invenias discover better executive search software
The re-branded recruiter Norman Broadbent’s CEO talks about turning around the brand, recruiting new people and embracing technology.
Sue O’Brien CEO
Today, and for decades, Norman Broadbent has been
really turn around the brand and create it as a challenger
renowned and respected for the insight offered by its
worked exceptionally well, but we are probably just as
employees. However, five years ago this was not the
fussy about who we hire for ourselves as we are about
case. In 2008, as now CEO Sue O’Brien says, the business
who we help clients hire.”
had lost its way; “it had been shrunk to a core team that
Having put the Norman Broadbent name back on the
was still delivering excellent work for a very minimal
map and brought in a highly regarded team allows Sue
number of clients, and therefore should really have been
and the company to focus on the tools they use. And as
a standalone partnership.”
they started to look for international growth, executive
Seeing an opportunity, Garner acquired the company to
search software provider, Invenias, allowed the company
re-launch it as a PLC. O’Brien says: “The strategy behind
to guarantee all its offices would be kept in the loop,
acquiring the business was largely around wanting to
regardless of location.
get a brand that had good recognition at board level, it
“One of the things that was important when we
had a very fond remembrance in the minds of executives
started to look at Invenias, as we were going through
that had either been placed by the organisation or had
international growth I wanted a real time system that
indeed enjoyed some of the insights, skills and advice
was cloud based, so if we were going to open in a new
that the people within the business had delivered in its
location, or if we were going to look at agile working, and
heyday which would’ve been probably 15 years earlier.”
home working it would be something that we could look
Having got the name, O’Brien and her team went
HR Grapevine | October 2013
at doing very easily.
about turning it around, to have it seen, once again, as
“That was absolutely key for us because we were going
a contender; “hiring was interesting. There were a number
to be working on the same clients, across a number of
of people in the first year that would never dream of
geographies with a number of offices, if you work in a silo,
working with us because they felt it was a tired brand.
you don’t need that, we don’t work in silos so we need the
Within a 12-to-24-month period most of those people were
real time info, so for Norman Broadbent it was crucial.”
saying “can I come and have a coffee?” So the ability to
“It’s an additional tool we use that gives us an edge,
invenias Discover Better Executive Search Software
if you look at the US, if we’re in the west coast in LA, if
“There are a swathe of board executives that are
you look at the time difference, I couldn’t have a system
probably much more technologically savvy than they ever
that didn’t have a live update, if they’re addressing stuff
expected to be five or ten years ago. For me, in leading a
overnight, when I wake up the next morning and they’re
business you have to anticipate the market. Not react to it.
in bed, I could accidentally phone the same candidate
“That’s why Invenias, for me, meant anticipating what
about something else if we didn’t have a live system so
the market would move to at a point when most others
if you have a global business that operates the way we
were saying the digital life will never permeate in the
do you need to have that coverage.
executive search world, that’s nonsense.
O’Brien says as well as helping with the company’s
“I run a business that is in executive search, I need to
geographical reach, it has also proved to be effective for
make sure that I’ve got a digital answer to my business
multiple parts of the business.
irrespective of a traditional view of what we do for a
“The beauty about the Invenias system is you can utilise
it for the executive search model where it’s all about the intensity and insight of one individual, but then it
As a leading independent commentator of the Executive
can equally be as efficient for Arcus Global Partners (a
Search industry for over 30 years, we at Executive
Norman Broadbent sister company) which is actually
Grapevine agree that Executive Search has to get into
about a broad, generic database, of a number of people
the digital age in order to compete, this market is rapidly
but similarity of data.”
growing and innovating. Invenias or as we say here at
And, perhaps most importantly, Invenias has also
EG ‘the new kids on the block’ are rapidly growing and
allowed the company to be prepared for the future.
pushing the boundaries in the world of technology in
With a world that is only becoming more reliant on
this market place.
There were a number of people in the first year that felt it was a tired brand. Within a 12-to-24-month period most of those people were saying, “can I come and have a coffee?”
technology, Invenias has helped Norman Broadbent prepare for changes in the market rather than find a
For more information visit
solution after a change has occurred. or call +44 20 7484 0000
October 2013 | HR Grapevine
Image attributed to Flickr user: katsrcool (Kool Cats Photography)
Cloud-based technology allows recruitment on-the-go RP International’s CEO talks about having the right technology to work while anywhere in the world. Providing global recruitment solutions is nothing
true cloud-based system.”
new for RP International who have been specialists
An important factor in RP International’s choice
within the telecoms and technology space since
to go with Invenias was the sheer ease of use –
1998. Maintaining a lean business model with a team
something which made the switchover painless.
of just 80 specialist consultants located across six
“With a similar interface to Outlook, Consultants
international hubs, they service a widespread client
have needed minimal training and are finding the
base in over 100 countries.
system far better than any they have used previously,” Wilson says. Having started to work with Invenias in
Intuitive to use and quick to implement Supplying
experts the
July 2013, RP International had fully implemented
the system across all international hubs within six
months and are already reaping the rewards - their
International had specific requirements when it
consultants are able to work more efficiently, perform
came to implementing their own transformation
more complex searches and utilise their existing
project. Most importantly they needed an intuitive
database more productively than ever before.
cloud-based operating system that was mobile
Stuart Wilson CEO
friendly. What they got when they chose Invenias
was a system that is, in the words of their CEO Stuart
RP International maintains a 24/7 operation across
Wilson: “Slicker, user-friendly and intuitive.”
a global infrastructure and offices spanning Europe,
Wilson explains: “The problem is that most of
the Middle East and Asia, where they provide flexible
the systems that have been around for a long
recruitment solutions to their global customer base.
time are adapted from outdated technology with
“If you’re servicing an international footprint and
little innovation, they’re just the same thing
your salesforce are internationally mobile, Invenias is
rehashed - based on the same systems that were
cutting edge.
written 20 years ago. Invenias set themselves apart
“At RP International we encourage face to face
because the technology is all brand new – they are a
interaction with customers wherever possible, which
invenias Discover Better Executive Search Software
presents some challenges when our customer base is
and some of the world’s major airlines. As technology
so widespread, so we’re always traveling, always on
becomes increasingly fundamental to every industry
the road.
they will continue to branch out into new sectors
“One of the main advantages of using Invenias is that it is so incredibly easy to use when you’re on-the-
such as Fashion, Retail, Energy, Government, Security and Utilities.
go. You type an email, go on to a client visit or access
Diversifying from a narrow industry focus to such
a CV, everything is there on your laptop – you don’t
a broad mix of clients requiring similar key skills was
even have to be connected.
both a strategic decision and natural progression.
“If you’re on a plane you can work for five, six,
“It was vital we had a system in place that would
seven hours and it all populates straight back to the
support this shift in the market place, during the
database as soon as you connect to Wi-Fi. Nothing
transference of sought-after skills from telecoms
else we saw worked like that. It enables you to hold
into other industries,” says Wilson.
on to that information and get it down in the fastest
David Grundy, CEO of Invenias comments: “Invenias
possible time. If you have to get back to your desk
is delighted that RP International have chosen the
and do it there, your phone’s rung and you’ve already
Invenias executive search and recruitment software
moved onto something else.”
platform to underpin its global operations. We have invested heavily in the development of unique
technology that ensures our SaaS platform provides
new sectors
consistent and fast performance for companies
Specialists within the international telecoms sector,
wherever they need to operate. We’re looking
the recruiter has traditionally worked in partnership
forward to supporting the continued global growth
with telecoms providers, operators and technology
at RP International in the years ahead.”
It is so incredibly easy to use when you’re on the go. You type an email, go on to a client visit or access a CV, everything is there on your laptop – you don’t even have to be connected
companies. RP International’s diverse client base ranges from start-ups through to MNCs and now
For more information visit
includes international banks, Magic Circle law firms and
Image attributed to Flickr user: Chris JL
Searching for talent across the world Jacqui Hancock
Group Chief Administrative Officer
Sheffield Haworth talk about implementing the right technology to support a growing international business Sheffield Haworth is a leading global executive search,
concluded that Invenias was their preferred solution,
interim management and human capital advisory
meeting the specific criteria they had set.
had nearly 20 years of using legacy software and with
industry across all sectors and is ranked by Executive
that you get an inevitable decline in usefulness as your
Grapevine in the UK as number one for specialist
hardware gets older and then needs to be replaced
executive search firms for 2012/2013.
– something that isn’t an issue with a cloud-based
With more than 120 professionals across ten
Group IT Director
But it wasn’t just the cloud-based nature of Invenias
international company operating in all the major
that has convinced Watson. “The big selling point for
financial centres in Europe, the USA and Asia Pacific.
Invenias is the way that it sits within Outlook,” he “Everything else that we looked at was either browser-
consistent data in real time, wherever they are based
based or worked as a separate app or program. Invenias
in the world.
is a very natural work flow because what do you do
Sheffield Haworth felt their existing recruitment
when you first switch on your PC in the morning? You
database no longer supported their global business and
open up Outlook and check your email and as part of
aggressive growth plan.
that, with Invenias, your database opens automatically
of technological development and were looking for a platform that supported the way that they wanted to work, whether it be in the office or on the move. Having carried out a comprehensive review of the
HR Grapevine | June 2014
platform is to allow consultants access to reliable,
They found that users were frustrated by the lack
system,” says Richard Watson, Group IT Director.
international offices, Sheffield Haworth is a truly
As such, the key requirement for its technology
Richard Watson
“We were looking for a cloud-based solution, we’d
The firm focuses on the global financial services
software currently on the market, Sheffield Haworth
so it’s just a more simplified work flow and a more natural way of working.” Furthermore, Sheffield Haworth found that even though the software works straight out of the box, Invenias was flexible enough to allow them to tailor the software to reflect the way that they work.
invenias Discover Better Executive Search Software
“We selected Invenias not only because of the quality
“Our consultants need access to consistent, accurate
of their product, but because they are constantly
data. With Invenias, they can now be confident that our
looking to innovate and adapt, meaning that we can
data is synchronised in real time across the globe, and
be confident that we will have the best technology
that it is always accessible from their desktop or mobile
underpinning our business both now and in the future,”
device,” said Watson.
said Jacqui Hancock, Group Chief Administrative Officer.
A key benefit of implementing the system has been the ease of use and quick rate of adoption across the
“An example of this was responding to our
firm. “The initial feedback is that the users are enjoying
requirement to support a large International workforce
the experience and finding, certainly the tracking of
with a platform that offered fast and consistent
email and therefore the search process a lot easier,”
performance across the world through the development
said Hancock.
of their Global Synchronisation Technology. This allows Invenias to run synchronised copies of our database in
All of this has met with the approval of Mike Hammond, the Group’s Managing Director.
cloud data centres across America, Europe and Hong
He said: “Our extensive client base in the financial
Kong, providing our users with a responsive and shared
services industry continues to strive to employ the best
platform wherever they are working which allows us to
talent, both regionally and globally.
operate as a truly global team. “
“In order to increase our international reach across
Watson commented: “It doesn’t matter where you are
key geographic markets, we require the best technology
in the world, you get a quick connection to their data
available in the marketplace to facilitate our strategic
centre and you also get live data from your colleagues
growth plans. We look forward to Invenias providing
ten time zones away.”
the technology platform to further that growth.”
With Invenias it doesn’t matter where you are in the world or what device you are working on
This fits in with Sheffield Haworth’s aim of shaping the future of the search industry by investing in a
For more information visit
mobile, cloud-based solution.
June 2014 | HR Grapevine
invenias t: +44 (118) 321 4110
For more information about Invenias or to book a demonstration of the Invenias solution for executive search and strategic recruitment please visit:
t: +44 (0)1707 351 451