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A unique one-of-a-kind art collaboration, La Table d’Antonio Salvatore has teamed up with modern artist Jacob Vilato, nephew of Cubist icon Pablo Picasso, to present a one-of-a-kind art illustration, inspired by an appreciation of fine food and fine art.
The collaboration is an invitation to discover the creative universe of the artist all while enjoying a one Michelin star gastronomic experience. The guests got their first taste on the collaboration on March 22nd, when Vilato realized a live show painting an artwork that will be auctioned for the profit of a charity foundation in Monaco.

Artistry runs through Jacob Vilató’s veins. Growing up in a family of world-famous painters, his childhood home was filled with paintings and drawings - providing a creative, culture-rich environment where he could appreciate beauty, free from the confines of intellectual snobbery. Despite demonstrating artistic talent, he chose his own path as an architect for over 15 years, before venturing into furniture design. Realising his true passion lay in art and design, in 2018 he jumped into the abyss of his fears and left the world of architecture to devote himself fully to painting, sculpture and object design. In 2019, he revealed his art to the world when he was invited to participate in a charity auction for the Pope’s personal foundation. Vilató’s disappearance into work mode is what defines his art.
“I’m rather iconoclast. I don’t see myself as some god of painting - rather quite the opposite. When I see people are buying my paintings, I ask myself ‘what will happen with those paintings once I’m dead?’ For me, it’s very hard to place the existence of my works on a timescale. I never know if I belong to a generation or not, I don’t see myself in a group. Because I try not to copy or follow trends. So that somehow takes you out of time.”
To honor this collaboration, the chef Antonio Salvatore is delivering his guests’ new menu innovations. One of the latest additions, the Consistenze di Bresse , is a rampoldi.mc/it/la-table-dantonio-salvatore jacobvilato.com variation of chicken from Bresse with caramel sauce and…. This original dish has been imagined after Salvatore attended as Jury the historical French competition “Glorieuses de Bresse”.

"We are very excited to announce our artist-in-restaurant collaboration, with Jacob Vilato. Not only are we excited to enhance our guest experience, but we’re also thrilled to partner with this incredibly talented artist ” said Antonio Salvatore. “Collaborating with our favourite artists is a focal point in the culture we look to establish at our restaurant. We think it’s something that will really resonate with our diners.”