Kurdistan through the Lens of the WorlD lEaDErs
saFEGuarDInG FInancIal sTabIlITy & DEvElopInG a MoDErn EconoMy Pm nechirvan Barzani
KURDiSTaN ReVieW Forging Ties Globally
KurdiStan’S it StrateGy SpEcIAl ISSUE — 2016 Diplomacy & politics Business energy How to Start-up icT agriculture Human capital The Guide
record levelS of oIl ExporTs
aGrIculTurE: diScover the Potential
Falcon Group: Geared to Build auDK: the Path to excellence
rWanGa FounDaTIon: decide. commit. Succeed.
IN GROUp INVEST Invest in IN Group — 1 aN eYe ON THe eMeRGiNG WORlD
CONTENTS 14-23 THE REVIEW: Diplomacy & Politics Challenging Year Ahead
28 China in Kurdistan
Tan Banglin, Chinese Consul General in the Kurdistan Region
30 Cooperation On All Fronts
24 Safeguarding Financial Stability & Developing a Modern Economy
Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region
Bayan Sami Rahman, KRG High Rep. to the USA
31 Kurdistan in Italy Rezan Kader, KRG Representative in Italy
32 Partner Of Choice
40-43 The Review: Business
Diversification Needed
Karwan J. Tahir, KRG High Representative to the UK
34 Kurdistan in Australia
Haval Syan, KRG Representative in Australia
35 Notes from Westminster
Gary Kent, Director, APPG
36 What’s on the Horizon
46 Expanding Commercial Ties
Steve Lutes, Executive Director, Middle East Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Professor Dlawer Ala’Aldeen, President, MERI
38 MERI Forum 2015 Sharing Visions for the Future of the Middle East
26 Building Bridges
Falah Mustafa Bakir, Head of the DFR
44 Boosting Trade
Fathi Al-Mudaris, Advisor, Ministry of Trade & Industry
45 Democracy & Economic Development
Dr. Anwar Anaid, University of Kurdistan-Hewler
66 The Path to Excellence
Professor Michael Mulnix, President, AUK
47 Insurance Landscape
Randa Aractingi, CEO, Dilnia Insurance
48 Social Security Exemptions for Oil Companies
51 Geared to Build
Peshraw Majid Agha, Chairman, Falcon Group
Alain M. Hannouche, Hannouche Associates
49 Private Sector Reform
Dave van Zoonen, MERI Research Fellow Invest in Group — 9
CONTENTS 54-61 The Review: Energy Slowly But Surely
61 Sustainable Growth Shwan Zulal, Director, Carduchi Consulting
62 Major Plans
97-101 The Review: Agriculture Discover the Potential
Baz Karim, President & CEO, KAR Group
63 Off the Bottom, Emerging Stronger Brad Camp, Analyst
70-71 Snapshot: ICT Get Connected
68 Commitment to Changing People’s Lives for the Better
Dr. Honar Issa, Member of the Board of Trustees, AUK
72 Kurdistan’s IT Strategy
Hiwa Afandi, Head of the Department of IT, KRG
88 Shifting Trends of the Kurdistan Job Market
103-109 The Guide
“The Guide” helps you to experience social and cultural life in the Kurdistan Region in order to better realize its dynamics. It details the premium hotels, restaurants, health clubs, luxury brands, and shopping centers of the Kurdistan Region.
Allegra Klein, COO, MSELECT
89 British Council
75-83 How-To-Start-Up
Doing Business in the Kurdistan Region.
David Pardoe, Director, British Council – Kurdistan Region
90 Ensuring the Protection of Minorities Samuel Morris, MERI Research Fellow
91 Resilience-building
Roger Guiu, MERI Research Fellow
92 Decide. Commit. Succeed.
84-87 Snapshot: Human Capital The Best Investment
Abdul Salam Medeni, CEO, Rwanga Foundation
94 Educational Reform & Capacity Building Jacob Shapiro, Rwanga
111 Setting the Bar High Emre Altunal, General Manager, Divan Erbil
114 Treasured Time
Ghassan Dalal, Manager, Erbil Rotana
10 — Kurdistan Review
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