Ioanna Vlanti_Portfolio

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Ioanna Vlanti A R C H I T E C T

Vlanti Ioanna A R C H I T E C T

EDUCATION School of Architecture, University of Patras, 2016 School Of Engineering A nd Architecture, Universidad Alfonso X el Sa bio, Madrid, [Erasmus] 2014 2nd High School, Heraklio, Attiki, 2009

EXPERIENCE Handcraft space ATHENS PROTASIS design, 300m², Heraklio Attiki, 2017 Tutorial Center exeis prooptiki design, 75m², Heraklio Attiki, 2016 INFO

I was born in Athens in 1991, where I live until today with a short stop in Madrid and a longer one in Patras. Ιn parallel with my studies in Architecture, I discovered more creative fields that I would like to involve with [Graphic Design & A nimation, Video Art, photography etc] and I‘m still exploring. The last few years I a m involved in Interior Design as well as in Store Design.

L ANGUAGES greek english spanish french

Play center GYMBOREE Play & Music design, 480m², Chalkida, 2016 Coffee store/crêperie design, 50m², Nea Ionia, 2015 Working ex perience in a civil engineer’s office since 2016

WORKSHOPS Greek Design: a meeting for industrial design

COMPETITIONS QueensWay ENYA Competition

SOFT WARE SKILLS Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere

CONTACT mail: vlanti.ioan@g tel.: 0030 6975700736, 210 2824019 fax: 210 2856283

R hinoceros Google SketchUp Vray

address: Eleftheriou Venizelou 5,

Autocad [2D, 3D]

Heraklio Attiki

Microsoft Office


Sifones, an intervention in the landscape of Naxos, Master Thesis, 2015-2016

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Dwelling High, Architecture Design Studio 7, 2014

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Polis Naxos [City of Naxos], Architecture Design Studio 6, 2013

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Confined Places, Research Thesis, 2014-2015

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Athens Protasis, completed work, 2017

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Lalagita, completed work, 2015 COFFEE STORE, CREPERIE

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Sifones, an intervention in the landscape of Naxos MASTER THESIS, 2015-2016 Naxos Island, Cyclades, Greece Prof: Athanasios Spanomaridis

The intervention is located at Sifones, a small abandoned settlement of the highland of Naxos. Sifones is located in villages clustered around Mount Fanari, second biggest mountain of Naxos and Cyclades which has

great natural

beauty. A stream that starts from the mountain, divides the settlement in two, which is fully integrated in the geometry of the landscape, built with the basic material of the place, the stone. There are no clear mentions

for the exact time of habitation and also for the reasons that led in abandonment. However, from testimonies of

permanent residents of Naxos, at Sifones were settled residents from the villages around, in the period of Greece Occupation for protecting their fortunes and their agricultural production. It is said that the settlement was

abandoned due to adverse weather conditions, mainly in the winter, along with the lack of proper infrastructure habitation.

The main goal of the intervention is to

reactivate the settlement by performing point

operations in its center, composing a move in


landscape. A movement, a promenade that narrates

the past, reactivating the memory that the landscape itself carries by the time, and the present

that associates with the new intervention and the operation that being

attempted. The intention is to create a new place

to live in. Thus, giving a motivation of


habitation of the

settlement, is proposed

a creation of a small

winery, the reusing

of some old buildings

targeting for permanent

use, and the creation of

ephemeral residential









use aimed at both the guest hospitality and


also to participate in

the production process,

creating in this way

a more extroverted

character in the






“Misgagia [μισγάγκεια] etymologically comes from the words misgo and agkos. Misgo means join and agkos means mountain valley, the place that the rivers are combined, and means the line of the water flow that is formed by the meeting of two sides of valley or ravine, key feature of the topography of Sifones. A stream that starts from Fanari mountain crosses and splits in two the village.”









1.the gate [the entrance],

the two movements of access to the settlement converge into one through a stone tunnel and in parallel with the stream, the route ends to the settlement

2.the observatory,

at the highest point of the intervention, an old threshing floor buried in the ground becomes a watchtower.

1 . T H E E N T R A N C E[ R I G H T ] 2. T H E O B S E R V A T O RY [ L E F T ]

3.the winery,

is developed underground in two levels, incorporated with the geometry of the topography, and is considered to be a focal point in the total intervantion.


4.the public space, is reflected with the geometry of the archetypal square and is comprised from the square, a public “carpet� that follows the topography and converses with the housing and from the amphitheater, which orients the view of visitors to the winery.

“The houses ‘pierce’ the strictly defined geometry of the square, creating a free passage around them. Public passageways and stand areas are created promote the condition of gathering as well as the appropriation of the public space by the residents”

4 . T H E P U B L I C SP A C E

5.the habitation,

the new section that has ephemeral character, frames the old settlement that is reused for permanent habitation generating a dialogue between them and the landscape.


Dwelling High

ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO 7, 2014 Patras, Peloponnese, Greece Team: Tatiana Stamati Prof.: Athanasios Spanomaridis Subject of this project is the new coast zone of Patras. The aim of the proposal is the creation on a new unified public space and simultaneously the development of the conditions of vertical dwelling. Particular emphasis is placed on reintegration of the indystrial complex of Peraiki Patraiki in the surrounding area. The design of the public spaces develops in four parts: the museum, the market, the lake [with a promenade towards the pier] and the hill. The re-use of the old industrial buildings [cultural, recreational, commercial], aims to the creation of a new magnet for the area.

Trying to explore the meaning of the vertical dwelling, we expirement with a different model of habitation, where glass residencies develop into a heavy and compact shell. These “towers� function as landmarks in the area, because of the morphology, and also mark the limits of our proposal. One of these three volumes, the lighthouse, is located in the port and it also provides access to the site. the other towers, the residencies, are located in the hill and the industrial zone.

Polis Naxos

ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 6, 2013 Naxos Island, Cyclades, Greece Team: Dimitra Chrisoula Prof: Athanasios Spanomaridis The site is located at the city [Polis] of Naxos, just on the border with the old part of the city. The proposal explores the boundaries between private and public space and the middle ground which hosts aspects of both. Four basic tracings combine the path on which are organized the different functions within the area of interest. The ground is cultivated and is used by people who place their products on the open market which is placed at the entrance of the site in contact with the road. Two residential complexes “fly� above the ground, carrying the semi-public balconies which are also part of the promenade and extension of the housing. This is a typology that someone can finds inside the Medieval castle of Naxos, the connection to which is achieved through the public space.

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ENYA COMPETITION: QUEENSWAY CONNECTION, 2013 Queens, New York City Team: Dimitris Chatziiokimidis, Dimitra Chrisoula, Fani Dimopoulou, Areti Fakitsa, Tatiana Stamati The route between the upper and the ground level is the key issue on which this proposal focuses. Therefore two basic elevating routes are created, an external perimetric one beginning with a ramp on the north-east view which focuses on the continuation of elevating whereas the internal route is formed by a series of multi-layered platforms that allow you to take a rest ,pausing your ascension to the other level. The perimetric route starts with a ramp, reaches a lifted square on the top and connects through a linear path with a platform that stands over the 101st avenue. The series of platforms in different heights that are embraced are mostly planted and can serve a variety of open space activities of the diverse groups of the area and can also function as an open theater. These two routes cross each other forming a junction in the middle of the site.

On the ground floor two juxtaposed open spaces are created. The first stands in the back of the shops providing the potentiality of an outdoor market. The second one is located in front of the platforms functioning also as a potential stage for the layered theater when needed. The space under the upper linear route accommodates the different shops and businesses maintaining the characteristic archs on the view of the road. The typical metallic frame of the old structure is in great extent maintained bridging the old with the new structure.

Confined Places

RESEARCH THESIS, 2014-2015 Team: Tatiana Stamati Prof: Athanasios Spanomaridis Site expresses the specification of neutral space to a special identity created between areas and people. A person is facing his

environment, while approaching the place in a process of recognition and appropriation. It is in fact, an interfering act on the ground, an active presence of a human through his artefacts, which aims to the creation of places of residence and inhabitation.

Primary need in this process, is the demarcation of the space in which the person is confined, in order to realize his position and his relationship with the world.

In an effort to detect the foundations of the concept of “inhabitation” and in an attempt of researching the implications of

settlement of a human in a place, various “recognitions” of the quest of inhabitation are revealed. Demarcation activates human desires and principles, which reflect either to the primitive instincts for protection, or into the formulated elements which

contribute to the creation of relations between people within a social context. We are referring to the need of a person to set the boundaries of his accommodation, to retire to the interiority of his house, to establish his own shelter, a condition of

“intimate confinement”. On the other hand, the notion of a compromise in which life is a subject to restrictions and suggestions from a sociopolitical norm – that derived from a whole system of legalities, rights and wrongs - places the human being into a

society occupied by mechanisms of unobstructed control, confined into an ensemble of enforced rules. The person in the end, accepts confinement as a natural consequence of his inhabitation and either consciously or not, he settles in these “confined places”. The interesting element of the above phrasing, is the analysis of the relation between a person’s true actions for a built

environment representation of inhabitation and the endless search for the ideal “inhabitation”. This means that by translating the notion of ‘ideal’ into the place of Paradise, which is an eminently depiction of the completely blissful living, we can observe that even in the “ideal notion”,

the meaning of “being confined” works as a condition that must exist. This existence is

obstructing the three primary forces of evil: hostility, falsehood and hunger. The first human’s compromise is to live confined, although blissful. The Garden of Eden has served as a model of reconciliation between the human and the natural environment,

as an example of self-sufficiency, which maybe approaches the utopian dream of absolute freedom. Nature is still the place, where the human being relates with, without being afraid. The expectation of perfection is visualized in the image of inhabitation in nature, resulting in today’s talk about nature’s establishment instead of the establishment in nature.

Athens Protasis Handcraft space COMPLETED WORK, 2017

Heraklio, Athens, Greece Area: 300m2 Athens Protasis is a Greek jewelry chain with 14 stores across Greece [Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, Crete, etc.]. The company’s products are handmade, designed and manufactured in Greece by taking raw materials from all over the world. Based in Heraklio Att., the ground floor of a two-storey building in Kifissia

Street, is reconstructed and the new handcraft space that will host the production process, is created. The main objective of the intervention was the development of a single space, with minimum partitions,

maintaining the visual communication between all production stages. The materials that been used, such as industrial flooring, untreated wood [birch plywood], exposed concrete, enhance the industrial character of the space. Large windows frame the landscape around the building. Also, static amplification work for the gr

ound floor was executed with modern materials, such as steel plates and fiber reinforced

polymers [due to the speed of application and low cost], to enhance the antiseismic behavior of the building.


Coffee store/crêperie COMPLETED WORK, 2015

Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece Area: 50m2 Brand/Identity/Logo Design: Stela Livieratou

The old building, at the intersection of K.Varnalis street and P.P.Germanou pedestrian street, is

renovated. Lalagita is a small coffee/ creperie store which is hosted on the ground floor of that two storey building, in Nea Ionia. The basic intention was a “quite” intervention with simple materials

[wood, traditional cement tiles, bricks], trying not to overact in a such an area. Nea Ionia was and

still considered to be a refugees area, with many small old buildings that keep their original form since then, with small roads between them, maintaining a sense of neighborhood. Particular emphasis is placed on the external configuration regarding the planting [aromatic herbs] and the lighting.

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