Exchanged News: February 2015

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EXCHANGED: It’s Our Birthday! >>>

As I look back on the past 35 years, I cannot grasp the reality of just how much God has accomplished in a small but focused ministry. —Dr. Stephen Phinney


Y STORY: I cannot thank the Lord enough for my spiritual father, Dr. Charles Solomon. I can thank many who God used to guide and direct me through the years, but none quite like my spiritual father Chuck. It was through the Lord's influence in and through him that God provided a biblical, Christ as Life, foundation of Truth for my life and ministry. I grew up in what the world classifies as a "dysfunctional home." My father was the son of a great man of God and preacher who was used to reform the church. Rumor has it that my father was named after my grandfather's role model, Charles Finney. Because of growing up in a spiritual environment that was ever so public, my father decided to go the opposite direction of his calling. Therefore, my father did not allow Christianity to be talked about in our home. His sins were extensive and his calling was replaced by becoming a career man for the United States government. Bitterness and fear ruled our household.

February 2015

tion of children and their fathers. In the mid-1970's, while working for an organization that served the handicapped, I found myself in a state of unrest. I knew I was bornagain and I served the Lord the best I knew how - sharing the Word of God and leading Bible studies on what I heard preached. I was active in church outreach, but deep down inside there remained a yearning, a spiritual thirst for a deeper walk with Christ. I desired a life of victory and triumph, rather than one of fear and performance.

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Out of a family of six children, I was the one whom God chose, for some reason, to start the process of restoring our lineage back to the pathway of the Cross. I accepted Christ as my Savior at age of 16. It was a "radical" conversion and transformation and, because of it, I was rejected severely by my father and siblings. I was labeled a "Jesus Freak" and considered to be on drugs. These rejections ultimately led to my father committing to "never" acknowledging my conversion or service unto the Lord, until shortly before his death. As a result of my conversion, God began to use my "zealous" heart to minister to each family member. Salvation followed for my mother; supposedly, four (4) of my siblings; and yes, ultimately, my father several years before his death. Keith Fredrickson, my GFI (Grace Fellowship Int.) Intern Supervisor, was used by God to resolve my bitterness and hatred toward my father. One significant intern assignment was given - pack my bags, travel back to Northwest Iowa, sit down with my father, and seek his forgiveness for the sins that I had committed against him. This act of the Cross is what started the process of my own father being led back to the Cross and life of Jesus Christ. I will be forever grateful for this assignment. I use this service act in my counseling to this very day. I have endless testimonies of the restora-

Dr. Phinney’s Bio: Click Here

The Story Of IOM served God the "best" I knew how, knowing all the while it wasn't enough. I found the classic message of the Church to be dry as bones. Their push for repentance, rededication, recommitment, and surrender became a message of hopelessness to me - it left me feeling defeated. There had to be a way of living that was different than the way I was living. At this point in my walk, God introduced me to Dr. Charles Solomon, who was soon to become my spiritual father and mentor. In the late 1970’s, a friend & coworker placed a book on my desk that he obtained from his sister (a friend of Lee LeFebre) while visiting in Denver - The Handbook to Happiness. Just seeing the graphics on the cover created a "wanting" to read it, but I had a problem - I was functionally illiterate. Here I was 21 years of age, keeping this secret, and faking my way through life. After confessing my problem to my soon-to-be wife, Jane, she began to teach me how to read by using the Word of God. Knowing that this "exchanged life" book contained my answer as the liberating key that would unlock my secret struggle, I pressed on to find a way to read the book. This was the first book I had ever completed, start to finish! Little did I realize how Chuck's book would be used by Christ to change my life and the course my entire career would take! Needless to say, I entered into the Exchanged Life and once having read the book, I packed up my family (in 1981), moved to Denver (from Iowa), went through the GFI Intern training program, and came on staff. After consulting with Chuck Solomon, he encouraged me to start our own non-profit in Colorado Springs (Colorado) that would focus on the message of the Exchanged Life. In 1986, we started Release Ministries—named by my wife, Jane (now IOM America). We developed and established a training and counseling center that serviced the community, with a special emphasis on ministering to the staff of the Navigators® and Compassion® International. It was during this time that I met my second mentor, Lorne Sanny - former President of The Navigators®, now with the Lord. After providing some personal counsel for him and leading him to the message of the Cross, he opened the door to many opportunities of counsel and training for their team. Needless to say, the Exchanged Life swept through The Navigators® and Compassion® International. After moving our ministry to Arizona, in the late 1990’s, I served as an advisor to several Senators, as well as America’s first state Faith-Based Representative. I also served on the Arizona Domestics Relations Committee - a three time Governor-appointed position. During my advisory position with the state, I was given a plan (I believe from God), to establish a new branch of government called The Faith-Based Initiative. This plan was the basis for my doctorate dissertation at Phoenix University of Theology. To my surprise, this plan was embraced by leaders throughout the United States, modestly in Uganda, and, ultimately, led to a 5-year collaborative relationship with the White House. Even though warned and prepared, the dysfunction of American politics was used by God to call me back to my roots. I resigned my position at AACFA once our objective was accomplished in establishing the plan, which is now in over 22 states. Once returning to my life calling – uniting Exchanged Life workers, IOM America then became dedicated to Christ-centered counseling, conferences, and center consulting. We continue in helping members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence. Our ministry comes by way of a 3Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training, and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative. All three fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL).


After years of ministering the Exchanged Life, God opened the door to kindle afresh my relationship with Dr. Solomon. God put Dr. Solomon and me together to discuss the idea of "coming back to my GFI roots." That being an obvious decision, our ministries immediately began to explore the idea of a "merge." During my correspondence with Dr. Solomon, he shared with me that he believed God put it upon his heart that the two of us were to integrate our life services. We met and both of us began to pray. One year later, I was struck down with a virus that went to my heart, throwing me into heart failure. Two years later, the cardiologist gave me such a positive report that it appeared I would be "bouncing back." This opened negotiations between Dr. Solomon and me once again. I was commissioned by the IOM and GFI boards to write a strategic ministry plan to unite Exchanged Life workers throughout the entire world. The plan came like a river of life and to my joy, the leadership of IOM & GFI embraced it - resulting in me accepting the challenge of working out the details of such an initiative. It was during this time, God reminded me that the plan He had given me during my previous stint in politics was actually for His Church. Since June of 2011, I have actively been working on the Exchanged Life Global Initiative in order to unfold this strategic plan. I thank you for taking the time to read this "extended version" of my personal and professional timeline. I understand that it was a bit laborious. I prefer to error on the side of too much detail than not enough. I believe it is important, if not critical, to know the pathway of the Cross for leaders you choose to serve and assist you. Bless you. People often ask me who the primary influencers in my life have been. Here is the short list: Carl VerSteeg, Jane M. Phinney, Dr. Charles Solomon, Hudson Taylor, Keith Fredrickson, Major Ian Thomas, Oswald Chambers, Peter Lord, Dr. Charles Stanley, Lorne Sanny, Jerry White, Nicky Cruz, Randy Alcorn, Dan Camp, Ken Weas, Andrew Murray, John Lynch, David Needham, Lee LeFebre, Jack Taylor, John Woodward, Watchman Nee, Bill Gillham, Hannah Whitall Smith, John Lind, Beth Moore, Charles Trumbull, Miles Stanford, Mark Bubeck, Joel Rosenberg, John MacArthur, Senator David Peterson, President George W. Bush, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, A.W. Tozer, C.T. Studd, J. Mark Fox, Gordon Donaldson, Representative Mark Anderson, and a host of others. Books that have influenced my thinking: The NASB Bible; Handbook To Happiness, Ins and Outs of Rejection, Counseling with the Mind of Christ (Dr. Charles Solomon); Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret (Howard Taylor); Victory In Christ (Charles Trumbull); The Saving Life of Christ (Major Ian Thomas); His Victorious Indwelling (Nick Harrison); My Utmost For His Highest (Oswald Chambers); Turkeys & Eagles (Peter Lord); Money Possessions & Eternity (Randy Alcorn); Humility (Andrew Murray); Birthright (David Needham); God’s Miraculous Plan of Economy (Jack Taylor); The Norman Christian Life, Sit-Walk-Stand, The Spiritual Man, The Release Of The Spirit, Spiritual Authority (Watchman Nee); Lifetime Guarantee (Bill Gillham); The Christian Secrets to a Happy Life (Hannah Whitall Smith); The Tabernacle, Praying God’s Word (Beth Moore); The Adversary (Mark Bubeck); The Epicenter (Joel Rosenberg); Lies Women Believe, Choosing Forgiveness (Nancy Leigh DeMoss); The Radical Cross (A.W. Tozer); C.T. Studd (Norman Grubb); and Family Integrated Church (J. Mark Fox). Honestly, I am blessed by reading my own books, because I believe the Holy Spirit had/has such a major influence in writing them—Finances & The End-Times; Faithful Father & The Bride of Christ; The Principled Patriarch; Men & Warfare; The Book of Prayers; The Art of Spiritual Warfare; The Book of Revelation: The Final Battle; Identity Matters Workbook; Identity Matters Discipleship Manual; and my soon to be released book—Why The Boy Cried Wolf: A Personal Journey Into The Exchanged Life.

-Dr. Stephen Phinney View Our Video Channel Read the full story in the up and coming biography “Why The Boy Cried Wolf” - Summer 2015

What Must Be Accomplished The following items are on our short list of what we believe the Lord needs to accomplish in and through our ministry: 77 Identity Truths Textbook (Dr. Phinney); Indwelling Life Devotional book (Dr. Phinney); Dr. Phinney’s “Jack The Journey” series—12 Illustrated Children’s Books—topics of: Jack Likes to Play God (Godship), Nobody Likes Me (Rejection), Jack & His Idols (External/Internal), Jack & His Problems (Problems), Jack Repents (Repentance), Who Am I Anyway (Identity Matters), Jack’s Little Lamb (Accepting Your Righteousness), Jack Learns to Forgive Editorial Comments: Kathy Hill, CO Entire content of this publication is under © supervision of IOM America 2014 Reproduction permitted when entire publication remains intact. Digital view or copies can be obtained online at: click here All Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963,1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


(Extending Forgiveness), Jack Eats Humble Pie (Seeking Forgiveness), Resting Under the Tree (Rest-Abide-Walk), and Jack’s Love Life (Loving Others). Other items to accomplish: Books—Songs in the Night (Jane Phinney); Exchanging Life of Christ (compilation of IOM Exchanged Life Writers); Professional filming—Identity Matters Conference; Book of Revelation Conference; Identity in Finances—the Conference; Production of a full-featured film—“Life and Times of the Indwelling Life of Christ.”

Important News and updates from Iom America

The Battle For The Round Tower: Book by Preston Gillham

Art Of Spiritual Warfare: New Book by Stephen Phinney

Book of Revelation, The Final Battle: Book by Stephen Phinney

New Video Productions: Click Here

Counselor’s Point of View Podcast: Iden-

tity In Finances The Series †

Why The Boy Cried Wolf: Autobiography of Stephen Phinney. Releases Summer 2015

life-sized pastels by Stephen Phinney Click Here To View



IOM Now Offers 122 Online Classes

Identity Matters

Conference April, 11, 2015 (Register)

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