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Nightlife Nightlife
Pärnu has an amazing amount of nightlife for a town of its size. There are plenty of pubs, lounges, and several quite decent clubs to visit.
In summer, when the weather is good to go, an outdoor terrace or beach bar is where it’s really happening.

Beach Bars
These have been growing well in number over the lastyears-andforgoodreason-whatbetterplaceto hang out than a spot at the beach, sipping cocktails, listening to lively tunes and enjoying the beautiful views. A plethora of beach bars and eateries stretches all the way from the Rannahotell to the end of the promenade.
Pubs And Bars
The liveliest nightlife streets in Pärnu are centred aroind Supeluse Street, which in summer is closed for car traffic and open for a multitude of outdoor terraces and happy beats, and refreshing beverages. The biggest crowd pleasers here are Oliver’s Garden Café withalongfoodmenuand lots of seating, alongside the Karusselli Buffet, which can be spotted from afar with the vintage Lafayette carousel in front and DJs spinning seriously danceable vinyl on the weekends. Other local favourites include Sweet Rosie, a beer bar Aleksander across the river, Pärnu Kuursaal near the beach where they hold regular live music events, wineandginbar Vino and Gino attheend of Rüütli and BumBum - like the beat of a drum.
A few notable clubs, with some great local, and eventheoccasionalinternationalDJworthchecking intoare Kassa, Sugar, Aptek,andtheseasonalonly SunSet - which happens to be right at the edge of thebeach.Allarefairlycentrallylocated,sorequiring a taxi shouldn’t be required, unless you happen to be staying at one of the dodgy ends of town, to be notedhowever-eventhedodgypartsoftownreally aren’t that dodgy.