Exchanged Forever By Charles Orajiaku, Nigeria, Africa Exchanged Life Outreach My name is Charles Orajiaku. I was born in 1969, at the heat of Nigeria civil war. I’m married to Lisa and we are blessed with three children; Olive, Daniel and Jason. I was raised a religious child in a staunch religious family. We could go to church regularly, and often times had retreats in the church yard. Early in my days in high/secondary school, the Lord started opening my eyes to the need for salvation. I opposed and even persecuted and misrepresented those who then claimed to be born again and often wondered why anyone could preach to me. I knew no need for a Savior. I trusted in my religious background and self righteousness I could recall vividly how one day I confronted two ladies who preached to my friend and I. I told them not to wasted their precious time preaching to me, they should rather go to the native idol worshipers who really needed their gospel. However, in 1988 the Lord convicted me of my sins and I realized the need for His salvation. It was a progressive experience that culminated in my accepting for once that I was a wretched sinner needing a loving Savior. For the first time in my life, I damned the consequence, threw shame away and left the company of peers as I answered the altar call. The preacher invited those willing to trade their sins for Christ’s forgiveness to come forth. I remember how I left my friends (before whom I had passed off as a moralist) behind as I proceeded to the stage. There and then I confessed my sins and received the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior. From then I continued in fellowship in a local church called Deeper Life Bible Church. I spent about two decades of my life as a believer in this denomination working as both youth worker and choir leader. (continued on page 2)
Charles Orajiaku, Nigeria, Africa Testimony Continued: Once again, sometime in 2004, I perceived that my life as a Christian was again tilting towards mere observance of religious rites, like “going” to church regularly. Then the void started showing up again. I started asking the question: where’s the abundant life He promised? Is this all about what I could do and perform? Where’s the rivers of Living water promised? I could not find answers in the current religious system. I even took my frustration to my pastor then who expressed discomfort at my questions and concluded I was having a “spiritual problem.” He couldn't help me. However, after some years of groping, as it were in darkness, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the Exchanged Life teaching as revealed in the scripture. I started discovering who I am in Him. Then I knew it’s not about what I have done, but about all He did for me. I began to release myself to His manifold grace. It’s like a journey from religion to Christianity. When I perceived the Lord leading me to full time ministry, for days I was asking Him what the vision is all about. Then He gave me Gal. 2:20, 21. From there I got the revelation of “The Exchanged Life.” Then I recalled what Dos Carter had been sharing with me concerning the exchanged life. I saw that’s in reality what Jesus came to earth to accomplish and I embraced and started publishing it in our community. Presently, we are seeking for avenues and resources to teach this concept in our community. This is why I shared our experience with Dos Carter who recommended you. It’s worth mentioning that Dos and Bev Carter have been a tremendous source of encouragement in ministry for us. I have seen great resources we can use on your webpage and hope we could learn more from you, build on what we already have and collaborate to spread the good news. It’s therefore interesting seeing it is the same vision you share. So we do not hesitate to partner with you in this end time vision. We look forward to teaching the exchanged life through seminars and counseling sessions. The Lord is also leading my wife to minister to sexually abused women. We also hope that exchanged life teaching will be an effective tool in this regard. We hope to practically take advantage of your many resources to further the ministry the Lord's committing into our hands here regardless the distance.
Identity Matters: Workbook & Conference Guide is a 13-week course designed for a combination of individual, small group & conference study guide. It is a course in the personal discovery of a believer’s codeath, burial, resurrection & ascension in Christ Jesus – the Exchanged Life. Chapter titles are: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide, & Walk, and Love Life. Living Life Discipleship Manual contains over 80 diagrams with “cheat sheets” explaining each diagram with an application section for the individual being discipled. Section titles are: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide & Walk, and Love Life. 2
Exchanging Life Press Releases by Dr. Stephen R. Phinney:
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Identity Matters: Workbook & Conference Guide is a 13-week course designed for a combination of individual, small group, and conference study guide. It is a course in the personal discovery of a believer’s codeath, burial, resurrection and ascension in Christ Jesus – the Exchanged Life. Chapter titles are: Basics of Discipleship; Godship; Rejection; External/Internal; Problems; My Flesh; Repentance; Identity Matters; Accepting Your Righteousness; Extending Forgiveness; Seeking Forgiveness; Rest, Abide, and Walk; and Love Life.
Member of the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life (IFEL)
CUBA & NICARAGUA! Hope Missions kicked off 2014 with two trips in February - Cuba and Nicaragua. February 3-10 was our very first trip to Cuba. Nine leaders from seven churches made the journey to Havana. We worked closely with the house church movement in Cuba. Pastor Eduardo oversees 60+ house churches in Cuba. We were able to equip their leaders and evangelize new communities. A new house church was even planted while we were there! Years of oppression and persecution has made the church in Cuba very strong. It's extremely encouraging to see what these churches are doing with their very limited resources. Hope Missions is humbled to be a part of this movement. Plans are already in place for TWO trips to Cuba in 2015. More details will be coming soon on how you can get involved in these exciting opportunities.
HOPE MISSIONS Founder and Director, Shawn Doss, is available to come to your church to do a Missions Service, Evangelism Conference, Revival, or Youth Event. Email Shawn today for availability and details
Hope Missions also led the first of three trips to Nicaragua in February. This was a closed trip that was planned for the Briarwood Fellows Program. February’s trip was Hope Missions’ first team to the city of Esteli, Nicaragua. We were able to minister to the people of Esteli through outreach events, evangelism, training conferences, and children's Bible clubs. We look forward to future opportunities in Esteli. We are eternally thankful that our partners, like IOM America and the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life, are behind the Lord’s work with our ministry. We encourage each of their readers to provide prayer and financial support to their efforts in advancing the Life of Christ through each of their partners. Learn more about the ministry of Hope Missions:
Editorial Comments: Kathy Hill, CO Entire content of this publication is under © supervision of IOM America 2014
Reproduction permitted when entire publication remains intact.
Exchanged Life Work of India Member: International Fellowship of Exchanged Life
Dear Dr. Phinney and the readers of IOM America,
EVERYONE NEEDS MENTORS During a Counsellor Training Programme one resource person made the statement in the class: "If there comes a time when I need counselling, I will quit counselling�. When the matter was reported, the Director felt that there is something wrong with him. It turned out to be true. His wife was ailing due to cancer which he shared with one of the lady trainees as his burden. The sharing ended up in asking the young unmarried lady to meet him in a private place to share more about his pains. She met him not suspecting his intentions. At one point of time, she realized there was something wrong and she ran away from the scene mentally hurt, though not physically. It took months for her to regain normalcy through counselling. Any person needs a mentor in his life, even if he is at any top position – spiritual, social, political or even COUNSELLING. A trained counsellor may be able to see the situation of his counselee objectively and help. Since personal appetites, problems, or crisis situations are mostly, if not wholly, subjective, one may miss the proper attitude, action or decisionmaking even if one is a Counsellor. Counselling is not always done by professionals, veterans or leaders to those who are at a lower level than them in grade, position, power, education, maturity, or experience. The fact is that in true spirituality there is none senior or junior with regard to maturity, or need of help. Bible has many references about helping/counselling one-another. God uses any one to counsel any other. - Dr John Zachariah