IOLA REGISTER Monday, April 29, 2013
Locally owned since 1867
SOFTBALL ACC season ends with losses See B1
Legislators pay visit By BOB JOHNSON
Register/Steven Schwartz
From left, Ellis Potter, Tom Brigham, Karen Gilpin, Bob Hawk and Judy Brigham are all members of the Iola Rotary Club.
Iola Rotary ~ a way of life By ALLISON TINN
Rotary isn’t just a group, it is a way of life — at least that’s what any full-fledged Rotarian would say. Before each meeting Rotarians recite the Four-Way Test, better viewed as the Rotarian’s creed. First, is it the truth? Second, is it fair to all concerned? Third, will it build good will and better friendship? And fourth, will it be beneficial to all concerned? Rotarian Bob Hawk believes that if The Four Way Test is followed there would be fewer problems in the world. According to Hawk, Rotary isn’t only to meet and eat, but it offers something for all interest types. “If you can’t find something to light your fire, your wood is wet,” Hawk said. Iola’s Rotary Club has not
only helped its local community but also has affected many foreign countries such as Chile. There are 18,000 Chileans who can now see better because of the Vision Quest project, which was started by the Iola Rotary Club. The project provides inexpensive reading glasses by using raw materials and the training needed to allow people in developing countries to make their own glasses. “In 15 to 20 minutes you can have a pair of reading glasses,” Rotarian Ellis Potter said. “I don’t know how people survive without their eyesight,” Rotarian Judy Brigham said. The Iola Rotary Club has also been involved in the Belize Water Project, which provides Belizeans with water filters that makes dirty water See ROTARY | Page A4
HUMBOLDT — Members of Humboldt’s Downtown Action Team want to place the town’s landmark bandstand placed on the state’s registry of historic sites. There’s a catch. State law restricts exterior improvements of any building within 500 feet of a structure so designated. A DAT project is to have that part of the law stricken. Members had receptive ears Friday afternoon when state Sen. Caryn Tyson and Rep. Ed Bideau came to town. Bideau introduced legislation in the House to remove the restrictions for Humboldt and other communities that have an interest in preserving and recognizing historical sites. See VISIT | Page A4
Register/Bob Johnson
Top, State Sen. Caryn Tyson learned about Pat Haire’s workshop, filled with belt-driven tools, during a visit to Humboldt Friday. Above, Rep. Ed Bideau, center, visits with Paul Finney, left, and Jerry Stephens.
Register/Steven Schwartz Register/Bob Johnson
More than $36,000 was raised during Relay for Life in Riverside Park’s Recreation Community Building Friday night.
Relay for Life raises $36,500 By BOB JOHNSON
The annual Relay for Life raised $36,500 at the Recreation Community Building in Riverside Park Friday night and Saturday morning. “Our deadline isn’t until June, and with additional fundraisers the total will grow,” said Deb Scheibmeir, financial chairman. Proceeds go the American Cancer Society. Donation may be made to any Relay for Life team member, Scheibmeir at 365-0412 or at the Relay’s website, Iola Sisters OK5A raised the most money at $11,428, followed by Gates $6,452, Allen County Hospital $6,008, Calvary United Methodist Church $2,726, Marmaton Valley FCCLA (new to the Re-
lay this year) $1,654, The Family Physicians (Wolfe Pack) $1,241, Patty’s Posse $1,086, Chartwell’s $673, Windsor Place of Iola $436, PSI $413, Colony Diner $110, Individuals $98, and Kathy’s Klowns $80. Ina Railsback, Iola Sisters OK5A, was the top individual at $7,800, followed by Saundra Upshaw, Calvary Methodist Church, $2,286, Joan Hess, Iola Sisters OK5A, $1,022, Angie Luedke, ACH, $859, Gwen Tefft, Gates, $782, Edna Donovan, Iola Sisters OK5A, $750, Jean Parker, Iola Sisters OK5A, $728, Katie Sander, Gates, $676, Staci Talkington, Chartwell’s, $674, and Melissa Stokes, Gates, $575. HAVING THE Relay in the community building resulted from two changes. Initially, the Relay was moved from August because it had been plagued by hot Vol. 115, No.129
weather the past several years, and then it was moved indoors last week because of ongoing chilly weather and rain, Scheibmeir observed. In the run-up to the start of the event, the annual survivor walk, singers Kristine Johnson and Becky French entertained, along with a skit by Marmaton Valley FCCLA members. This year’s theme was Route 66, which prompted the ACH team to decorate its booth with antique license plates, a lunch counter and neon cactus. More than 30 survivors participated in the opening lap. Two inflatable toys attracted kids and no one went hungry. At the start sloppy joes, turkey salad sandwiches, turkey and noodles and pulled pork sandwiches, fresh from See RELAY | Page A4
Authors of all ages display their skills Above, Susan Stevens Crummel gives area elementary students a lesson on writing. Below, Blake Walker reads his own book to other students in the Iola High gymnasium on Saturday.
Wilson to speak at society meeting The Allen County Historical Society and Iola Public Library have partnered to sponsor a presentation by Ron Wilson on Tuesday evening. Wilson, the director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development at Kansas State University, will give the presentation titled “Now, That’s Rural: Entrepreneurs and Innovators Who Shaped Kansas Communities.” Wilson served as a legislative assistant, staff member 75 Cents
for the U.S. Senate Committee on Ag riculture, Nutrition and Forestry and as vice president of the National Council of Ron Wilson Farmer Cooperatives. The program begins at 7 p.m. in the Dr. John Silas Bass North Community Building. Iola, KS
A2 Monday, April 29, 2013
The Iola Register
Economic gains may not help Dems. WASHINGTON (AP) — Presidents like to take credit for economic recoveries, just as President Barack Obama is angling to do now. He and his allies in Congress have “walked the economy back from the brink,� his new 2014 federal budget blueprint asserts. And Democrats hope these improvements, while still slow and uneven, will give them at least a small boost in 2014’s midterm races. That’s a big order, considering: — Presidential claims of responsibility for economic gains rarely win plaudits from voters, yet presidents nearly always get blamed when things get worse. — The historical odds for midterm gains in Congress by the in-power party are slim at best. Since World War II, the president’s party has lost an average of 26 seats in midterm elections and gained seats only twice — Democrats in 1998 under President Bill Clinton and Republicans in 2002 with George W. Bush in the Oval Office. — Presidential elections are often referendums on the economy. That applies less often to midterms. Still, the health of the economy “is going to be an important factor� in 2014 races, said Democratic pollster and strategist Mark Mellman. “What matters most is changes in the amount of money people have in their pockets. It’s very hard to tell people they’re better off than they feel.� “But we’re still quite a ways from November 2014,� he added. Right now, surveys and reports show that the recovery is continuing, although more slowly than most, despite continued high unemployment and an environment of modest economic growth and
inflation. Home prices are on the rise, manufacturing is slowly improving. The government reported Friday that eco-
It’s hard to do victory laps in the climate of slow growth and continued high unemployment. — Douglas Brinkley, historian
By TOM RAUM Associated Press
nomic growth accelerated to an annual rate of 2.5 percent from January through March, helped by the strongest consumer spending in more than two years. But federal spending fell, and tax increases and Washington’s budget cuts could slow growth later this year. The report showed the economy was getting stronger after nearly stalling late last year, when it grew just 0.4 percent in the final three months of 2012. “It’s hard to do victory laps in the climate of slow growth and continued high unemployment,� said historian Douglas Brinkley of Rice University. “A president’s job is to rebuild the psyche of the nation,� Brinkley said. “And there has been a feeling of incremental improvement after Obama’s first term in office. That’s the key word, incremental. Presidents have to make the people believe that things are getting better every month. “A lot of what I’m talking about is the optics of the situation. When Obama came in, things were rotten and then it got better. There is no longer that sense of panic going on.� Obama’s efforts have been overshadowed
somewhat by several noneconomic issues: the congressional battles over gun safety and immigration and the deadly Boston Marathon bombings. What steps can Obama rightfully claim that have helped spur economic improvement? His $830 billion stimulus program of 2009, for one. The White House also cites two other major emergency programs — the auto and financial industry bailouts. Both were started under President George W. Bush and expanded by Obama. The White House suggests Obama’s anti-recessionary programs helped
nurture the creation of more than 6 million new jobs since the economy bottomed in 2010. Republicans voice skepticism but mainstream economists generally cite substantial gains from the federal efforts in the range of 3 million or more jobs. The bank bailout, or Troubled Asset Relief Program, turned out to be politically radioactive for many who supported it. But economists generally agree it helped avert a national financial meltdown. And it wound up yielding investment returns to taxpayers of most of the original $700 billion-plus cost.
dandelions Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the bandstand on the Iola Square, so the flowers will be ready for planting on Wednesday. For their efforts, Girl Scouts will earn an environment badge as well as help to beautify Iola.
MV forensics hosting event The Marmaton Valley High forensics team will present a showcase of its state-bound events Wednesday evening in the high school band room at 7 p.m.
The evening will also include project presentations from the art classes and Family and Consumer Science students. The public is invited to attend.
The Iola Register
Published Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings except New Year’s day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, by The Iola Register Inc., 302 S. Washington, P.O. Box 767, Iola, Kansas 66749. (620) 365-2111. Periodicals postage paid at Iola, Kansas. Member Associated Press. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to use for publication all the local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches. Subscription rates by carrier in Iola: One year, $107.46; six months, $58.25; three months, $33.65; one month, $11.67. By motor: One year, $129.17; six months, $73.81; three months, $41.66; one month, $17.26. By mail in Kansas: One year, $131.35; six months, $74.90; three months, $44.02; one month, $17.91. By mail out of state: One year, $141.35; six months, $76.02; three months, $44.97; one month, $17.91. Internet: One year, $100; six months, $55; one month, $10 All prices include 8.55% sales taxes. Postal regulations require subscriptions to be paid in advance. USPS 268-460 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Iola Register, P.O. Box 767, Iola, KS 66749.
who serves as a family caregiver to any individual with a dementia like Alzheimer’s Fore more information contact (620) 421-6550 (ext. 1794).
A breakfast club for Alzheimer’s caregivers will be at 9 a.m. Wednesday in the alliance room at Memorial Building at 101 S. Lincoln in Chanute. Anyone may attend
Correction It was incorrectly reported in Saturday’s Register that Ricky Dawn, Iola, was charged
with theft. Charges have already been filed on an unrelated case. The Register regrets the error.
Calendar Deadline: Notify the Register about calendar announcements by 7 a.m. Monday in order to have your event listed in that week’s schedule. The calendar is published every Monday. Email event news to
EMS committee meeting, courthouse assembly room, 6 p.m., to discuss merger of services. Open to the public.
Allen County Commission meeting, 8:30 a.m., Allen County Courthouse. American Red Cross office, 9 to 11:30 a.m., Emprise Bank. Iola Kiwanis Club, noon, meeting room at Allen Community College student center. Ron Wilson, featured speaker at the Allen County Historical Society’s spring meeting, 7 p.m., Dr. John Silas Bass North Community Building. Open to the public.
Community dinner, 5 to 7 p.m., St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church.
Rotary Club, noon, The New Greenery. Allen County Farmers Market, 5:30 to 7 p.m., southwest corner of the square. Allen Community College play “33 Variations� opens at 7:30 p.m. in the ACC theater. It runs through May 4.
Register/Bob Johnson
Drug haul
O ur carriers’ (under contract) deadline for hom e delivery ofT he Iola R egister is 5:30 p.m . in Iola and 6:30 p.m . outside ofIola w eekdays and 9:30 a.m . Saturdays. Ifyou have not received your paper by this tim e, please call your carrier. Ifyou cannot reach your carrier callthe R egister office at (620) 365-2111 betw een 5:30 and 6 p.m . R ural C arriers 6:30 p.m . w eekdays – 10:30 Saturdays
About 30 pounds of out-of-date and unneeded prescription drugs were collected outside City Hall Saturday, including this nearly full box held by Jaime Westervelt, left, Allen County Multi Agency Team co-chair, and Michelle Hoag, ACMAT secretary. Saturday was national Drug Take Back Day.
Dandelion exchange Mostly clear scheduled Tuesday Wednesday is May Day and flowers will sprout because of efforts of Iola Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts will collect dandelions Iolans have removed from their yards and replace each with a flower to plant. The girls will collect
Caregivers meal is Wednesday morning
Tonight, mostly clear. Lows 60 to 65. South winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to around 30 mph. Tuesday, sunny and breezy. Highs 80 to 85. South winds 15 to 25 mph. Gusts up to 35 mph in the afternoon. Tuesday night, partly cloudy. Lows 55 to 60. South winds 10 to 20 mph. Gusts up to 25 mph in the evening. Wednesday, partly sunny with a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs 70 to 75. South winds 5 to 10 mph becoming west in the afternoon.
Temperature High yesterday Low last night High Saturday Low Saturday High Friday Low Friday
75 56 59 41 51 47
Sunrise 6:28 a.m.
High a year ago Low a year ago Precipitation 72 hours ending 7 a.m This month to date Total year to date Excess since Jan. 1
78 59
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Retirement Reception for Loretta Ellis, Larry Regehr & Joe Shrum
May 6 • 6:30 pm McKinley Elementary Gym 209 S. Kentucky
Loretta has taught for 41 years in all, 35 years in the same kindergarten room. Larry has taught for 34 years in all, 33 teaching PE in Iola. Joe has been a custodian with the district for 31 years.
Please join us as we celebrate with Loretta, Larry & Joe as they journey into retirement.
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The Iola Register
Monday, April 29, 2013
~ Journalism that makes a difference
Donating body to science extends life’s purpose Having a purpose in life is what kept Emerson Lynn getting up each day long after most people retire. He liked to feel useful. So it was fitting that when he died last week at age 88, he would leave his body to medical science. “I can keep being productive even after I’m dead!” he said, and was thrilled at the thought. The University of Kansas School of Medicine received his body within hours of his death through its Willed Body Program. “Willing a body to science is one of the most personal and honorable gifts an individual can make,” wrote Dr. Dal R. Abrahamson, chair of the anatomy and cell biology department, in a letter to the family. “We are grateful for the selfless gift of education that each donor makes to this program. All bodies donated … are used only for legitimate human anatomical education purposes and/or ethical medical research.” The letter ended with
condolences and an invitation to attend a ceremony this fall in tribute to those who willed their bodies to science. Bodies that are donated to university programs like KU’s are used to teach future doctors, nurses and scientists the relationship between the systems and structures of the human body. Sometimes they’re used to discover new surgical procedures. You can’t be too old to donate; but certain diseases preclude a body being accepted, including tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis and Creutzfeldt-Jacobs, a disease of the brain. Obesity also prevents donations in most cases. DOES THE THOUGHT
of willing your body to medical science give you the willies? Get over it. Think ahead, do the paper work, and find a garden that will benefit from your ashes. The truly final last gift. — Susan Lynn
Ready for takeoff, but will the public board Dreamliner? Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner was cleared to fly last Thursday. The Federal Aviation Administration lifted a ban on passenger flights that it imposed in January after two battery malfunctions in the new jets raised serious safety concerns. The FAA approved Boeing’s plan to modify the 787 battery system and flights are expected to resume within days. So, the FAA says the Dreamliner is safe. But will travelers buy that? We think so. Here’s why. The innovative, fuel-efficient Dreamliner ran into trouble because it is the first passenger jet to make extensive use of lithium-ion batteries. Those batteries, widely used in laptops and cellphones, have a history of occasionally overheating. When Boeing designed the aircraft, the company and its suppliers devised a series of tests to ensure the battery system would be safe for flight. The tests, done under the oversight of the FAA, suggested the planes could go for millions of hours without encountering any battery problem. In practice, however, problems occurred not long after the Dreamliner entered service. An empty plane parked on a runway in Boston filled with smoke. A plane full of passengers in Japan had to be evacuated. So it was back to the drawing board. Boeing, its suppliers, federal regulators and their global counterparts developed new tests to figure out what caused the batteries to fail. Boeing hired battery experts from outside the aviation industry to evaluate the testing procedures and propose solutions. The exact cause of the battery failures never was identified. When complex systems fail, it can be difficult to pinpoint a simple reason. Boeing, though, developed
a way to protect the passengers and the planes. The company redesigned the battery system so if one cell short-circuited, others would not. Short circuits are the most likely reason that an undamaged battery would overheat. Boeing also added high-grade insulation between cells so overheating in one part of the battery would not spread to other parts. Perhaps most important from the passenger standpoint, Boeing encased the battery system in a sealed steel enclosure, vented outside the aircraft. So even if a battery failure occurred, the aircraft wouldn’t be damaged. Smoke or fire would not spread. As part of the testing, according to news reports, Boeing went so far as to simulate explosions inside the steel case. The enclosure is so secure that passengers would not notice if a failure occurred. The aircraft doesn’t rely on the batteries to stay in the air. These incidents were alarming, but no one was hurt. The damage to the aircraft was isolated in the battery compartment. The credibility of Boeing, the FAA and the airlines that fly the Dreamliner is on the line. A battery problem that damaged a plane or created a safety threat would be a huge blow to the airline industry. There’s a big incentive to get this right. Investors have shown confidence. Boeing’s stock has jumped this year, despite the widely reported troubles. The airlines have shown confidence, too. Despite the grounding of the fleet and the delays in deliveries, airlines did not cancel the hundreds of orders they placed for the Dreamliner. Who’s left to convince? The people who fill the seats. — The Chicago Tribune
The politics of funding universities Governor Sam Brownback has plans to visit all the Kansas Board of Regents universities. At every university, he reminds them that he proposed level funding, while the state legislature wants to cut them by either 2 percent in the Kansas State Senate or 4 percent in the Kansas State House. He then touts the benefits of his tax plans, a major component of which is to continue the state sales tax rate at 6.3 percent instead of letting it drop in July to 5.7 percent. Then comes the hammer; the universities’ budgets can be spared if the legislature passes his tax initiatives. Even though the state Senate has already signed on to Brownback’s taxing plans, state House Republicans, led by Speaker Ray Merrick, (RStillwell) have not.
Joe Aistrup Insight Kansas Outside of Wyandotte County, Democrats and/or moderate Republicans still tend to win legislative seats in or near our university communities. Most of these Democrats, especially those in leadership positions like Democratic House Minority Leader Paul Davis of Lawrence, are committed to making Brownback live with the results of what they consider to be the reckless tax cuts enacted last session. According to the Consensus Estimating Group report, released this week, Brownback’s income tax reductions will lower state general fund revenues by over $450 million for FY 2014. If the sales tax is also
reduced to 5.7 percent in July, the state will lose another $270 million. If the politics of the past foreshadow the future, one might suspect that Brownback is attempting to cobble
new era of politics in Kansas are the universities and Brownback. The universities have already announced that the impact of these proposed budget cuts would be grave, because these cuts come on
Since the beginning of his administration, the governor’s budgets have provided level funding for the Regents system, despite cuts in other areas. If he loses this battle, or walks away with a compromise solution, he can legitimately claim that he fought the good fight, expending time and political capital for them.
together a new version of the moderate coalition in the state House. Some speculate that a bare majority of the GOP House caucus supports Brownback’s plan. If a large portion of the Democratic caucus would change its tune and also support his plan, there would be just enough votes for it to pass. This would be an interesting development, but current politics makes this type of scenario very unlikely. Conservative Republicans in the state House have a sour taste in their mouths from the moderate coalitions of yesteryear. They’d prefer to provide all the votes necessary to pass any major policy or budget bill, sans Democrats. House Democrats don’t appear to be willing partners either. They have spent much of this session saying, “I told you so! Why didn’t you listen?” They are resigned to allow Brownback and the Republicans to live with the ramifications of the tax cuts enacted last year. They will not be volunteering to cast the winning votes for any Brownback policy. Left in the balance of this
top of years of flat funding or decreased funding from the state. What’s in it for Brownback? Since the beginning of his administration, the governor’s budgets have provided level funding for the Regents system, despite cuts in other areas. If he loses this battle, or walks away with a compromise solution, he can legitimately claim that he fought the good fight, expending time and political capital for them. But, he can also point his finger back at Democrats, asking where were they when the tough vote came to keep the sales tax rate at its current level to protect the universities’ budgets? Even though the Democrats will protest loudly, claiming that it was Brownback’s income tax cuts that created this budget mess; Brownback has maneuvered them into a tough spot, defending policies that hurt Kansas’ universities. This is a shrewd move by a politician who even when he seemingly loses, wins. Aistrup is a political science professor at Kansas State University.
A look back in time 60 Years Ago Week of April 28, 1953
Charles Gray, administrator of Allen County Hospital, announced today that the hospital has been designated as one of 25 hospitals in Kansas where gamma globulin will be available in 1953. Gamma globulin is the blood derivative which has been found effective in preventing paralysis following an attack of polio. Its supply is very limited and all use is under strict control of the Office of Defense Mobilization and the United States Public Health Service. Gamma globu-
lin also has been found useful in treating measles and infectious hepatitis. Because of the limited supply available it will probably be allowed only in positively diagnosed cases of polio and direct family contacts of those cases. 1973
An Area Agency on Aging for nine southeast Kansas counties will be created, Gov. Robert Docking announced. A contract to form the agency has been awarded to the Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center, one of three mental health centers serving the SEK
area. Services to be provided include Meals on Wheels, transportation, homemaker aids, home chores service and other services which will enable senior citizens to live independently in their homes rather than be placed in institutions. On the state level, the agency funding the program is the Division of Services for the Aging of the State Department of Social Welfare. ***** Hoffmeier Electric Company is in full operation at its new headquarters on North Cottonwood. The company moved there in March.
A4 Monday, April 29, 2013
The Iola Register
H Visit Continued from A1 The bill has passed out of the House and is in conference committee, Bideau said, with its next step, if it occurs this year, presentation on the Senate floor. Tyson said she was unsure whether it would progress that far, was supportive if it did and assured, since the Legislature is in a two-year cycle, the effort would have a hearing next session if not this year. Having the bandstand on the state registry has twofold advantage: It makes it more of an attraction for tourists and opens the door to grant opportunities reserved for historic sites. Bideau has been involved in historic site designation in Chanute, where he is an attorney, and noted without the restriction more buildings likely would be put on the registry. Most communities aren’t comfortable making the effort when they know it would affect nearby private building owners, he said. TYSON AND Bideau were taken on a tour of sites rich in Humboldt history, and also were shown improvements that have been made, such as Neosho River Park — in its final stages of development — and ball fields at Sweatt Park. They then met constituents at Stacy Cakes. Tyson said she is a champion of rural opportunity zones, which already are in place in 50 counties, mostly in the western half of Kansas. She wants Allen and another 22 counties included. Inclusion means the
state foregoes income tax for five years for new residents and through local-state cooperation a portion of college loans are paid for new residents, a concession meant to attract professionals such as doctors and dentists. An outcome of last year’s income tax cut was that some small business owners apparently overlooked their inclusion and have continued to send estimates to the state, Tyson said. “We need to keep money at home,” she said. “You have a really good state senator” in Tyson, Bideau said. “She studies bills and has been behind the rural initiative. I thought it was dead but she gave it CPR. “We give a lot of lip service to getting kids to come back home, and the rural opportunity zone does that,” said Bideau. Tyson said her interest was in helping small towns — they dot her 12th District — and is convinced that smaller, smarter government works better for constituents. “The more local government is, the better the decisions,” she said. “What fits Humboldt might not fit Dodge City (where she attended St. Mary’s of the Plains) — the fact is I know it wouldn’t.” BOTH SAID a concern of rural legislators was that urban areas have accumulated much power from population shifts. Tyson noted that 20 of the state’s 40 senators represent the five largest counties and 25 representatives are from
Johnson County. Many urban legislators don’t understand economics that impact rural counties, or that agriculture is as much a driver of the state’s economy as it is, she said. Part of that is because many new legislators are young and have no rural ties, Bideau said. “When I was in the legislature 20 years ago many of those representing the larger counties were older and grew up in rural areas,” he said. “Right now, (House) representatives from the three largest population counties could out-vote us (rural areas).” Neither legislator is certain what will occur with the 6.3 percent statewide sales tax. House members want it reduced to 5.7 percent, which was part of the proposal when it passed three years ago to fill revenue gaps, mainly for education. If that occurs, the remaining .4 percent would go to the Kansas Department of Transportation. Most senators prefer to keep it at 6.3 percent, Tyson said, although she is a proponent of lower taxes. “I’m for lower taxes, but we have to be smart about how it’s done,” she said, allowing that dependency on state revenue could be reduced substantially through trimming waste. “We must have 1,000 Internet outlets in the Statehouse, each costing $42.50 a month, and we don’t need nearly that many,” she said. “At one state facility they serve shrimp and tilapia. We could save $200,000” with less expensive fare.
er grill in a raffle by the Gates team. The luminaries ceremony unfolded at 9 o’clock Friday evening with all team members going to the center of the arena. Girl Scouts Taylor Johnson, Lorie Carpenter, Caiden Cloud, Averia Witchley, Kilea Heslop, Danny Fees, Natalie Fees, Camryn Fre-
imiller, Lora Newkirk, Lola Newkirk and Kia Llori walked the track dressed as angels as the names of those who have succumbed to cancer were read. Walkers who stayed past midnight were eligible for four tickets to a Kansas City Royals game, which Barbara Smith won.
H Relay Continued from A1 Dudley Done Right BBQ, were available. When tastes changed in the wee hours of Saturday, breakfast burritos, cinnamon rolls and pancakes were rolled out, along with plenty of coffee. Several teams offered things for sale. Andy Daeges won a five-burn-
Lynn’s Pins Going gray
It’s not a big deal to anyone but me, but I’m letting my hair go au naturel — which I’m hoping will be a spicy salt and pepper. I need support, so I turned to Pinterest, where I found hundreds of pictures and testimonials from other women who have successfully made the painfully slow transition. Of course, every-
Jamie Lee Curtis
Susan Lynn Register editor one is hoping they’ll look like Jamie Lee Curtis who, face it, would look good bald.
Kale is great raw Kale is the new arugula when it comes to salads, plus it’s super healthy. Kale is loaded with iron, vitamin K, and powerful antioxidants. The trick is to let it marinate in a vinegar and oil dressing for at least 30 minutes so it breaks down the otherwise tough leaves. Add pine nuts and dried cranberries and it’s delicious! Photos courtesy of Pinterest
I‘m new at Pinterest, so don’t laugh at my page. I look forward to learning about your favorites pins. To share, email your pins to
H Rotary Continued from A1 drinkable. Rotarians have been fighting polio on a worldwide scale. There are only three countries still reporting cases of polio — Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. On a local level, Iola Rotarians have helped bring awareness to the disease and have raised funds to help purchase the expensive vaccine. Rotary, overall, has raised more than $1 billion to the effort. Rotarians who choose to travel overseas, for immunization days for example, pay their own way, but once in the foreign country they stay with other Rotarians. The wagon wheel Rotary emblem makes for more than a handsome pin. It “means you are welcomed,” all across the world, Potter said. Going into a foreign country can be intimidating, but with 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide, the network affords an instant connection. “We might have a lot of differences between us. Different language,
districts and locations, but the differences are minor in comparison to our similarities. We have the same wants, desires and goals,” Hawk said. If the international trips and efforts aren’t appealing, Rotary spearheads many local projects. Because of the Rotarian’s efforts a playground was put in at Windsor Place and the Mary Martin Art Gallery in the Bowlus Fine Arts Center was built. Every other month Rotary holds a paper drive, they have given out scholarships to local students, they give watches to graduating seniors, they have given elementary students dictionaries and twice a year they clean up a part of U.S. 54. The new Allen County Hospital is also on Rotarians’ radars and they are helping raise funds to buy it new equipment. Rotarian’s generosity extends to communities, near and far. When the tornado went through Joplin, Rotarians worked with Habitat for Humanity to rebuild houses.
“I feel completely confident that if we had a disaster we would have Rotary at our doorstep,” Brigham said. Along with the many projects on Rotarian’s plates locally and worldwide, the group is always open to new project suggestions. “Most projects aren’t dictated, it is usually an individual’s interest,” Potter said. “Our projects are usually grass roots projects.” Rotarians join the club for their own reasons but one thing they all have in common is what is known as the Rotary moment. “When you are in another country putting reading glasses on people, all of a sudden you get it,” Rotarian Tom Brigham said. “It’s what keeps you going, it’s what touches you.” ROTARIANS are always looking for new members to join the group. Iola’s Rotary Club meets every Thursday at noon at The New Greenery.
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Sports B Chiefs target defense as draft concludes — B4
Royals, Indians split doubleheader with blowouts — B4
The Iola Register
Allen dominates 5K races at tune-up By RICHARD LUKEN
EL DORADO — Allen Community College’s track and field team flexed some distance running muscle Saturday. The Red Devils were nothing less than dominant in the men’s and women’s 5000-meter runs Saturday at the Ollie Isom Invitational hosted by Butler County Community College. On the women’s side, Denae McGee won the 5000 with a national meet-qualifying mark of 19 minutes, 19.02 seconds. Then there were the men. Allen entered nine runners in the men’s 5000. All finished in the top 10, led by Tegan Michael’s 15:39.27. Michael qualified for nationals with his time, as did runner-up Garrett Colglazier in 15:40.36 and Dakota Parker in third at 15:44.98. Colglazier
Monday, April 29, 2013
and Parker had qualified for nationals previously. “This was an opportunity to better their marks,” Allen coach Vince DeGrado said. The Red Devil athletes used Saturday’s competition as a tune-up for the upcoming Region VI and Jayhawk Conference championships, which run Friday and Saturday at Barton County in Great Bend. “That 5K shows just how much depth we have in our middle distance,” DeGrado said. “Breaking the 16-minute barrier is kind of the gold standard at this level, and to have almost our entire team do that shows just how strong we can be.” DeGrado also heaped praise on the Red Devil sprinters and their work with assistant coach Tony Davis. Antonio Duncan took secSee TRACK | Page B4
Track helpers needed Iola’s Riverside Park will serve as the site for a number of upcoming track and field events. Iola High will host meets on May 6 and the Class 4A Regional Meet May 17. Track coach Marvin Smith is in need of workers to help the meets run smoothly. The May 6 meet will have varsity teams from the area, while Iola, Chanute, Burlington and Anderson County will enter junior varsity ath-
letes. Volunteers should contact Smith at 363-4343 if they can help. The May 6 meet begins at 4 p.m. MEANWHILE, Crest High also will host a track meet at Riverside Park on Thursday. Athletics director Brent Smith is in need of volunteers for that event as well. Workers can call him at (620) 852-3521. That meet begins at 3:30 p.m.
McAninish tops field at special Sunday race By SCOTT STEWART
HUMBOLDT — As is the case with area activities of late, weather has played havoc with Humboldt Speedway’s schedule. Fortunately, Sunday afternoon provided perfect racing weather, and Wichita driver Ryan McAninish took ample advantage to win his first ever McCarthy Auto Group /USRA Modified feature at the Speedway. While McAninish led from
start to finish, John Allen contended with Canadian Joey Galloway for runner-up spot, eventually taking second. Fourth went to Chris Tonoli; Travis Smith was fifth. Derrick Wilson picked up his fourth win of the year in the Whitworth Construction pure stock feature. However, the rest of the field was shuffled by the failure of several finishers to pass post-race inSee RACE | Page B4
Register/Richard Luken
Allen Community College’s Kaitlin Norris delivers a single in a game earlier this season. On Saturday, Norris and her teammates were shut down by 13th-ranked Highland Community College in both games of their Region VI, Division II playoff doubleheader, ending the Red Devils’ season.
Red Devils’ season ends with sweep By RICHARD LUKEN
HIGHLAND — Allen Community College’s softball season came to a quiet end Saturday, at the hands — or arms, to be more specific — of Highland Community College. Highland pitchers shut out the Red Devils on a combined five hits over two games in a doubleheader sweep, 10-0 and 8-0, in the Region VI, Division II playoffs. The losses end Allen’s season at 9-30. “We knew going in that Highland was going to be a beatable team, but we would have to play the best we have all season,” Allen coach Jamie Amerine said. “Then we committed some costly errors in the first inning.”
The Scotties set the tone for the day in the first inning of Saturday’s opener. After retiring Allen in order of the top of the frame, Highland erupted for six in the bottom of the inning. The lead grew to 8-0 by the bottom of the second and 10-0 by the end of the fourth. “We tried everything we could to pitch around their home run hitters, but it didn’t matter where we pitched it, they were able to get good contact,” Amerine said. “We got good swings at the plate, and we played aggressively.” Allen twice had two runners on base, but in both cases, they were left stranded. Lauren Poertner reached on a one-out error and Taylor Easum singled in the second inning before Highland’s
Paige Crawford struck out the next two batters to end the threat. Stormie Bush and Paige Rothwell had singles in the top of the fifth, but they were left on base when Annie Gentry’s line drive was snared by the Highland third baseman. Mary Reilly struck a oneout double in the fourth, but also was left stranded. Audra Nelson was saddled with the loss, allowing eight hits with a strikeout. Highland’s damage in the second game was contained to the second and third innings, but it was plenty for starter Taylor Hatfield. Hatfield shut down Allen on a single hit, Rothwell’s fourthinning single. See ACC | Page B4
ANW athletes fare well at Special Olympics PITTSBURG — The ANW Special Education Cooperative’s Special Olympics team competed here April 19 in the Southeast Kansas track and field events. Representing ANW were:
Swing into action
Register/Richard Luken
Allen Community College’s Jerrik Sigg connects a hit in a game earlier this season. On Sunday, Sigg went a combined 4-for-7, but it was not enough for the Red Devils, who lost 7-2 and 13-1 at Fort Scott Community College. The schools wrap up their four-game series this afternoon after Saturday’s doubleheader was pushed back to today because of rain. Other details from Sunday’s games were unavailable.
Kaleb Beckman, Gas, first in softball throw and first in standing long jump Bo Bland, Iola, second in softball throw and first in 100-meter race Judy Branstetter, Iola, third in 100-meter race and second in running long jump Jonathan Cress, Iola, first in ball throw and fifth in 50-meter race Katlin Cress, Iola, first in ball throw and third in 50-meter race Gavin Doolittle, Iola, fourth in ball throw and first in 25-meter assisted walk Manual Doolittle, Neosho Falls, first in softball throw and second in 100-meter race Brandon Griggs, Moran, first in 200-meter race and fifth in running long jump Ty Johnson, Moran, second in softball throw and second in standing long jump Leibreanne Moore, Moran, fifth in softball throw and fourth in 100-meter race Justin Narvaez, Iola, fifth in 100-meter race and fourth in running long jump Mariz Schlotterbeck, Yates Center, second in ball throw and third in 25-meter race Corrine Simpson, Iola, fourth in
softball throw and third in 50-meter race Gracie Splechter, Yates Center, third in standing long jump and third in 50-meter race Ian Spoor, Iola, second in ball throw and second in 50-meter race Tyler Streeter, Gas, third in 100-meter race and second in standing long jump Whitney Tarter, Gas, second in ball throw and fourth in standing long jump Wolfgang Webber, Colony, second in ball throw and second in 50-meter race Christopher White, Iola, third in ball throw and second in 50-meter race Derek White, Iola, second in running long jump and third in 100-meter race. The relay team of Manual Doolittle, Leibreanne Moore, Ian Spoor and Katlin Cress finished second The relay team of Justin Narvaez, Tyler Streeter, Christopher White and Derek White finished first. The relay team of Jonathan Cress, Ty Johnson, Wolfgang Webber and Gracie Splechter finished third. The relay team of Kaleb Beckham, Bo Bland, Judy Branstetter and Brandon Criggs finished first. Two from Allen County also competed. Casey Riebel, LaHarpe, was first in softball throw and fourth in 100-meter race Steven Riebel, LaHarpe, was second in softball throw and first in 250-meter assisted walk
B2 Monday, April 29, 2013
The Iola Register
MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 877-391-1010.
ALLEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE has an opening for an ALLIED HEALTH INSTRUCTOR and PROGRAM DIRECTOR on the Iola or Burlingame Campus. The Allied Health Instructor and Program Director will teach up to 12 credit hours of classes each semester. Current unencumbered license to practice as a registered nurse (RN) in Kansas is required. Teaching experience and two years of full-time licensed nursing experience, which includes at least 1,750 hours of licensed nursing in a adult care home or long-term care unit of a hospital is required. Please review complete position description posted on the Allen website ( First review of applications will begin May 27, 2013. Starting date is negotiable. Submit an official application form, letter of interest, resume, unofficial college transcripts and three professional references to: Denice Stahl, Personnel Office, Allen Community College, 1801 N. Cottonwood, Iola, KS 66749. Fax to 620-365-7406, email: stahl@, Equal Opportunity Employer.
Coming Events FALL FOLIAGE NEW ENGLAND TOUR, includes Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, New York, Canada, and much more. October 5th thru October 18th 2013. For more information call 620-421-0276 or 620421-2358.
Recreational Vehicles FOR SALE: 33’ 2008 SPRINGDALE TRAILER, like new, 620-228-9725.
Services Offered ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing? Finishing? Structural Repairs? Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-888-7205583. IOLA MINI-STORAGE 323 N. Jefferson Call 620-365-3178 or 365-6163 SPENCER’S CONSTRUCTION HOME REMODELING Also buying any scrap vehicles and junk iron 620-228-3511 Sparkles Cleaning & Painting Interior/Exterior painting and wallpaper stripping Brenda Clark 620-228-2048 STORAGE & RV OF IOLA WEST HIGHWAY 54, 620-365-2200. Regular/ Boat/RV storage, LP gas, fenced, supervised, www. SUPERIOR BUILDERS. New Buildings, Remodeling, Concrete, Painting and All Your Carpenter Needs, including replacement windows and vinyl siding. 620-365-6684 RADFORD TREE SERVICE Tree trimming & removal Licensed, Insured 620-365-6122 S & S TREE SERVICE Licensed, Insured, Free Estimates 620-365-5903 CLEANING SERVICES, for homes, businesses, events and home buyers/sellers, excellent references, 620-228-8078.
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CMAs/CNAs. Tara Gardens and Arrowood Lane Residential Care Communities are currently seeking CMAs amd CNAs. Please apply in person at Arrowood Lane, 615 E. Franklin, Humboldt. DRIVER/SERVICE person needed for manufacturer of concrete burial vaults. Make deliveries and set up services at cemeteries. Must have valid driver’s license with two or fewer points and ability to be insured by company. Along with a good MVR, must be able to obtain medical card. Ability to perform physical labor and comfortable dealing with clients. Full-time position. Job is based in Iola. Please apply in person at: D of K Vaults, 304 Portland, Iola, KS, Monday-Friday from 7a.m.-4p.m. FULL-TIME AF TERNOON/ EVENING CUSTODIAL & MAINTENANCE STAFF position open at Allen Community College. Daily cleaning and light maintenance duties. Must be available some weekends on a rotational basis. Experience preferred. Competitive salary and excellent benefit package. Submit a letter of interest, resume and contact information for three references to: Personnel Office, Allen Community College, 1801 N. Cottonwood, Iola, KS 66749. ACC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Chanute Ashley Clinic has a FT position available for an MA, LPN or RN working with Dr. Jason Robinson’s urology staff. The successful applicants must enjoy helping patients, be detail-oriented, and have proficient nursing, communication and computer skills. Proof of current license required. Competitive benefits include health and life insurance, 401(k), paid vacation and sick leave. Equal Opportunity Employer Please send resume and letter of interest to the attention of Liz Batten, Chief Nursing Officer PO Box 946, Chanute, KS 66720
Call for your personal in-home consultation.
Complete Stock of Steel, Bolts, Bearings & Related Items (620) 365-5954 1008 N. Industrial Road H Iola
Lawn and Garden COMPOSTED COW MANURE $30 pickup load. Call Harry 620-365-9176 LADYBUG GREENHOUSE 731 S. Kentucky, Iola Open 8a.m.-7p.m. Monday-Saturday Sunday Noon-7p.m. 620-365-3997
Help Wanted NEED UMPIRE FOR SUMMER, girl’s & boy’s baseball & softball in Colony, 620-3631375. FULL-TIME DELIVERY PERSON, must have Class A CDL license. Benefit package. Fill out application online at www. or send resume to Diebolt Lumber, 2661 Nebraska Rd., LaHarpe, KS 66751 1-888-444-4346.
Pets and Supplies CREATIVE CLIPS BOARDING & GROOMING Clean, Affordable. Shots required. If you want the best, forget the rest! Call Jeanne 620-363-8272 FOR SALE: YORKIE PUPPIES, 2 female, AKC, vet checked and vaccinations, $400, 620-228-7984, LeRoy.
Garage Sales 308 FAIRWAY (Country Club Heights), May 1st & 2nd, 10:30-4:30, BURRIS/LAIR. Teen/adult clothing, lots of miscellaneous.
Apartments for Rent STUDIO APARTMENT, furnished, utilities paid, single efficiency, inquire at Ulrich Furniture 620-365-2781.
Real Estate for Rent IOLA, 506 N. VERMONT, 3 BEDROOM, very nice, CH/CA, appliances, fenced backyard, carport, $695 monthly, 620-4966161 or 620-496-2222.
QUALITY AND AFFORDABLE HOMES available for rent now, SMALL 3 BEDROOM, , 1 bath at 15 N. 2nd. Available May 1. Central H/A. Refrigerator, range and dishwasher provided. $550 rent, $350 security deposit. References requested. Call 620363-1217. 416 E. LINCOLN, 2-3 BEDROOM, CH/CA, refrigerator, range, dishwasher, carport and garage, $475 monthly, $350 security deposit, references required, available May 1st, 620363-1217.
Real Estate for Sale Allen County Realty Inc. 620-365-3178 John Brocker. . . . 620-365-6892 Carolynn Krohn. . 620-365-9379 Jim Hinson. . . . . . 620-365-5609 Jack Franklin. . . . 620-365-5764 Brian Coltrane. . . 620-496-5424 Dewey Stotler . . . 620-363-2491 FOR SALE BY OWNER: (2) bedroom home totally remodled, Humboldt at 708 Mulberry St. (watch for the signs), $43,750. 620-473-3308
Price Reduced
DREAM HOME FOR SALE. 402 S. Elm, Iola, Grand 3-story 1897 home on 3 lots. 4,894 sq. ft., Corian countertops, WoodMode cabinets and SubZero fridge/freezer. $175,000. Call 620-365-9395 for Susan Lynn or Dr. Brian Wolfe More info and pictures at classifieds
3+ bedroom , 13⁄4 bath, new ly rem odeled, 1 car attached garage, central heat & air. 620-228-8029
Child Care LICENSED DAY CARE HAS OPENINGS, Jefferson District, Cindy Troxel, 620-365-2204.
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MIKE’S GUNS 620-363-0094 Thur.-Sat. 9-2
Education budget tied to tax TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas higher education officials are depending upon Republican Gov. Sam Brownback’s political mojo working on fellow GOP conservatives on tax issues to preserve existing state funding for public universities and colleges. Brownback began touring university and community college campuses last week in what his administration described as an effort to highlight the importance of higher education to the state and its economy. The tour came after university presidents warned the Kansas Board of Regents that budget cuts being considered by legislators could endanger crucial initiatives. Legislators are taking their annual spring break and plan to reconvene May 8 to finish their business for the year. Tax issues are linked to the campaign to prevent cuts in higher education spending. The governor and other Republicans want to position Kansas to phase out individual income taxes, but the state must stabilize its budget over the next few years. Brownback proposes to cancel a decrease in the sales tax scheduled by law for July, and if lawmakers don’t agree to that plan, they’ll find it difficult — and perhaps impossible — to follow his recommendation to preserve existing higher education spending. The Republican-dominated Legislature appears headed toward cutting higher education, with some GOP lawmakers suggesting the regents and university officials haven’t been held accountable enough to the public. But much depends on how legislators resolve tax issues. “Until we pass the tax package, I have absolutely no idea what kind of funding we’re going to get to work with,” said Sen. Tom Arpke, a conservative Salina Republican and chairman of the Senate Ways and Means subcommittee on education. The Senate has embraced Brownback’s sales tax measure and his proposals for a second round of individual
income tax cuts. The House approved a plan to let the sales tax drop as planned, with far less aggressive income tax cuts. Legislators must resolve those differences to pass a tax bill after
John Hanna An AP news analysis
their spring break ends. House and Senate negotiators also expect to continue talks on the final version of a roughly $14.5 billion state budget for the fiscal year beginning in July. Under Brownback’s proposals, total spending on higher education would remain about $2.5 billion for the next fiscal year. About $775 million in spending would be financed with state tax
Until we pass the tax package, I have no idea what kind of funding we’re going to get to work with. — Sen. Tom Arpke
dollars — as opposed to tuition dollars or federal funds — four-tenths of 1 percent more than the amount in the current budget. In January, Regents Chairman Tim Emert, a former Senate majority leader from Independence, praised the governor for “recognizing the importance of higher education.” A political alliance was forged. Regent Mildred Edwards, of Wichita, said last week after Brownback’s visit to Washburn University in Topeka, “The Kansas Board of Regents fully supports the governor’s budget for higher education. It’s necessary to continue to grow Kansas and build our work force.” The Senate approved a 2 percent cut in the state’s share of the funding, trimming about $15 million from the governor’s proposals for the next fiscal year.
The House went significantly deeper. It started with a 4 percent cut in universities, community colleges’ and technical colleges funding, trimming about $29 million. But it also capped the amount of money for state government salaries and longevity bonuses at existing levels — and the regents estimate the policies would cost them another $19 million. House GOP leaders contend they’re trying to keep the tax burden on Kansas families, particularly middle-class ones, low and they chided the regents over the annual tuition increases they’ve approved to make up for tight state funding. “Just because an institution provides a valuable service to our state does not mean they should avoid being accountable for taxpayer dollars,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman Marc Rhoades, a Newton Republican, said in a statement last week. Democratic legislators are frustrated because they think the debate over higher education spending shifts attention away from the state’s self-inflicted budget problems. Supporters expect last year’s tax cuts to stimulate the economy, but the reductions have — as Brownback concedes — left the state needing to backfill its budget to avoid significant cuts to core programs. “The drumbeat to fund higher education at the governor’s recommended level, that’s being played out just to put pressure on legislators to not sunset the sales tax,” said Sen. Laura Kelly of Topeka, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Ways and Means Committee. The sales tax is set to drop to 5.7 percent in July, under a 2010 budget-balancing law that boosted the tax before Brownback took office. Keeping the rate at 6.3 percent would generate $258 million during the next fiscal year. “The whole budget has to fit together,” Brownback said last week. “Your receipts and your expenditures have to balance.”
Sheriff to close juvenile facility SALINA, Kan. (AP) — Staffing issues and an increasingly violent inmate population have prompted a central Kansas sheriff to close a juvenile detention facility, but county commissioners aren’t so sure he has the power to do that. Saline County Sheriff Glen Kochanowski called all three commissioners Friday to say he had decided to close the Saline County Juvenile Detention Center early this week, the commissioners confirmed to the Salina Journal. “It was kind of a surprise to me,” said Commission Chairman Randy Duncan. “We know that there are some needs — a temporary staffing crisis and a few
more juveniles, but it’s not clear to me whether this is a long-term problem or a short-term problem.” He said it’s also unclear whether Kochanowski has the authority to close the facility. The sheriff declined to comment when contacted over the weekend, saying he will make an announcement today. Kochanowski and Lt. Sean Kochanowski, who operates the juvenile facility, asked for at least two new staff positions at the center during a commission meeting April 16. The sheriff told commissioners the center is often over capacity, which has led to altercations and injuries to staff and inmates.
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The sheriff said the facility is seeing increasing numbers of violent offenders. He told commissioners juvenile detention standards call for 15 staff members for facilities of similar size, but the Saline County facility has only 11. The county budgeted just over $700,000 for juvenile center operations for 2013, which was an increase of more than 3 percent from the previous year. The increase was to pay for salaries, utilities and medical supplies. Duncan said he didn’t think two new positions would be an option this year because they would cost about $78,000 that was not budgeted. “We’re not like the
federal government,” he said. “You just don’t create money out of thin air.” Duncan said the sheriff was informing staff and would arrange to move seven juveniles to the North Central Kansas Juvenile Detention Facility in Junction City. The sheriff had previously told commissioners it would cost $150 a day per inmate to house them there, but Duncan was hoping Glen Kochanowski could negotiate a cheaper rate. Duncan said he thinks the sheriff is acting out of concern for his employees and the juveniles housed at the facility, which he believes are also priorities of commissioners.
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The Iola Register
Self-care important for caregivers DEAR
Several of my friends developed breast cancer shortly after the death of their husband, child or someone else close. Your comments, please, regarding great stress and cancer. — M.W. ANSWER: I think there are two issues here. The first is that prolonged, severe stress predisposes us to illness — including cancer, heart disease and infection. The second is that caregivers don’t always take good care of themselves — don’t recognize or pay attention to early signs that problems are coming on. One of my colleagues wisely reminds her patients that they always tell you on an airplane to put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others. You need to be in good condition to be able to help others. I know (I really do) how hard it is, but take some time for yourself. That
includes going for your regular check-ups and getting your appropriate screening tests.
toms of diseases or medical conditions. However, there is roughly a 50 percent chance of any characteristic coming from a given side. Of the conditions you mention, all of them have some genetic component, but there isn’t a way to tell about one characteristic from another, in general. In other words, even if your granddaughter is the very image of her aunt with high blood pressure, there is no guarantee that she will have high blood pressure too. Her risk is only somewhat higher than the average person’s. DEAR DR. ROACH: I have heard conflicting reports about flaxseed oil. Dr. Donohue recommended flaxseed oil, but I read another article that said it should not be consumed. I thought it was a good source of omega-3, but now I don’t know if I should throw
out my capsules. I see far fewer flaxseed oil products displayed on counters compared to what there once was. — S.G. ANSWER: Flaxseed oil does contain large amount of ALA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid. There is pretty good evidence that this oil may reduce the risk of heart disease by acting favorably on cholesterol and triglyceride levels. However, ground flax seeds contain both the ALA and also fiber and lignans. Fiber helps with bowel regularity (both for diarrhea and constipation), and lignans have estrogenlike properties and are purported to have anticancer properties, as yet unproven in humans. The estrogen effect of ground flaxseed is not enough to help with hot flashes, but it may be enough to cause problems in pregnant women or those with a history of breast cancer.
NOTICE OF SUIT WHITAKER COMPANIES, INC., TO: JOHN DOE, UNKNOWN PLAINTIFF, OWNER OF TRAILER VIN: 0MY775220 V. CASE NO: 2013CV17 You have been sued in the above-mentioned Court by the JOHN DOE, UNKNOWN above named Plaintiff you must OWNER OF FRUEHAUF TRAILER answer this Petition by the 27th VIN 0MY775220, of May, 2013 or judgment will be DEFENDANT. entered against you.
Dr. Keith Roach To Your Good Health DEAR
Several, but not all, of our grandchildren strongly take after one side of the family. In complexion, hair and eye color and build, these kids are “chips off the block” of this one side of the family. Is it also likely that they will then have a propensity to inherit that family’s most prominent health conditions: arthritis, blood pressure, dental, eyesight and drinking tendencies? — G.P. ANSWER: Both genetics and environment contribute to the likelihood of an individual showing signs or symp-
Monday, April 29, 2013
Public notices (First Published in The Iola Register, April 29, 2013) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ALLEN COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Estates of Oren M. Nelson and Frances Pearl Nelson, Deceased No. 2013 PR 22 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are notified that on April 24, 2013, a Petition for the Admission, Construction and Probate of Wills and Issuance of Letters Testamentary was filed in this Court by the Law Firm of Immel, Works & Heim, P.A., requesting the Wills filed with the Petition be admitted to probate and record; that Letters Testamentary be granted to Petitioner to serve without bond; that the Court construe the Decedents’ Last Wills and Testaments and judicially determine whether the execution of such Wills severed the joint tenancy with right of survivorship ownership of the real property described in the Petition. You are required to file your written defenses to the Petition on or before May 21, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. in the District Court, Iola, Allen County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to file your written defenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. The Law Firm of Immel, Works & Heim, P.A. IMMEL, WORKS & HEIM, P.A. Four East Jackson Iola, Kansas 66749 (620) 365-2222 Petitioner (4) 29 (5) 6,13
DAILY CRYPTOQUOTES - Here’s how to work it:
Sudoku is like a crossword puzzle, but uses numbers instead of words. The puzzle is a box of 81 squares, subdivided into 3x3 cubes of 9 squares each. Some squares are filled in with numbers. The rest should be filled in by the puzzler. Fill in the blank squares allowing the numbers 1-9 to appear only once in every row, once in every column and once in every 3x3 box. One-star puzzles are for beginners, and the difficulty gradually increases through the week to a very challenging fivestar puzzle.
by Chris Browne
(First published in The Iola Register, April 15, 2013) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ALLEN COUNTY, KANSAS
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
by Young and Drake
by Kirkman & Scott
by Tom Batiuk
by Chance Browne
by Mort Walker
B4 Monday, April 29, 2013
The Iola Register
Chiefs target Royals, Indians split doubleheader defense as draft concludes By DAVE SKRETTA
dians’ long-slumbering offense. “Things haven’t been going the way we wanted them to lately. Everybody knows that,” Aviles said. “It was good to get a couple runs and then add on.” The Royals played much better in the opener of a doubleheader caused by Friday’s rainout. Guthrie (3-0) allowed six hits over 6 2-3 innings for his 16th consecutive start without a loss. That matched the Kansas City record set by Paul Splittorff from Aug. 13, 1977-April 22, 1978. “I knew it’s been a number of starts in a row, because people kept reminding me of it,” Guthrie said with a smile. “Ultimately, it means a lot because hopefully the guys behind me when I go out are confident that we have a chance to win the game.” Alcides Escobar and
AP Sports Writer
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — After spending their first three picks on offense, the Kansas City Chiefs led off the final day of the NFL draft looking for some help on defense. The Chiefs grabbed Alabama linebacker Nico Johnson with the second selection in the fourth round Saturday, and then picked Georgia defensive back Sanders Commings early in the fifth round. Kansas City added California (Pa.) center Eric Kush in the sixth round, and a compensatory choice later in the round went to Kansas State fullback Braden Wilson. The Chiefs wrapped up their draft by taking Princeton defensive end Mike Catapano in the seventh round. The Eagles traded up three spots to the first pick in the fourth round, and chose Southern California quarterback Matt Barkley. That led to speculation that the Philadelphia brass thought the Chiefs might be in-
H Race Continued from B1
spection. The final results: runner-up was Matthew Kay, with Norman Mackley third, Levi Phillips fourth and Eldon McIntosh fifth. Ray’s Metal Depot BMod feature action saw a hard-fought win by Jeremy Chambers, who held off hard-charging Riley Whitworth. Blake Kisner clawed his way to third, while Jimmie Davis finished fourth, and Tim VanGotten fifth. Victorious once again in factory stock was Scott Stuart, winning despite serious competition from runner-up David Matlock and Daryl Drake in third. Jeremy Wilson was fourth, Steve Herrick fifth. Coming this Friday, Mini Mods will join the regular show. Also, weather permitting, men and women wearing shorts and cowboy boots will be admitted for half price. Gates open at 6 p.m.; races start at 8.
H ACC Continued from B1
The Red Devils were without the services of leading hitter Maecy Charleston, who was unavailable because of a family wedding. “We knew for a year she wasn’t going to be with us at regionals,” Amerine said. “I don’t think it hurt us because we were able to adjust our outfield.” Kaitlyn Rash started for Allen, allowing 10 hits. “This definitely wasn’t the season we had hoped for in terms of victories, but our record didn’t indicate how we played,” Amerine said. “The start was tough because of the weather, having to go in and out and in and out. We played probably only about half as many games as we normally would. But I saw improvement with several girls. We’ll continue to work over the summer to get better and gear up for next year.”
terested in Barkley with the No. 99 overall pick. Reid said the Chiefs were going defense all the way. They wound up picking Johnson, filling a need at linebacker by choosing a natural fit for the defensive system Kansas City intends to keep under new coordinator Bob Sutton. Johnson was the first defensive player chosen by the Chiefs. They’d already drafted offensive tackle Eric Fisher, tight end Travis Kelce and running back Knile Davis the first two days. Commings played primarily cornerback during his time at Georgia, but his size (6 feet, 216 pounds) and physical nature mean he could shift over to safety in the NFL.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Ned Yost was positively glowing after the opener of Sunday’s day-night doubleheader against Cleveland, and for good reason. The Royals had rolled to a 9-0 victory. He had a much different assessment of the nightcap. “We were crummy,” the manager said. Mike Aviles hit a threerun homer and finished with a career-high five RBIs, and the Indians cruised to a 10-3 victory to split the first day-night doubleheader in Kauffman Stadium history. The Indians scored twice off spot starter Will Smith (0-1) in the second inning. Aviles hit his homer in the third, and then he added sacrifice flies in the fourth and seventh innings against his former team, doing his best to wake up the In-
H Track Continued from B1
ond in the 400-meter hurdles in 58.16 seconds while Chris Donald took third in the 110-meter hurdles at 15.12 seconds. “I can’t say enough about just much Coach Davis has meant for this team,” DeGrado said. “To see how well he’s worked with our sprinters, and to see the powerhouse group he’s recruiting, it’s getting very exciting.” Allen’s full results follow Women 800-meter run
5. Danae McGee, 2:23.91 14. Kim Boyle, 2:38.23 5000-meter run 1. McGee, 19:19.02 — NQ 3. Mahilia Soap, 21:27.04 Men 100-meter dash 7. Kelvin Gant, 10.84 200-meter dash 9. Jethro St. Hubert, 21.85 14. Rodrick Simmons, 22.12 16. Michael Burns, 22.40 21. Jordan Fountain, 22.52 22. Kyle Smith, 22.63 400-meter dash 11. Rondell Simmons 800-meter run 5. Tegan Michael, 1:56.77 7. Chris Donald, 1:57.23 16. Tucker Morgan, 2:00.06 26. Rickcardo Bailey, 2:04.66 35. Jordan Caudill, 2:08.02
5000-meter run 1. Michael, 15:39.27 — NQ 2. Garrett Colglazier, 15:40.36 — NQ 3. Dakota Parker, 15:44.98 — NQ 4. Josh Whittaker, 15:48.88 5. Patrick Rachford, 15:49.32 6. Kyle Schauvliege, 15:49.46 7. Kevin White, 15:51.72 9. Jacob Spence, 15:57.02 10. Gerald Christian, 16:07.54 110-meter hurdles 3. Chris Donald, 15.12 400-meter hurdles 2. Antonio Duncan 58.16 5. Bruce Barclay, 60.79 4x400-meter relay 6. Allen-B, 3:27.02 Long jump 6. Michael Burns, 5.93 NQ — national qualifier
Alex Gordon homered to pace Kansas City. Escobar’s solo shot came in the fifth inning and Gordon’s tworun homer came in the eighth, capping a big afternoon for the Royals offense. Jarrod Dyson also drove in a pair of runs, and Mike Moustakas had a single and three walks — one with the bases loaded. Justin Masterson (42) allowed seven runs in 6 1-3 innings for the Indians. The right-hander, who entered the game with a 1.85 ERA, was trying to join Bob Lemon, Greg Swindell and Cliff Lee as the only
pitchers in franchise history with five wins in April. Instead, Masterson got roughed up by the bottom of the Royals’ lineup. So much for that. The only close call off Guthrie came in the second inning. Santana hit a drive to center that hit off the green padding atop the wall. The ball bounced back into play and was ruled a double, and the call was upheld when the umpires checked the replay. Santana was left stranded when Guthrie retired Ryan Raburn and Lonnie Chisenhall.
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