1 minute read
Daniel L arbi-Tieku app ointed as Enterpri se Group CEO
16 0percent in 2024, Fitch Solutions has projec ted.
to average 37 6% in 2023, higher than the 31.5% recorded in 2022.
“As such, we believe that polic ymakers will remain focused on controlling price grow th in the near term as they aim for a more before concluding the tightening c ycle” it stated in its latest assessment of Ghana.
It said under an expec ted International Monetary Fund (IMF) pro -
Will new trade p olic ies leave the developing world b ehind?
e gy under current Pre sident Joe Biden Thi s st rate gy, which aims to reconstitute Amer ic a s role in the global economy, embodie s t wo imperative s First , the US now re gards China as its main geopolitic al r ival and views its technolo gic al ascendance as a national- secur it y thre at A s the admini svanced chips and chip -making equipment to Chinational t rade and inve st ment to thwar t China’s ambitions Moreover, it expec ts other count r ie s to do the same