Fact sheet
Useful information sources for setting up a business in Sweden
1/5 Photo: John Madere / Corbis / Scanpix
Useful information sources This list of information sources is intended as an aid for international companies when setting up a business in Sweden. It is not comprehensive and does not constitute any form of recommendation. The business services firms mentioned are those with the highest annual revenue, turnover or premium income (2010). BUSINESS SERVICES FIRMS Accounting and auditing FAR Kungsbron 2 Box 6417, SE-113 82 Stockholm +46 8 506 112 00 www.far.se FAR is the professional institute for authorized public accountants (auktoriserade revisorer), approved public accountants (godkända revisorer) and other highly qualified professionals in the accountancy sector. Deloitte Rehnsgatan 11 SE-113 79 Stockholm +46 75 246 20 00 www.deloitte.se Ernst & Young Jakobsbergsgatan 24 Box 7850, SE-103 99 Stockholm +46 8 520 590 00 www.ey.com/se Grant Thornton Sveavägen 20 Box 7623, SE-103 94 Stockholm +46 8 563 070 00 www.grantthornton.se
Published in January 2012
KPMG Tegelbacken 4A Box 16106, SE-103 23 Stockholm +46 8 723 91 00 www.kpmg.se PwC Torsgatan 21 SE-113 97 Stockholm +46 8 555 330 00 www.pwc.se
Banks - Commercial The Swedish Bankers’ Association (Bankföreningen) Regeringsgatan 38, SE-103 94 Stockholm +46 8 453 44 00 www.swedishbankers.se The Swedish Bankers’ Association represents banks and financial institutions established in Sweden. Danske Bank Norrmalmstorg 1 Box 7523, SE-103 92 Stockholm +46 752 48 49 30 www.danskebank.se Handelsbanken Kungsträdgårdsgatan 2, SE-106 70 Stockholm +46 8 701 10 00 www.handelsbanken.se
Nordea Hamngatan 12, SE-105 71 Stockholm +46 8 614 70 00 www.nordea.com SEB Sergels Torg 2, SE-106 40 Stockholm +46 771 62 10 00 www.seb.se Swedbank Brunkebergstorg 8, SE-105 34 Stockholm +46 8 585 900 00 www.swedbank.se
Insurance firms Insurance Sweden (Svensk Försäkring) Karlavägen 108 Box 24043, SE-104 50 Stockholm +46 8 522 785 00 www.svenskforsakring.se Insurance Sweden is the industry organization for insurance companies in Sweden
Life insurance Alecta Regeringsgatan 107 SE-103 73 Stockholm +46 8 441 60 00 www.alecta.se
Fact sheet
Useful information sources for setting up a business in Sweden
Folksam Bohusgatan 14 SE-106 60 Stockholm +46 771 950 950 www.folksam.se SEB Trygg Liv Sergels Torg 2 SE-106 40 Stockholm +46 8 785 10 00 www.seb.se Skandia Liv Lindhagensgatan 86 SE-106 55 Stockholm +46 8 788 10 00 www.skandia.se Swedbank Försäkring Malmskillnadsgatan 32 SE-105 34 Stockholm +46 8 585 924 00 www.swedbank.se
Non-life insurance Folksam Bohusgatan 14 SE-106 60 Stockholm +46 771 950 950 www.folksam.se If Skadeförsäkring Barks väg 15 SE-106 80 Stockholm +46 8 792 70 00 www.if.se Länsförsäkringsgruppen Tegeluddsvägen 11 SE-106 50 Stockholm +46 8 562 830 00 www.lansforsakringar.se Moderna Försäkringar Birger Jarlsgatan 43 Box 7830, SE-103 98 Stockholm +46 8 684 12 000 www.modernaforsakringar.se Trygg Hansa Fleminggatan 18 SE-106 26 Stockholm +46 752 43 10 00 www.trygghansa.se
Interpreters and Translators
Management Consulting
The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) Birger Jarlsgatan 16 Box 2218, SE-103 15 Stockholm +46 8 700 08 00 www.kammarkollegiet.se The agency authorizes interpreters and trans lators. The website contains a search engine enabling users to find interpreters or transla tors based on their areas of expertise. The Agency does not offer translation services itself.
SAMC - Swedish Association of Management Consultants (Sveriges Managementkonsulter) Svärdvägen 23, SE-182 33 DANDERYD Box 7469, SE- 103 92 Stockholm +46 8 544 715 85 www.samc.se SAMC is the Swedish organization for impro ving management consultancy in Sweden.
Law firms - Commercial Swedish Bar Association (Sveriges advokatsamfund) Box 27321, SE-102 54 Stockholm +46 8 459 03 00 www.advokatsamfundet.se Member organization for Sweden’s practising lawyers. The website contains a search engine enabling users to find lawyers based on their areas of expertise and location. Lindahl Mäster Samuelsgatan 20 Box 1065, SE-101 39 Stockholm +46 8 527 70 800 www.lindahl.se Mannheimer Swartling Norrlandsgatan 21 Box 1711, SE-111 87 Stockholm +46 8 595 060 00 www.mannheimerswartling.se Setterwalls Arsenalsgatan 6 Box 1050 , SE-101 39 Stockholm +46 8 598 890 00 www.setterwalls.se Vinge Smålandsgatan 20 Box 1703, SE-111 87 Stockholm +46 8 614 30 00 www.vinge.se Wistrand Regeringsgatan 65 Box 7543, SE-103 93 Stockholm + 46 8 507 200 00 www.wistrand.se
Accenture Färögatan 33, Kista Box 1331, SE-111 83 Stockholm +46 8 451 30 00 www.accenture.se Acando Klarabergsviadukten 63, Box 199, SE-101 23 Stockholm +46 8 699 70 00 www.acando.se BCG Skeppsbron 38, SE-111 30 Stockholm +46 8 402 44 00 www.bcg.se Ernst & Young Advisory Service Jakobsbergsgatan 24 Box 7850, SE-103 99 Stockholm +46 8 520 590 00 www.ey.com/se McKinsey & Company Klarabergsviadukten 70 Box 70371, SE-107 24 Stockholm +46 8 700 64 00 www.mckinsey.com
Market Research SMIF - Swedish Market Research Company (Svenska Marknadsundersökningsföretag) Hovås Ekås väg 10 SE-436 50 HOVÅS +46 708673353 www.smif.se SMIF is the trade association for all market research companies operating in Sweden. GfK Sverige Sankt Lars väg 43 Box 401, SE-22100 Lund +46 46 18 16 00 www.gfk.com The Nielsen Group Maria Skolgata 83 Box 17520, SE-118 91 Stockholm +46 8 453 25 00 www.nielsen.com
Fact sheet
Useful information sources for setting up a business in Sweden
Statistics Sweden
(Statistiska Centralbyrån, SCB) Karlavägen 100 Box 24300, SE-104 51 Stockholm +46 8 506 940 00 www.scb.se Statistics Sweden is the central government agency for official and government statistics. They also offer customized solutions accor ding to the client needs.
The Swedish Staffing Agencies (Bemanningsföretagen) Sturegatan 1 Box 555 45, SE-102 04 Stockholm +46 8 762 69 00 www.bemanningsforetagen.se The Swedish Staffing Agencies is an employer and trade federation for staffing, outplace ment and recruitment companies operating in Sweden.
TNS Sifo Box 14093 Mölndalsvägen 24, SE-400 20 Gothenburg +46 31 727 39 36 www.tnsglobal.com Universum Communications Jakobsbergsgatan 22, 8th floor P.O. Box 7053, SE-103 86 Stockholm +46 8 5620 27 00 www.universumglobal.com
PR/Communication Association of Public Relations Consultancies in Sweden (Precis) Karlavägen 108 Box 24184, SE-104 51 Stockholm +46 8 762 68 31 www.precis.se The industry association for consultancy firms specialized in public relations advisory services. Hallvarsson & Halvarsson Sveavägen 20 Box 3666, SE-103 59 Stockholm +46 8 407 20 00 www.hallvarsson.se JG Communication Svarvargatan 7 Box 49031, SE-100 28 Stockholm +46 8 610 20 00 www.jgcommunication.se JKL Sveavägen 24-26 Box 1405, SE-111 84 Stockholm +46 8 696 12 00 www.jkl.se Kreab Gavin Anderson Floragatan 13, SE-114 75 Stockholm +46 8 5064 5200 www.kreabgavinanderson.com Prime & United Minds Slussplan 9 Box 38065, SE-100 64 Stockholm +46 8 503 146 00 www.primegroup.com.se
Manpower Professional Executive Klarabergsgatan 29 Box 1125, SE-111 81 Stockholm +46 8 736 19 00 www.manpower.se Poolia Warfinges väg 20 Box 30081, SE-104 25 Stockholm +46 8 555 650 00 www.poolia.se
Assessio Hornsbruksgatan 28, Hornstull Box 47054, SE-100 74 Stockholm +46 8 775 09 00 www.assessio.se
Proffice Mäster Samuelsgatan 60 SE-107 24 Stockholm +46 8 787 17 00 www.proffice.se
Manpower Group Klarabergsgatan 29 Box 1125, SE-111 81 Stockholm +46 8 736 19 00 www.manpower.se
Uniflex Arenavägen 57, Box 7014, SE-121 07 Stockholm +46 8 555 368 00 www.uniflex.se
Mercuri Urval Karlavägen 104 Box 55703 SE-114 83 Stockholm +46 8 506 450 00 www.mercuriurval.se
Monster Worldwide Scandinavia Sveavägen 25 Box 3372, SE-103 67 Stockholm +46 200 88 00 60 www.monster.se Wise Group Sveavägen 13 Box 22109, SE-104 22 Stockholm +46 8 555 290 00 www.wise.se
Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) Vallgatan 8, SE-551 82 Jönköping +46 36 15 50 00 www.sjv.se The Swedish Board of Agriculture is a govern ment agency with regulatory responsibility for the agricultural and horticultural sectors. National Food Administration (Livsmedelsverket) Hamnesplanaden 5 Box 622, SE-751 26 Uppsala +46 18 17 55 00 www.slv.se The National Food Administration is the central agency for matters concerning food.
Staffing The Swedish Staffing Agencies (Bemanningsföretagen) Sturegatan 1 Box 555 45, SE-102 04 Stockholm +46 8 762 69 00 www.bemanningsforetagen.se The Swedish Staffing Agencies is an employer and trade federation for staffing, outplace ment and recruitment companies operating in Sweden. Adecco Kungsgatan 60 Box 121 27, SE-102 24 Stockholm +46 8 100 500 www.adecco.se
COMPANY REGISTRATION Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) SE-851 81 Sundsvall +46 771 670 670 www.bolagsverket.se The Swedish Companies Registration Office is the government agency that registers new companies, changes in established companies and receives annual accounts, etc.
Fact sheet
Useful information sources for setting up a business in Sweden
Swedish Customs (Tullverket) Box 12 854, SE-112 98 Stockholm +46 771 520 520 www.tullverket.se Swedish Customs manages the flow of goods in and out of Sweden and simplifies legal tra de by offering flexible customs procedures for international trade.
Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) Slottsgatan 82 SE-601 70 Norrköping +46 771 235 235 www.migrationsverket.se The Swedish Migration Board is responsible for permits for people visiting and settling in Sweden, citizenship a ffairs, repatriation, in ternational work and other collaborative bodies.
EMPLOYERS’ ASSOCIATIONS Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) Storgatan 19, SE-114 82 Stockholm +46 8 553 430 00 www.svensktnaringsliv.se Sweden’s largest business federation representing 50 member organizations and 60,000 member companies. Swedish Federation of Business Owners (Företagarna) Regeringsgatan 52, SE-106 67 Stockholm +46 8 406 17 00 www.foretagarna.se The Swedish Federation of Business Owners is an organization for entrepreneurs and business owners. It represents some 70,000 directly affiliated entrepreneurs.
REGIONAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) Götgatan 74 Box 4044, SE-102 61 Stockholm +46 8 681 91 00 www.tillvaxtverket.se The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth is the Swedish government agency responsible for regional support. Swedish County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelserna) www.lst.se Sweden has 21 counties with their own coun ty administrative board. Each county adminis trative board has its own website about regio nal investment subsidies or contacts.
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) Brunnsgatan 3 Box 7821, SE-103 97 Stockholm +46 8 787 80 00 www.fi.se The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority supervises and monitors companies operating in financial markets. Companies offering financial services in Sweden require permits issued by FI.
Swedish Incubators & Science Parks (SISP) Klarabergsviadukten 63 Waterfront, United Spaces, Box 190, SE-101 23 Stockholm +46 739 830761 www.sisp.se SISP is a non-profit association of science parks and incubators. It aims to promote the shared interest of Swedish science and tech nology parks. These parks create opportunities for collaboration with universities and/or other institutions of higher education and research.
MEDICAL PRODUCTS REGULATION Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) Dag Hammarskjölds väg 42 Box 26, SE-751 03 Uppsala +46 18 17 46 00 www.lakemedelsverket.se The Medical Products Agency is the Swedish national agency responsible for regulation and monitoring of the development, manu facturing and marketing of drugs and other medicinal products.
SOCIAL INSURANCE / PENSION Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) For information on the nearest office please see the agency’s website. www.forsakringskassan.se The Swedish Social Insurance Agency administers insurance and benefits of the so cial insurance system. It has some 240 local offices in the various counties.
Alecta Regeringsgatan 107 SE-103 73 Stockholm +46 8 441 60 00 www.alecta.se Insurance company which manages the ITP pension. Collectum Stadsgården 10 SE-103 76 Stockholm +46 8 508 980 00 www.collectum.se Collectum operates the ITP pension plan for businesses, insured persons and insurance companies. Fora Vasagatan 12 SE-101 56 Stockholm +46 8 787 40 10 www.fora.se Fora is a service company which handles the flow of collective insurance premiums and fees between companies and insurance provi ders, foundations and investment funds.
STARTING A SMALL COMPANY www.verksamt.se On the website three government agencies have brought together and structured information and services of value when considering starting a company or providing services in Sweden.
STATISTICS Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån, SCB) Karlavägen 100 Box 24300, SE-104 51 Stockholm +46 8 506 940 00 www.scb.se Statistics Sweden is the central government agency for official and government statistics. Statistics Sweden develops, coordinates and supports the Swedish system for official data. Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis (SIKA) Akademigatan 2, 831 40 Östersund +46 63 14 00 00 www.sika-institute.se SIKA carries out studies, develops forecasts and plans methods for Swedish transport and communication systems. It is the government agency for official statistics in these areas.
Fact sheet
Useful information sources for setting up a business in Sweden
National Institute of Economic R esearch, NIER (Konjunkturinstitutet, KI) Kungsgatan 12-14 Box 3116, SE-103 62 Stockholm +46 8 453 59 00 www.konj.se NIER conducts analysis, forecasting and related research in Swedish and international economics.
Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) SE-171 94 Solna +46 771 567 567 (from Sweden) +46 8 564 851 60 (from abroad) www.skatteverket.se The Swedish Tax Agency is the government agency for taxation, tax collection and national registration of residents.
Taxation of Research Workers Board (Forskarskattenämnden) Brunnsgränd 4, SE-111 30 Stockholm +46 10 574 79 57 www.forskarskattenamnden.se The Taxation of Research Workers Board adjudicates on individual applications for tax relief of foreign experts, researchers and other key people working temporarily in Sweden.
National Board of Trade (Kommerskollegium) Drottninggatan 89 Box 6803, SE-113 86 Stockholm +46 8 690 48 00 www.kommers.se The National Board of Trade analyses and investigates issues and problems hindering the free movement of goods, services, capital and people in the internal market.
www.sweden.se The official website of Sweden. Learn more about Swedish society, lifestyle and much more through facts, guides, stories and images. The Swedish Institute (Svenska Institutet, SI) Slottsbacken 10, Box 7434, SE-103 91 Stockholm +46 8 453 78 00 www.si.se The Swedish Institute provides information about Sweden and organizes exchanges with other countries in the spheres of culture, education, research and public life in general.
SWEDISH EMBASSIES / CONSULATES www.swedenabroad.se The website for Swedish Diplomatic Missions abroad.
The Swedish Export Credits Guarantee Board (Exportkreditnämnden, EKN) Kungsgatan 36 Box 3064, SE-103 61 Stockholm +46 8 788 00 00 www.ekn.se The Swedish Export Credits Guarantee Board offer companies guarantees that serves as insurance policies covering export transactions and investments abroad.