IOM #SouthSudan Humanitarian Update (18 - 30 September)

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H U M A N I TA R I A N U P D AT E # 3 8

The IOM Bentiu medial team celebrate the opening of the new maternity clinic. The clinic is operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

HIGHLIGHTS The first baby is born in the IOM Bentiu maternity clinic CCCM partners begin the expansion of the Malakal PoC

Since conflict broke out in December 2013, 1.7 million have fled their homes. Many have crossed into neighboring countries (estimated 452,000 people have fled to neighboring countries of Kenya , Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan individuals). 1.4 million individuals remain internally displaced and most are seeking shelter in remote rural areas across the country. Displacement patterns remain fluid, driven by violence, access to emergency assistance and floods. There are currently 96,650 internally displaced persons (IDPs) sheltering in nine UN bases

across South Sudan. Approximately 186,999 people displaced early during the conflict have since returned to their homes having in many cases lost all of their belongings. The general security situation for the reporting period has been tenuous and unpredictable with reports of gunfire and conflict taking place in Upper Nile and Unity States. Cattle raiding and general insecurity has been reported throughout the country. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) released an update on 23 September and FAO projects that 1.5 million people will remain severely food insecure until the end of 2014., Heavy rains throughout the country continue to pose significant challenges for the transport of humanitarian staff and cargo with the conditions of roads worsening and runway conditions remaining poor.

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CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT (CCCM) The Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster facilitates the delivery of life-saving services to IDPs in displacement sites and collective centres throughout South Sudan. The CCCM Cluster ensures that basic humanitarian living conditions are provided, while also building the foundations for voluntary return and recovery interventions where it is possible and safe to do so. IOM and UNHCR co-lead the CCCM Cluster, in coordination with ACTED. IOM continues to act as CCCM state focal point in Upper Nile, Jonglei, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap.


BOR POC The relocation of IDPs from the existing PoC to the new site has been tentatively scheduled for the second week of October. The new site has been equipped with water and sanitation services, proper drainage systems and child friendly spaces. Space and tents for health clinics and classrooms have been prepared.

BENTIU POC Drainage of the Bentiu PoC is the priority of the humanitarian community as the rainy season has created muddy, deplorable conditions within. Please reference the water and sanitation section of this update for details of IOM involvement in the drainage efforts in Bentiu. Security in Unity state has been sporadic and new arrivals to the PoC are reported daily.

(CCCM and Shelter/NFI shared responsibilities) Efforts to increase capacity and improve living conditions continue at PoC sites in Malakal, Bor, Bentiu and UN House in Juba; and IDP sites in Mingkaman. IOM leads efforts to expand the PoC areas in Malakal and Bor and provides assistance at the UN House and Mingkaman sites.

MALAKAL POC Site planners and surveyors are on the ground and have begun the expansion of the Malakal PoC. The expansion will be a 160,000 square meter area that will accommodate over 6,000 IDPs as well as water, health and other humanitarian services. This expansion will decrease congestion inof the current PoC, improve access to services for residents and provide better living conditions through proper site development.

DISPLACEMENT TRACKING Data collection for Round 6 of the displacement tracking matrix has closed. A preliminary count indicates that 81 were monitored during this most recent round. A biometric registration team is on the ground in Western Bahr el Ghazel to undertake biometric registration at the Wau PoC site. The Displacement Tracking Matrix Round 5 report, executive summary and site profiles can be found at .

JUBA, UNHOUSE POC 3 Relocation of Tongping PoC residents to UN House PoC 3 continues. As of 30 September 10,128 IDPs have been successfully relocated to shelters in PoC 3. Due to attacks on humanitarian workers, perpetuated by IDPs, all services (excluding life saving interventions) were suspended during the week of 22-26 September. Following discussion between the IDP community, humanitarian actors and the RRP, services were reinstated on the 29th. IOM staff at the registration tent in the Tongping PoC

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in the Republic of South Sudan


HUMANITARIAN HUBS The CCCM Cluster has established humanitarian hubs, a common office and accommodation space accessible by aid workers, at key displacement locations throughout the country. IOM, in collaboration with UNMISS, established and manage the hubs within the UNMISS compound in Bentiu, Malakal, and Bor. BOR With the capacity for 100, the Bor hub is currently occupied by 36 humanitarian staff. MALAKAL 228 humanitarian staff are currently accommodated. The capacity for the Malakal Hub is 200 and a program criticality review is needed to establish the allocation of space. BENTIU The hub has opened and hosts 188 humanitarian staff. The Bentiu Hub can accommodate 200 staff. MOBILE HUBS Located in Mathiang, Longochuk, Upper Nile. The hub consists of temporary office and accommodation space for 25 people. This hub is fully operational and managed by Relief International.

Mathiang mobile hub

SHELTER AND NON FOOD ITEMS (NFI) As lead of the Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) Cluster in South Sudan, IOM provides essential household items and emergency shelter materials to conflict and disasteraffected populations. IOM also manages the Shelter and NFI Core Pipeline, a mechanism to ensure that key NFIs and emergency shelter materials are prepositioned in strategic locations and ready to be deployed rapidly.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in the Republic of South Sudan

A girl outside her house in Mingkaman

As of 29 September, 4,493 metric tons of Shelter and NFI stock has been moved through the pipeline to 48 locations with 149 requests served. It is important to note that 93% of the metric tonnage moved was transported by IOM.

As of 8 September, Crisis Response Plan (CRP) partners have served 142,714 households with non-food items (NFI) and 49,112 households with shelter to date. This represents 71% of the CRP target for NFI, and 55% of the CRP target for shelter response. Access to Rumbek continues to be a challenge. Rumbek, Lakes state is the consolidation and departure point for all humanitarian cargo to be transported to Bentiu, Unity State. Given the current state of the roads, it takes 8 to 10 days for items to be moved from Juba to Rumbek. Additionally, an estimated 300 trucks from a variety of humanitarian agencies have been stuck on the road, inclusive of 7 IOM trucks delivering Shelter/NFI materials to Rumbek. These trucks have been stuck for more than 25 days. IOM FRONTLINE RESPONSE Since the start of the crisis, IOM's frontline response team has distributed NFI items to over 51,000 households, 703 of these households have also been provided with additional shelter material. A total of 38 distribution operations have been carried out across the country. The team has also participated in 24 assessments and rapid response monitoring exercises.


WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH) WASH Cluster State Focal Point IOM is the WASH Cluster State Focal Point in Upper Nile State. As WASH state focal point, IOM continues to lead the coordination of WASH response and, in coordination with the health cluster, cholera response in the state. IOM is also the main WASH actor in Malakal and Melut PoC and collaborates with partners to ensure that IDPs at PoCs have access to potable water and sanitation facilities to improve and maintain good hygiene practices.

IOM WASH Emergency Operations

Malakal PoC

Bentiu PoC The recent flooding of Bentiu PoC has impacted many regular WASH activities as IOM has focused on draining standing water and decommissioning and replacing collapsed latrines. IOM also focused on hygiene promotion through home visits and focus group discussions on good hygiene practices in hopes to prevent the spreading of water borne illnesses.

Hygiene awareness activities were carried out throughout the week and visits to beneficiary homes were prioritized. Hygiene promoters visited 244 households to promote good practices surround waster management. The hygienic handling of food was also discussed with 1379 women in the new PoC. Additionally, 34 hygiene promoters were trained on Communication with Communities (CwC) strategies; how to lead focus group discussions and best practices for household visits. The training was conducted by CCCM partner, Internews.

10 new latrines were constructed and the construction of an additional 20 new latrines has begun.

A water purification system is taken to the river for installation

Continuous garbage collection and the removal of waste has been a priority to reduce the risk of disease and contamination. A groundwater level monitoring continues in PoC 4 as there are fears that water levels are reducing due to sustained pumping from boreholes around the PoC.

As the Malakal extension goes forward, the WASH sector has made recommendations for safety and privacy in the design of new latrines and bathing areas.

Malakal PoC 15.9 Liters of safe water available per person per day

32 persons per latrine

Bentiu PoC Due to flooding in the Bentiu PoC, WASH efforts have been focused on drainage, the replacement of destroyed latrines and the provision of clean safe water.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in the Republic of South Sudan

Melut PoC 29.3 Liters of safe water available per person per day

20 persons per latrine


HEALTH IOM is the Primary Health Care actor in Malakal and Bentiu PoCs providing clinical assistance to IDPs, returnees and host communities. IOM operates mobile health services to the South Sudan-Sudan border area of Wonthou. IOM clinics provide curative consultations, health education sessions, routine immunization for children under five and maternal health care. Top morbidities for all sites continue to be upper respiratory tract infections, malaria and diarrheal diseases.

720 health consultations

B E N T I U Po C

Top Morbidities: Respiratory Track Infections Skin Diseases


individuals reached through

health promotion campaigns The Bentiu maternity Unit in Bentiu is operating 24 hours/ 7 days a week. The first baby to be delivered in the new clinic was born on the day of the inauguration

The number of patients reporting to the clinic for malaria treatment are on the increase. Patients testing positively for the mosquito-borne infection represent nearly a third of the weekly consultations. Community health promoters continue to visit families in their homes to deliver key health messages. These sessions focus on the prevention of diseases, water borne illnesses and malaria.



health consultations

Top Morbidities: Malaria Respiratory Track Infections Accidental Trauma


children vaccinated


individuals reached

M A L A K A L Po C

The IOM Health team in Malakal continued with their regular activities, including health promotion, reproductive health services, nutrition screening, vaccinations and testing.

through health promotion

IOM’s seeks to enhance the mental health and psychosocial well being of the conflict affected populations living in PoC sites throughout the country. Through the provision of direct services in the Bor PoC, mainstreaming mental health / psychosocial support through the CCCM cluster and capacity building, this project aims to improve access to psychosocial support and increase the integration of psychosocial programming into existing humanitarian interventions. In the past week the program coordinator visited the Bor PoC to conduct a needs assessment and to identify project partners.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in the Republic of South Sudan


REFUGEE RESPONSE As the lead provider of WASH at Doro refugee camp, IOM continues to meet the needs of the refugee population. All key water, hygiene and sanitation indicators are above the minimum standards. The need remains to maintain these standards to prevent the outbreak and spread of waterborne diseases amongst the refugee population and surrounding host communities during the course of the rainy season. In the past week, 10,563 individuals were reached with hygiene and sanitation promotion messaging. 2, 087 primary school pupils attended WASH education programming (1,074 of those in attendance were girls). 60 new latrines were constructed to replace 62 older latrines, that were subsequently decommissioned, in Ingassana, Belatuma and Chali villages. The new latrines were accompanied by hand washing stations and shower rooms. A replacement 20 cubic meter bladder was installed in Penamayo village. Regular assessment activities took place throughout the reporting period and repair/maintenance was necessary.

21 liters of safe water available per person per day

15 persons per latrine

21 people per shower block 341 individuals for every hygiene promoter

RAPID RESPONSE TEAM (RRT) IOM South Sudan’s Rapid Response Teams are a multi-sector initiative created to support the humanitarian response to the emergency in South Sudan by providing swift assistance in the sectors of WASH, Health and Shelters/NFI. IOM RRTs will be deployed throughout South Sudan based on the priorities identified by the humanitarian community.


On 25 September a health team was deployed to Pigi/Canal county in Jonglei state to assess and respond to heath concerns of IDPs in the region. By 30 September, over 1,000 individuals had received medical and nutritional screening. Additionally, 1,700 children under the age of 5 were immunized against polio and measles. The response is ongoing and the team remains on the ground. A mutli-sector team consisting of emergency shelter and water/sanitation staff was deployed on 27 September to Jikmir in Nasir County of Upper Nile State. This team will assess the needs of the population and determine the appropriate response.

Plastic sheeting used to protect firewood in Jikmir International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in the Republic of South Sudan



Juba 98 metric tons

788 metric tons of cargo were moved between 18 and 30 September

Rumbeck 77 metric tons Malakal 54 metric tons

Maban 278 metric tons

Melut 29 metric tons

The IOM operated Common Transport Service (CTS), a free service for transporting humanitarian supplies in South Sudan, is helping partners to deliver aid across the country. CTS trucks remain strategically positioned across the country to provide transport assistance to humanitarian partners. This week, the

RAPID RESPONSE FUND Photo Danish Refugee Council

The Rapid Response (RRF) is a flexible funding mechanism allowing for swift disbursement of grants through NGO/ Community-Based Organization (CBO) partners in response to onset emergencies. Presently, nine grants are active under the RRF programme benefitting water and sanitation in Juba UN House POC 1, Nutrition support in Fangak county, Jonglei State, hepatitis E prevention in Mingkaman, Cholera response in Upper Nile State and Eastern Equatoria, Camp Management in Bentiu and the provision of health care in the Juba Tongping Poc .

Funding for IOM South Sudan’s emergency operation is provided by

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in the Republic of South Sudan


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