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It is estimated that shipping sector emits 2-3 per cent of the annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) with most ships in op eration currently being powered by fossil fuels.
According to the minister, there is an urgent need to apply measures to facilitate shipping transitions and reduce emissions, particularly regulatory interven tions to encourage the production of alternative low- and zero- car bon fuels for shipping and the related necessary expansion of renewable energy production as well as support rst movers.
He said the global shift towards a greener economy was necessary to mitigate the risks of climate change and other environmentally threatening condi- tions but be moaned the lack of green trans portation infra structure which was impeding the e orts of develop ing countries.
For his part, the Director-Gen eral of Ghana Maritime Authpr ity, Thomas Ko Alonsi, said Africa had the potential to be a major ship energy source as the conti nent had vast and un tapped renew able resources that position it to bene t from the Green Transition and Mari time Decarbonisation.
This underscored the recogni tion of the Green Transi tion Agenda by African countries re sulting in the rati cation of the Paris Agreement to build cli mate resilient and low-carbon econo mies, he added.