Exchanged News February 2014

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Dear IOM Readers,

Rev. Francis Bushebi is the founder and director of Gospel Believers Fellowship which is headquartered in Bungoma, Kenya, East Africa near the border of Uganda. Pastor Francis is a member of IOM’s International Fellowship of Exchanged Life and candidate for Regional Director. He received his call to the Ministry in 1964 when God miraculously healed him of tuberculosis. After attending Bible college he began establishing churches and projects in mostly remote and neglected areas of Eastern Africa. Over a period of nearly 40 years, more than 335 churches have been planted as a result of God using this ministry. Bushebi and his

Dear Dr. Stephen Phinney, We are a Ministry founded and established in Bungoma, Kenya, with several church branches mostly in rural areas in East Africa. Our heart is to reach out for Souls and help where we can to raise, train and equip for Christ work. Mathew 28:20 teaches them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 1) To Exalt and Glorify God 2) To edify the Saints 3) To preach the Gospel 4) Make Disciples In & Through Christ We love to invite you into our Ministry, may the Lord enable you to come and visit us in Kenya, East Africa and see what He is doing. We also yearn for fellowship and togetherness in unity of the body of Christ. May the Lord bless you for your concern, love, prayers and fellowship by the Holy Spirit.

In & Through Christ, Francis Bushebi


IOM Ministry Partners in Thailand


To Our IOM Partners: With the growth of extremism in Pakistan, the minorities of Pakistan and particularly the Christians have become constant target at the hands of misconceived and uneducated extremist masses, who take it their religious duty to inflict the weaker religious communities of Pakistan. Over the past years, persons of smaller religious minorities have been targeted by killing them through improvised bombs, setting their localities/villages on fire, target killing, framing in blasphemy cases, intimidation, forced marriages, forced conversions etc. the list can go on expanding. Even the lawyers, persons and NGO's who proceed on behalf of the victims are targeted, manhandled and persecuted. A Founder: Mushtaq Gill

judge of the Lahore High Court, Mr. Justice Iqbal Bhatti, - who acquitted the framed accused in the famous "Salamat Masih's Blasphemy Case" - was killed outside the Lahore High Court in 1996. [More on the issue can be assessed if one Googles "Persecution of Christians/minorities in Pakistan."] "We have also deep concerned about bondage labor, for one Christian woman who was brutally and badly beaten and tortured by the owner of brick kiln in Kasur, and for those cases which remain unreported" (story below). LEAD request to all Human Rights Organizations to stand with us and struggle to abolish this bondage labor in Pakistan. Our further request to support LEAD's work and be partner with us in this noble human rights cause. "I have been beaten and badly tortured because some other workers of the brick kiln's owner were run away and those are our relatives and my son also took a loan of Rs.70,000 from the brick kiln owner who also run away and they forced me to call them and to bring them back, when my husband asked the brick kiln owner that we will pay the debt loan, they demanded back with interest of Rs.3,00,000/-.they broke my nails off feet with pliers and I borne bitter pain, and I called my son and my son told the kiln owner about the other our relatives, then the kiln owner along with his men brought them back and beaten and hit them all & have marks of hitting on my whole body" Bibi told Gill.

What LEAD Provides: 1. To provide free legal aid to the persecuted, to help and support prisoners and their families without any discrimination and difference of faith 2. To give shelter to persecuted for their safety of lives. 3. To help morally and support to persecuted Pastors and Churches and other religious minority 4. To help widows, needy, orphans and poor. 5. To give advocacy to different professions and marginalized groups 6. To help and support in establishing schools for brick kilns and poor 7. To arrange seminars to make aware Religious Minorities with their religious, legal and political rights and duties 8. To arrange seminars and conferences on interfaith harmony Editorial Comments: Kathy Hill, CO Entire content of this publication is under Š supervision of IOM America 2014 Reproduction permitted when entire publication remains intact. Digital view or copies can be obtained online at: click here All Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, Š Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963,1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


Notes To The Editor Dear Readers, How would you like to meet these two in a dark alley? Don’t worry—they are both born-again, indwelt believers. Believe it or not, the guy on the right is Dr. Phinney. In all fun, there is a real and powerful testimony here. IOM’s involvement in their street ministry oftentimes rubs shoulders with hardcore gangsters, as is the case with whom we will call “Mr M.” Mr M’s testimony involves a conversion from a violent gang lifestyle to a gentle giant for Jesus. In fact, Mr. M has become one of Dr Phinney’s spiritual sons and dear friends.

Dear Pastor Stephen, Thank you for the year 2014, which began well with you. So is me too here in Uganda. How is life over there in USA? I am growing stronger in the Lord with the church growth though slow. But sure God is keeping us life to walk in His will always. Last time you wrote to me and I replied and am looking forward to your writing. Thank you for giving attention to our situation here in Uganda. Your love for our people is heart felt. I am excited about our partnership. I am very eager to hear from you and serve the Lord together in the Lord. I am very happy if I come in touch with you to stand with me in ministry work of the church here in Uganda with determination from God. For me, am determined to serve the Lord and friends who love the service of the Lord to stand with me as you promised me. Please, I will be very grateful if you respond to my inquiry in the Lord. God bless you much in ministry work over there. Your faithfully, Pastor Oundo Bwire Sylvester (Muwayo, Uganda, East Africa) Send Your Encouragement to:

Dear Dr Stephen and the staff of IOM America, Praise the Lord! It was good to speak to you on the phone about Liberia. We are a ministry about fulfilling the Great Commission. Preaching the Gospel to the rich and poor here in NYC and the nations of the world. I will let my Biography, newsletter, and website reveal more clearly our vision and labour of love to reach the lost and bring revival to the church. If you further like to discuss hosting us to hold Revival to reach Sterling, Kansas then don't hesitate to call our office. His bondservant, Rev. Doug Mohr, Liberia

There is much in the world to make us afraid , there is much more in our faith to make us unafraid! Spiritual Formula For Miracles, A formula for creating miracles in my own life to join your team! Just a quick reminder that we are getting ready to start the call soon and I would love it if you would invite me to join your team and feel free to join my team to spread the Gospel in Africa. I only know you on social networks. I wish I could meet you in person. I love your pages, your posts and your heart. God bless you. Do me a favor and encourage the African church to see the UNITED STATES as a mission field. When Africa was in darkness, we sent our finest young people like the message of the cross, to bring the light of the Gospel . Today the situation is reversed. Africa is full of the light of the Gospel and the African church is on fire. As God provides send missionaries Africa was never so dark as the UNITED STATES is today. Senyange Patrick Jnr., Uganda 4


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