IFEL Newsletter: June-August 2012

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PRAY We have met so many workers in Christ who need additional training in discipleship, but have no resources to secure the help they need. Please pray for the many workers who depend on IOM and it’s partners for their equipping and for IOM to quickly make more materials and connections available to all! Join our Prayer Team: click here.

DONATE All of the salaries, volunteer expenses, travel, and ministry expenditures are cared for by our donors. Since IOM gives away each of their resources without cost, we are 100% dependent upon God through donors like you. Please consider helping us by providing a single or monthly contribution. Present level of support being met: 28%.

VOLUNTEER You do not have to live close to our center to volunteer for our ministry. We have volunteers located in diverse parts of the world. If you are interested in helping us do what we do, log on to our website and click on the volunteer link at the bottom of the HOME page. Online readers: click here.

BECOME AN IFEL MEMBER There are many benefits to come for members of the International Fellowship of Exchange Life—our first magazine will detail these benefits, but today your ministry will be given a high profile in the global community. The Lord has blessed us with a weekly readers list of 14,000+ and a network of ministry leaders of over 1,700 members. All spread out over 82 countries. Membership does not require any other credentials other than to agree to practice ministry under the doctrinal guidelines of the Exchanged Life— spelled out in the application. To become a member—logon to www.iomamerica.org and click on the cover of the Exchanging Life Directory. If you are reading this online: click here.

Only if God so leads: You can help finance the Exchanged Life Global Initiative . The services we provide our partners are costly . We do not charge a fee for any of our services, including books, workbooks, booklets, audios, etc. Our work is all under the banner of: What then is my reward? That, when I preach the gospel, I may offer the gospel without charge, so as not to make full use of my right in the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:18, NASB). All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. It is our policy to meet the needs God lays before us, so that Christ is lifted up and the work of the Exchanged Life Global Initiative is advanced. (giving envelope enclosed) Online readers can donate by: clicking here

JOIN THE ASSOCIATION EXCHANGED LIFE MINISTRIES (AELM) From 1969 to 1986, Grace Fellowship International existed as a parent organization to five branch offices located in Denver, Colorado; Atlanta, Georgia; Indianapolis, Indiana; Springfield Missouri and Tampa, Florida. Each of these ministries counseled, trained and discipled using materials based on what is known as Exchanged Life Truths. IOM AMERICA is a “grandchild” of the Denver office. In 1986, the five branches spun off as separate corporations and became independent of Grace Fellowship International. This spin-off occurred for several reasons. It eliminated the need for expensive headquarters operations. It reduced liability to the local level, and therefore, eliminated the possibility of one branch being responsible for another branch's activities, which might be unknown to the others. It created local board member participation and support on a local level. And it allowed each ministry to be more creative in its work. Where as IFEL provides a community of uniting all forms of Exchanged Life workers, AELM offers a network, partnership and assistance to the “professional” disciplers/counselors within the Exchanged Life community. If you are a fulltime “professional” Exchanged Life discipler/counselor—IOM strongly recommends this option. For those who are interested, log on to: www.aelm.org If you are an online reader: click here.

EXCHANGE WRITER: PEN-PAL If you are interested in a little closer approach to ministry, we have developed a letter exchange program that will put you and your family in the living rooms of our workers via your letters, cards, Skype and e-mails. To simply begin your ”pen pal” relationship (men with men, women with women, children with children), contact us and we will pair interested Exchange Writers with workers from around the world. If this is of interest to you, contact IOM Corporate: corporate@iomamerica.org jessphinney@iomamerica.org


Or: logon to our website and click on the “Exchange Writers” link. If you are an online reader: click here.

IOM AMERICA | P.O. Box 71, Sterling, KS 67579 | 602-292-2985 | www.iomamerica.org | corporate@iomamerica.org Online readers can obtain additional copies of this newsletter by: clicking here.



uring the past seven years, the Lord has given me the honor and privilege of developing relationships with Kingdom workers throughout the world. Our literary ministry has subscribers in 80+ countries, with over 14,000 weekly readers—each desperately searching for an identity with a solid Biblical Worldview.

Around the world, the testimonies of pastors, teachers, and counselors can be as diverse as the circumstances in which they live —from pastors downloading and playing our weekly podcast sermons for their congregations, to reprinting our written material in local publications. We have seen places like India, Haiti, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Israel, Russia, and even Egypt ask for help and training. Each is being touched by the message of “Identity Matters” - Not I, but Christ. Here is what Wendell D'Souza of Canada had to say: Thank you so much for your timely email Disillusionment of Discipleship. It’s a great reminder of what the real work is and Who does it, both in the counselor (discipler) and the counselee (disciplee). Recently I was feeling overwhelmed and discouraged in the process of counseling fellow Christians to embrace the life of Christ as a grace given exchanged life on God’s terms not our own, and to serve Him in His power, His way rather than in our own wisdom (which is really the flesh) doing what’s right in our own eyes. It reminded me about the importance of being used by God to confront the lies, admitting my powerlessness to change anyone, while depending on Him alone Who can, does, and continues to transform the minds of those who allow Him to be Lord, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. I also was reminded to depend on the true Comforter to be sovereign in knowing who He needs to comfort (the hurting) and who He seeks to make uncomfortable (those comfortable in their sin). More >>

IDENTITY STARTS WITH WORLDVIEW In places like Kerala State, India— prayer & gifts can open doors for training the young minds of India’s most promising youth.


appropriate donor dollars, an opportunity exists to redesign the site to better reflect the updated and revised mission of IOM, and incorporate the latest web technology.

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Testimonies like Wendell's are not uncommon in our world of disillusioned disciplers. The truth being said, Mr. D'Souza’s understanding of true discipleship is so rare that he falls into 2% of disciplers who actually understand Christ-as-Life Discipleship.

X-CHANGING LIVES WORLDWIDE! Every week, thousands of workers receive transformational biblical worldview and exchanged life development through the ministry of IOM America. Here are a few places your prayers and giving are impacting lives! We have been conducting marketing research in the critical areas that would promote our success with the Global Initiative. We have conducted pilot proNORTH CAROLINA: That is the abgrams in the arenas of social networks, mobile solute BEST word I’ve ever heard apps, e-mail services, blogs, third party media manon the subject of the rapture. And it agement libraries, online purchase applications, cannot be denied. The more I study onlinecustom bookstores/ download centers, webinars, Jewish the more I am cononlinethat meeting site hosting, podvinced thereapplications, is a parallelweb in our casts, and as other relevantfor applications inheritance Christians almost that would an effective allform of them. Thanklaunch. you for These begin-tests conducted ning week with suchresulted an amazing overmy a 6-month period in a very high rate of thoughts. success.

If you are an indwelt Christian, be assured that you will be led to the truth and desire to disciWe are excited about our ple others—at least you should! All come to the same gate – discovering the “how to” of leading new and improved mission others to Christ and growing that believer into someone who understands who they are in MEN MAPPING IN NAIROBI, KENYA: A group statement. This phase of Christ. This certainly cannot happen until a true believer understands the various forms and of men studying the Men & Warfare workbook by ministry growth has an Dr. Phinney under the leadership of our Men Mapmeans to their spiritual growth, while learning to embrace God’s calling upon their lives for ping Outreach Regional Director. objective to continue obedience and victory. The fact is, the church as a whole is in trouble! The Bride of Christ is building brand identity, suffering from a serious case of “identity crisis.” Many people today consider discipleship as evangelizing and feeding the poor. awareness, and interest in the organization and services it Even though these elements of the Great Commission are needed, it is not the definition of discipleship. To put it bluntly, the provides, while remaining on the cutting edge of web site authenticity of true Christ-as-Life discipleship in the church is rarely seen! If this is all true, what is a ministry to do? technology. These forthcoming changes will assist in advancing the vision and mission of multiple ministries like The ministry of IOM, and its partners, has adopted the proposal of the Exchanged Life Global Initiative, which has provided IOM, particularly those that are part of the Exchanged our team with proactive pro-vision, in order to revitalize the worldview of uniting Exchanged Life workers throughout the Life Global Initiative. entire world. In addition to our strong partnership with established Exchanged Life ministries, we invite other ministries that focus on the message of the Exchanged Life to join our efforts! This effort strongly hinges on the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life (IFEL). This fellowship will provide Exchanged Life workers throughout the world with a single website or e-community that will provide: promotion of member web sites, social networks throughout, a separate members’ Exchanged Life bookstore, a chat room for members, class registration from member to member, and much more. IOM currently has a web/blog presence spanning the world over, translated into 50 languages, and has a reader list that challenges our efforts each week. With this level of exposure, the IOM website welcomes a new appearance, structure, and content presentation. With

CANADA: I just marketing wanted you to Many of these research results were obknow that your letter today on suftained through the process of evaluating non-profit fering was good timing for me....I behavior andwork successes publications, ministry have been off with ainback profiles,for Christian journals, demographproblem 6 months now. magazines, The fact that you have been open about some of your past suffering can really comfort others, - continue in His Love.

I would like to close with a few more words by my new friend, Wendell, in Canada:

I wanted to give this feedback, because I realize the cost involved in letting God use one to be a messenger of His higher calling, shedding His light and love, grace and truth through Jesus Christ. Sometimes you need the positive feedback and encouragement from those of us who receive. Your labor, indeed, is not in vain but in the Lord.

UGANDA: Thank you for sending me the article called the “Rapture Then and Now.” It is very good and building in the faith. Your communication is helping me a lot in making me strong in the Lord. I hope one day and one time, we shall meet together in Uganda.

Like Wendell said, this mission is costly, not only in putting our necks on the line for those who hate hearing the Truth; but costly in labor, materials, expertise and without saying, spiritually. Thanks, Wendell!

TANZANIA: It was so good to hear from you again and that GFI & IOM are together ministering. I have read the value of your ministry and I promise to pray for you. As you know that I have use many of your materials in my ministry and have been a blessed to my church. I have read your focus, they will be blessing to the church community and bring new believers to Christ.

Stephen Phinney X-Changing Lives in INDIA:

Thank you very much for the BIBLICAL WORLD VIEW you provide for each of us. It reminded me of the discussions that I used to initiate with my professor while I was a student at St. John’s College, Agra. He was a very intelligent teacher but he was sold to all sorts of negative philosophies. I made a short survey of all the resources of IOM America & I am thrilled. After praying over and reading your articles, I am convinced that these writings indeed are helpful and worth study. I pray that your literary ministry will touch millions for His glory. We also request your permission to print some of your articles in “OUR CONTACT,” a periodical published by the Union of Evangelical Students of India - with student community as the target readership. - P.P. Thomas, Grace Counseling India

COMING THIS FALL: The Exchanging Life magazine! This publication is filled with Exchanged Life testimonies, stories and teachings from around the world. Plus—this edition contains IFEL’s first Exchanging Life Directory, containing contact information for over 150 Exchanged Life ministries from around the world. To subscribe, log on to www.iomamerica.org (click on Directory cover). Online readers: click here. *If you received this newsletter via mail, your subscription is automatic.


FREE Online At: www.iomamerica.org Online readers: click here

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