3 minute read
Philipe Laruelle
Philippe Laruelle Belgium

Greetings I'm Philipe, a selftaught photographer, I am also a retired train attendant since 2015. Photography is for me and above all a personal means of expression, creation and pleasure. In addition to this, you need to know more about me and my works. When I am with my camera or on my computer busy editing, I enter "my world" . A world where I often forget all the worries, a world that makes me travel & dream. Often, I ask myself the question ... What is a beautiful photo? I always come to the same conclusion, it's a photo that tells me a story, which gives the illusion of simplicity, which often offers a particular emotion, a desire to travel or simply to help.
The reason why most of my photographs are in black and white, I cannot explain. Maybe black & white, because of its archival function, helped me rediscover times when I didn't really know who I really was. Subconsciously, it allows me to find myself and be myself. It is mainly with the photography of simple everyday moments that I manage to express myself best. My vision as a photographer certainly evolves with me, which leads me to work on new subjects all the time.
I have a whole collection of photos, each more beautiful than the next; but what will I do with it. Keep them on my computer hard drive? At home, this is not the option that I prefer. I could sell them but I don't want to!

The option that I have chosen is that of sharing and humanism. The one where we give more than selling, the one where we give smiles, joy, where we help others and their fight like Ian Moone or Ana Lyubich.
On the heights of Liège, in the district of Cointe, just next to the Interallied Memorial, you will discover this church which bears the name of the Church of the Sacred Heart and Notre-Dame-deLourdes.
In Neo-Byzantine and Art Deco styles, its construction spanned from 1928 to 1936 under the control of the Belgian modernist architect Joseph Smolderen, who died in 1973. He also created the adjoining Memorial. This religious building was desecrated in 2010 and listed as a Walloon Heritage in 2011, the year it was put up for sale. Due to its state of degradation, access is prohibited. Frescoes of white birds have been painted on its rear façade. Great and impressive.
Tongeren, the oldest city in Belgium 2000 years. The Beguinage of Tongeren is one of the oldest in Belgium. The original beguinage was found in the environments of the Kogelstraat. In 1257, a new beguinage was erected inside the new city walls. It tin a typical beguinage, which could be considered as a miniature city enclosed

Why photography? For me, simply a way like any other where I found a playful way to express myself. A way that prevented me from falling deeper into depression. A place where I feel good about myself and where I can express my feelings without having to be accountable to anyone. If you appreciate my photos, it warms my heart and in the opposite case, it motivates me even more to improve. Much more than just a means of expression. This allows me to travel literally and figuratively. Photo outings of course, but also a mental journey when I look at my shots, or during the moment of retouching in post-production (even days, months or years later). Memories, emotions come back to me, a way for me to travel in the past time and to project myself into the future. The Calatrava station, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful stations in Belgium and Europe. Its futuristic architecture is a mustsee for tourists from all over the world.

In the service of the population and its transport, I worked there for twenty years.