Invitation Oxford - May 2021

Page 16












D I G I T A L details E XC LU S I V E LY O N L I N E AT I N V I TAT I O N M AG .C O M

social S N A P S We love being tagged in your photos!

Swe e t a s Tup e lo Ho ne y As spring turns to summer, expect to see more honeybees buzzing around your garden. Turn to page 40 for a story on a local bee lover who has made a career of beekeeping and another who has picked up beekeeping as a backyard hobby. Plus, flip to page 24 for a unique sweet recipe that stars local honey, and visit for this refreshing HoneyInfused Summer Sangria (pictured at left) that will pair with it perfectly.

Mo re P up py L ove

T h a n k You , Adve r t i s e r s! Today we had the somber privilege of taking our very best friends out to scatter flowers and the ashes of their beloved Mackie on Sardis… #alldogsgotoheaven L O C A T I O N : Sardis Lake U S E R N A M E : @bartonoutfitters

For a daily dose of cuteness, follow @sportinglifekennels on Instagram. Sporting Life is an Oxford-based breeder of British Labrador retrievers and also trains dogs of all types. Read more about them in our story on page 52.

Visit our website,, for a complete interactive list of our advertisers. We can’t thank them enough for their loyal support. To our readers: Please continue to support these community businesses.


Signs of #spring are popping up all over... L O C A T I O N : Oxford U S E R N A M E : @jamesdowd1

Have an exciting event coming up? Visit our website and share the details on our online community calendar. There’s a chance photos from your event will be featured in an upcoming magazine! FOLLOW US



I N V ITAT I O N | M AY 202 1



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