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AREnA CEnTAR Arena Centar is the dominant fashion and beauty center in Zagreb and beyond, as well as the best entertainment center. Top brands, cafes with outdoor terraces and restaurants with a wide selection of fast, local and exotic cuisine are the reasons why visitors repeatedly choose Arena Centar. Arena Park,a retail park with 10 shops and a cafe, is located at the western entrance to the Arena Centar.Check the opening hours of the Arena Center at this link.QH‑5, Ulica Vice Vukova 6, tel. (+385‑1) 666 14 11, www. arenacentar.hr/en/. Open 09:00‑21:00.
bOOkARA (bOOkSHOp) Bookara is a neighborhood bookstore and sells quality fiction, science fiction, comics, popular science, philosophy, top journalism. They also offer a board game program, and nurture an individualized approach and are interested in what their customers want to read.QMaksimirska 39, tel. (+385‑) 091 510 86 34, www.bookara.hr/. Open 12:00‑ 21:00; Sat 11:00‑21:00; closed Sun. A indUSTRijA We do love a second-hand shop, even more so if it happens to be pet-friendly, and that is exactly what we find at Industrija on Vlaška. Well, more accurately you should come here to the excellent selection of clothing and fashion accessories, with both eyes firmly fixed on sustainable fashion. Pick out your summer styles and then see if the pet approves. Here’s hoping!QE‑2, Vlaška 46. Open 11:00‑18:00; Sat 10:00‑14:00; closed Sun. A
lApidARiUM - ZlATARnA MARiO Looking for a piece of jewelry that’s truly one-of-a-kind and fits your unique individualized style? Then look no further because Lapidarium offers the perfect solution to your search. Not only do they supply finished jewelry, but they also allow customers to create their own customized pieces for every type of occasion, whether a special event, like a wedding, or for a simple casual night spent out on the town. These original adornments are a unique brand in Croatia and were created by local and international designers that used modern and innovative ideas to make the jewelry. Their use of various shapes and engravings, with precious stones and gems, result in a cutting-edge, yet sophisticated design.QC‑2, Radićeva 10, tel. (+385‑1) 553 06 49, www.lapidarium.eu. Open 10:00‑20:00; Sat 10:00‑15:00; closed Sun. AJ 26 Zagreb In Your Pocket lUTAk Lutak is a little cottage industry making handmade toys. It may not be the most shiny and modern,tucked away in the backstreets as it is, buthere you’ll find such endearing characters to capture your children’s imagination. If you’d like to support a local small business this is a great place to find utterly charming gifts for little ones. QTuškanova 34, tel. (+385‑0) 91 892 6084. The atelier is open 18:00 ‑ 20:00, Sat 17:00 ‑ 20:00 and you can always call for an appointment.
nATAŠA nATAŠA In the heart of Zagreb’s design district, on the corner of Martićeva and Bauerova you’ll find a little shop owned by Nataša Mihaljčišin, one of the two designers behind renowned Croatian fashion label i-gle, which is sadly no more. Nataša definitely designs the most beautiful and creative knitwear in Zagreb. QMartićeva.
plAnETOpijA This bright and welcoming bookshop specialises in everything related to healthy living: cookery books, vegetarianism, environmentalism, conscious parenting, health and personal development - in Croatian and in English. There’s a lovely selection of books designed to awaken ethical sensibilities in children, plus a range of eco-friendly toys and gifts for everyone.QB‑2, Ilica 68, tel. (+385‑1) 484 61 97, www.planetopija.hr. Open 09:00 ‑ 20:00, Sat 09:00 ‑ 15:00, closed Sun. July 25 ‑ August 20 Open 11:00 ‑ 20:00, Sat 09:00 ‑ 15:00, closed Sun. AJ STRipOvi nA kvAdRAT An abundance of comics from this part of Europe as well as the best known English editions are hot off the press here. Heaps of figurines, t-shirts, badges, toys, games, DVDs and gifts are also available and their website is updated with the latest releases.QC‑3, Preradovićeva 34, tel. (+385‑1) 483 77 77, www. stripovi.hr. Open 09:00‑20:00; Sat 09:00‑15:00; closed Sun. A

TAkE ME HOME - CROATiAn dESiGn SHOp The perfect place to pick up some chic Croatian gifts and souvenirs created by over 60 local designers. Tote bags with traditional Croatian motifs printed on modern designs, unique jewellery, trendy notebooks and planners, art prints, cool t-shirts, awarded kids’ toys and handmade cosmetics to take home from your trip. QB‑2, Tomićeva 4 (near Funicular), tel. (+385‑1) 798 76 32, www.takemehome.hr. Open 09:30‑20:00; Sat 10:00‑15:00; closed Sun. AJ

TOp - niCHE pERfUMERy Shopping for fragrances, then head to TOP for a journey of the senses! Their range includes more than fifty exquisite perfumes, skin care and home fragrance brands including Byredo, Escentric Molecules, Juliette Has A Gun, Profvmvm Roma through to Australian Aesop, Dr. Barbara Sturm and more. Other accessories include hard-to-find scented candles and diffusors amongst other items. So turn your home into a sweetly scented haven! You can find them at two city locations, in Tomićeva Street near the funicular, and on the main Ban Jelačić Square.QB‑2 & C‑2, Tomićeva 4 & Trg bana J.Jelačića 13, tel. (+385‑1) 798 09 69, www.top.hr. Open 10:00‑20:00; Sat 10:00‑15:00; closed Sun. AJ TvOjE.HR There are a couple of very special florists in Zagreb, which are also little conceptual stores. Tvoje.hr is owned by architect and florist Boška Bahtijarević, and everything in it is an expression of her personality and unique bohemian style. QMartićeva 16f, tel. (+385 ‑ 1) 465 19 84. Open 10:00‑20:00; Mon 16:00‑20:00; Sat 10:00‑15:00; closed Sun. AJ vinTAGE CiRCUS This local clothing brand was built around distinctive and unique clothing suggesting that something doesn’t need to be in fashion to be fashionable; refreshing to say the least. The clothes here are made in small series’ by fashion designer Lidija Bošnjak who focuses on detail, high quality materials, functionality and longevity.QD‑2, Jurišićeva 10, tel. (+385 ‑ ) 095 911 16 22, www.vintage‑circus.business.site/. Open 09:00‑20:00; Sat 09:00‑16:00; closed Sun. A zagreb.inyourpocket.com

Locals utilise the Farmer’s Market for purchasing almost all of their groceries, and as such, Zagreb is home to quite a few of them.
All of them feature completely natural products from Croatia, operate every day of the week and get there early to ensure that you see the freshest and most extensive collection.
Towards the end of the day, good bargains present themselves so keep your eyes open. Ulični ORMAR The English translation means ‘Street Wardrobe’ and this treasure of a store holds second hand vintage and retro clothes that have stood the test of time. It’s purely vintage with some outstanding items up for grabs. Situated in a small courtyard, only few minutes walking distance from the main square, come and enjoy the atmosphere, music and authenticity of each piece. QC‑3, Nikole Jurišića 16, tel. (+385‑1) 492 65 00, www.ulicni‑ormar.hr. Open 10:00‑20:00; Sat 11:00‑ 18:00; closed Sun. From 50kn. AJ6
