November 2012
e are all taught from the earliest age to rely on ourselves, to think for ourselves, to become selfconfident, self-assured, and independent. When we are born-again, we receive Christ Himself. The "temple" is our body, and I not only have an obligation to watch what I put into it, I must re-learn everything from the perspective of Jesus' Grace because of Who is living in it. I must now learn to rely only on Jesus in me, depend only on Jesus in me, and trust Him to make me Christ-confident and Christassured. Most status quo Christian teaching today inadvertently, or intentionally, strengthens the flesh (the self), rather than "helping it to die" so that we can experience Christ's Life in us. We have basically abbreviated the Gospel to death. We don't take the time to use complete sentences or to explain the meaning of the Word. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" never was a stand-alone statement! It means - within the context of the Whole Counsel of God's Word and the Gospel - to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Who is living HIS LIFE for us, in us, and through us, by grace through faith alone - not by works, not by flesh, not by Law, not by mixing STRENGTHENING FLESH Law and Grace, and not by "balancing" works and Spirit. We are to "rightly divide" everything that came before the Cross and everything that came after the Cross (the "New Testament" actually did not begin until Jesus died - Heb. 9:16-17). The Cross of Christ changed everything. When we used to sing, "He's EVERYTHING to me," (Ralph Carmichael, 1964). I am not sure we realized what we were singing. Jesus is our very Life now, and because of His "New Management," we begin to live by surrendering, yielding, and allowing Him to work in and through us (Phil. 2:13; 4:13). Surrendering, yielding, and allowing all lead back to John 15:4-5 where Jesus explained abiding in Him. Have you seen "The Envelopes" illustration? It is so simple, yet powerful. Imagine one small envelope (you) - placed inside a larger envelope (Jesus) - placed inside an even larger envelope (God). Are you feeling pretty cozy and secure? You should be! But "being in Him" is just part of the Finished Work! UNPACK THE WHOLE THING! Take the envelopes apart, and this time start with Jesus. He is EVERYTHING! Put a small Cross inside the small envelope. That's the Holy Spirit of Jesus IN YOU. Online readers: ClickNow Hereplace the small envelope (you) - back inside the larger envelope (Jesus) - and back inside the largest envelope (God). Ready for the finale?! Now SEAL IT! That's what the ...Continued . .
Dan Camp: IOM Staff Writer, author, teacher & communicator of the Exchanged Life—Peachtree City, GA.
Finished Work did for you and for all who believe on Jesus. And that is why I experience such incredible peace about suffering. The one who suffers, most importantly if he is bornagain, is IN JESUS CHRIST - AND Jesus is IN HIM! NOTHING can separate him from the Love of Christ –absolutely nothing - because Christ lives in him. The Great Guarantee to believers in Romans 8:28 is because of the Great Goal of God in verse 29—becoming conformed to the image of His Son! (Never, never quote Rom. 8:28 alone, as it stands on the “broad shoulders” of 8:29!) The Gospel is all about learning Romans 12:2—Who we are in Him and who He is in us. We spend a lot of time on the front-side of the Cross - the Blood side, and glory to God. We are totally forgiven because of Jesus' Blood! But we need to understand the back-side - the Body side of the Cross, too, because He is our Life (Col. 1:27, 29; 3:1-3). The victorious abundant Christian Life is not something we DO, it is Christ in us. In the final analysis, our great need was not forgiveness, or healing, or guidance, or wisdom, or happiness. NO! We were DEAD and needed LIFE, and - funny thing - it's right there in John 3:16! The LIFE of Jesus is in every page of the Bible! Jesus is EVERYTHING. But believing believers need most to know Jesus, His Life in them, and HOW TO ABIDE IN HIM. We must resist teaching that abiding or any part of the authentic Christian Life is DOING-BASED, works-based, performance-based. We must abandon our self-life, our flesh. We must close the door on our flesh and keep "the door of abiding" (wells) open. We control the door. Our mind has the final say - moment by moment. The Lord is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17-18) and He will tell us when we have begun to depend again on works, Law, or flesh. When He sends up that Blood-Red Flag, we close our Flesh-door and open our Abiding-door again! We are becoming Christ-conscious in all things, not sin-conscious. He dealt with sin - finally - "The End" - so that we may focus on Jesus, set our minds on Jesus, be preoccupied with Jesus trusting that He Who is our very Life now, will take care of us and all that concerns us. Consider the lilies and the birds - And what His Word REALLY MEANS!
About a year ago, I was introduced to Joe and Cherri Freeman of Whiting, NJ. My initial intent on spending time with them was for the sole purpose of interviewing them for staff positions. It did not take me long to realize that God had much more in mind. To make a longer story shorter, Joe and I became so close, that we gave each other new names—Caleb and Joshua. Shortly after our newfound friendship began to form, Caleb came down with a host of health issues that has left him in the hospital more than out. The past several months have been filled with a constant barrage of tests that have stretched their faith, marriage, and ministry. Even though I am going to wait until Caleb shares his own story in our Christmas issue, I must tell you that there have been a multitude of souls saved and ministered to. Both Caleb and Cherri’s love of Christ for others continue to shine through circumstances that would shake the foundation of the strongest believer. It is a miraculous story—I cannot wait for you to read their story. I appeal to you to pray for my dear brother! He is living on feeding tubes and is very weak . The doctors are not able to determine exactly why his body is shutting down. Each of his friends and family have hope and faith that God will free him from these circumstances. But until that release comes, please pray for comfort; continued outreach; and stability for their finances, marriage, and family life. If you are led by God to share words of encouragement, please send an e-mail to: and I will make sure they get your correspondence. If God leads you to help them financially, IOM has created the Caleb Fund. Whatever amount you are led to give, IOM will give 100% of your giving to Cherri and Caleb. - S Phinney Online Readers: Donate Here Snail Mail Gifts: Caleb Fund, P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579
Send Your Story & Receive a Free E-Book: P.O. Box 71 Sterling, KS 67579 Online Readers: Click Here 2
We Thank Our Workers: Akre, Ron (IOM Adviser & Executive Officer), Kezele, Joseph Dr. (IOM Adviser & Executive Officer), Phinney, Stephen Dr. (IOM Adviser & Executive Officer), Bennett, Larry (Staff writer), Bootsma, James (IOM Adviser), Brugman, Jeff (IOM Adviser), Bukowski, JJ (IOM Adviser), Camp, Dan (Staff writer), Carter, Bruce “DOS” (IOM Vice President Digital Communications), Charles, Mariam (Contributing Writer), Childers, Debbie (IOM Staff Writer), Cornelius, Rob (IOM Adviser), Davis, Scott (Contributing Writer), Ghaster, Brad (IOM Adviser), Gough, Tammy (Contributing Writer), Hickman, David (Contributing Writer), Hill, Kathy (IOM Managing Editor), Holloway, Keith (IOM Adviser), Jacobs, Jose (Contributing Writer), Jones, Elizabeth (IOM Associate Editor), Jones, Galen (Contributing Staff), Kratz, Rick, CPA (IOM Adviser/CPA), Lynch, John (IOM Adviser), Markell, Paul (Contributing Expository Writer), McCarthy, David (Contributing Writer), Mitchell, Ronnie (Contributing Writer), Ndagijimana, Jean Paul (Narrative and Expository Writer), Parker, Sky (IOM Adviser), Phinney, Jane (Associate Editor), Phinney, Jessi (Executive Assistant), Price, Tom (Contributing Writer), Sealy, Jean (Contributing Writer), Smock, Wendell (IOM Adviser), and our friends at Allegra. Meet Our Workers
This short film has become one of our directory’s most viewed short films in the shortest amount of time to date. Behavior and worldview projects from personal identity! This little short film is a great tool to use to open discussion, or thought, about one's identity in Christ - or lack of it. Let’s keep this short film advancing through your “forwards.” Online readers Click Here
for the thousands of people worldwide who literally sacrifice their lives for the sake of communicating the freeing truths of the Exchanged Life. Just recently, I was sent a video clip from one of our workers in the field. This clip graphically revealed a young indwelt Christian having his head removed with a pocket knife (wife and children forced to watch), as the Muslim jihadist was shouting hatred toward ‘those who claim to have Allah (Christ) living inside their mortal bodies.’ Needless to say, I could not get through the entire video; but it opened my eyes to something the worker said to me. He asked me if I understood the reality and consequences of training true indwelt Christians how to communicate the Galatians 2:20 truths. Even though it was hard for me to respond due to what I saw, I replied with, ‘I think so.’ He went on to communicate how the Muslims have a particular hatred toward those who, from their point of view, make the claim to have Allah living in their bodies. Since they know that we claim that Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus IS God—we, therefore, are claiming that their god (Allah) lives in each Christian who has had this exchange—born-again experience. Learn More: VOM I cannot tell you how fast I sobered upon hearing this! I quickly began to see a new kind of persecution for
the Bride of Christ that I had not seen before, particularly for those whom we are training to share the power of the Exchanged Life. I am often overwhelmed with heartache and sorrow for those who truly understand the price of the Exchanged Life. I get e-mails and texts on a regular basis of the good news of people coming into Salvation or the understanding of the Exchanged Life, with a warning to pray for these new converts—since an average outspoken new indwelt Christian does not live for more than a week in most of these Muslim block countries. Please consider joining us in supporting a ministry that provides ministry to the Persecuted Church— Voice of the Martyrs (VOM: Not only am I eternally grateful for those of you who are in the trenches leading others to Jesus for Salvation and embracing the Exchanged Life, but I am very appreciative of our IFEL workers (listed above) who dedicate time, effort, and many times, their own resources to help us revitalize the worldview of uniting Exchanged Life workers throughout the entire world. In addition, I am blessed to work with our partners—over 1,800 dedicated soldiers/ministries of the Cross. I also offer a special thanks to my Editor—Kathy Hill of Colorado. She is one of the most dedicated and faithful workers the Lord has given our ministry! Most importantly, we thank you our readers and supporters—without you, our work is pointless. The leadership of IOM & IFEL offers a heartfelt THANK YOU! 33
P.O. Box 71 Sterling, KS 67579 602-292-2985
BRAD GHASTER, AZ: I have had the privilege by God’s grand design to get to know the Phinneys and the IOM ministry for many years. I am always joyfully surprised to see how and where God is working, going before Steve and IOM, leading and educating The Body for a God honoring life now, and for the future. The faithfulness of God and the giftedness of Steve and staff provides for many exciting opportunities to join God in the work He has laid out before time began. IOM is diligent in seeking God’s direction to provide the vision and tools necessary to assist with the challenges of ministry in today’s fast changing world. I personally believe in the direct correlation of a person’s integrity and their success. I know Dr. Phinney is not only a man of integrity, but a humble man, which is rare commodity today. I know and have seen the Grace God has given Steve. When I originally went into business, it was with the desire to use the resources from the business to do the ministry God may lead or call me into. I obviously thought it would be mission trips to Africa or wishfully, Hawaii. But over the past 35 years, God has used this business in many different ways and in many different ministries, from college campuses to disaster relief—all with the hope to ultimately Glorify God. As an Advisery Board Member representing the business community, I am honored to continue in the support and process of allowing God to use us as He desires, to be a blessing to others and Glorifying Him and His work in IOM and ministries around the world. More Testimonies found at: Online readers: Click Here
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Minimum Monthly Budget Need: $11,000 Budget Need Met To Date: 20% Present Need: $8,800 IOM AMERICA | INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF EXCHANGED LIFE | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | |