 2014 5

TOP RIGHT: Cone flowers with newly fallen snow on their tops TOP LEFT: Wall with holes to see pipes on the other side taken at Seaman’s hall RIGHT: Orange flower taken with a shallow field of view


Aperture FEBRUARY 2014 7

TOP RIGHT: Stop lights at an intersection blurred because of a low shutter speed TOP LEFT: Water fountain at Seaman’s hall water is blurred because of a low shutter speed

LEFT: Christmas ordainments, front red one is blurred so it has a deep depth of field.


Shutter Speed and Aperture FEBRUARY 2014 9

porraiture LEFT: My sister Chaise siting on a park bench at the University of Iowa RIGHT: Chaise with her two giant stuffed animals Snorlax (Snorey) the dog and Wumbo the panda

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Line Photos LEFT: Bricks at West High, the white lines in the brick continue on into the distance RIGHT: Railing at West High, the railing makes your eyes want to fallow the rail down to the bottom

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Light Photos TOP: My alarm clock in the dark LEFT: Light shining though the window

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Perspective TOP: My bookcase taken by lying on the ground looking up LEFT: I was standing on a balcony in Seaman’s Hall and took a picture of my sister Chaise who was standing on the bottom FEBRUARY 2014 17

Free form BELOW: Jack the dog sleeping RIGHT: Tink (Tinker Belle) the dog laying on the couch

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LEFT: Tink drinking water out of her bowl TOP LEFT: Jack sitting and begging for food TOP RIGHT: Jack waiting for his treat

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Free form Photos FEBRUARY 2014 21

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