e n i
x i s tee t u o n b : n a
sixteen:nine International Film Festival (SNIFF) is an annual two-day 'short-film' festival for students. It is an initiative of the students of Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's (SVKM) Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management and will take place during the second week of January 2009. It has high expectations to live up to, as the
very first sixteen:nine International Film Festival in March 2008 attracted top celebrities like Oscar nominated
about SVKM
producer and director Aamir Khan. sixteen:nine International Film Festival came into being with the objective of catering to the global student community's increasing demand for something unique in the field of filmmaking. It offers this niche audience the kind of cinema it is yet to experience.
s i s m i on r ou
T h o b e j e c six t tee i v e n:ni Film o f ne F Inte all its estival is rnat to ce form iona l s ebra arou . l W e t nd th welc e cin ome e glo e and be to filmm ma in enlig share akers hten p ro v their f the f iding art, e rom estiv ntert al at them pro t ain e fess n t d he ees, i o o henc nal dev ppor e elop t n u e n two ity men f rkin or sixt t. O een g u r a :nine nd mis initi sion is to ate, at cont conc inno inuo e ptua vate usly new l i z e in an ideas and unpr a n d e cede even We nted ts prov m ide a anne deve n av lopin enue r. g dem filmm t ons akers o trat crea to e t tivit h y to eir appr eciat b o th a ive a an e n udie lite nce pane sixt and l of een :nine judge Film s. Festi Inter val i n prom a ti o n a s co oting and stude mmitted l nt to p expe r o d u c i n filmmaki ng rienc g q e u a for and a filmm l i t y udie nces aker s alike .
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film categories
r t films o sh T h i s
m o s t generalized category is segregated into Fiction and Non-Fiction films. Short films have their own scope in the world of film-making, entertaining movie buffs the world over.
Shorter than your average short films, it is in this event where we will discover the true master of short films, someone who can pack in a hard-hitting message within a span of 60 seconds .
In this category, the participants imagination is paramount. From quirky characters to funny caricatures the animators can come up with anything that catches their fancy.
Films in this category can be 5 minutes long, shot with the participants' camera phones.
A platform fo r s o o n - t o - b e advertising gurus, adfilms can either be public service ads or commercial ads.
Abhishek Khan (Vice Chairperson) +91 9892121672, abhishek@16isto9.org Divya Bali (Marketing Head) +91 9819133696, divya@16isto9.org