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1;Preface;5 2;Acknowledgments;7 3;Table of Contents;8 4;List of Contributors;10 5;Chapter 1 Towards Ultrasound Molecular Imaging;13 5.1;1.1 Introduction;13 5.2;1.2 Ultrasound molecular probes: new features of imaging;15 5.3;1.3 Proof of concept of molecular imaging with ultrasound;17 5.4;1.4 Targeted ultrasound contrast agents: new shuttles for drug delivery;18 5.5;1.5 Conclusions;20 5.6;References;21 6;Chapter 2 Use of Microbubbles as Ultrasound Contrast Agents for Molecular Imaging;24 6.1;2.1 Introduction;24 6.2;2.2 Molecular design;25 6.2.1;2.2.1 Contrast media;25 6.2.2;2.2.2 Targeting ligands;26 6.3;2.3 In vitro screening;28 6.3.1;2.3.1 Dynamic binding assay;28 6.3.2;2.3.2 Influence of ligand density on binding efficiency;28 6.4;2.4 In vivo proof of concept;30 6.4.1;2.4.1 Methodology;30 6.4.2;2.4.2 Tumor detection;31 6.5;2.5 Conclusions and prospects;33 6.6;References;33 7;Chapter 3 Design of Novel Polymer Shelled Ultrasound Contrast Agents: Towards an Ultrasound Triggered Drug Delivery;35 7.1;3.1 Introduction;35 7.2;3.2 Experimental section;37 7.2.1;3.2.1 Materials;37 7.2.2;3.2.2 Methods;37;Synthesis of PVA microballoons at pH5 and room temperature (MB5R);37;Synthesis of PVA microballoons at pH 5 and 5.C (MB5C);37;Synthesis of PVA microballoons at pH 2 and 5.C (MB2C);37;Functionalization of MBs with NH2-PEG-NH2;38;Functionalization of MBs with RGD;38;Functionalization of MBs with L-cysteine(Cys-MB);38;Synthesis of .- cyclodextrin (.CD) functionalized MBs;38;Loading of NO on Cys-MB (NO-Cys-MB);38;Synthesis of NPC functionalized PVA (NPC-PVA);39;Synthesis of RGD functionalized PVA (RGD-PVA);39;Synthesis of telechelic PVA;39;Synthesis of telechelic PVA hydrogels;39;Synthesis of RGD-PVA hydrogels;39 7.3;3.3 Results and discussion;40 7.3.1;3.3.1 Synthesis of PVA microballoons and surface characterization;40 7.3.2;3.3.2 Functionalization of MBs;41 7.3.3;3.3.3 RGD functionalized PVA, RGD-PVA;45 7.3.4;3.3.4 Synthesis of RGD-PVA hydrogels;46 7.4;3.4 Conclusions;48 7.5;References;48 8;Chapter 4 Lipidic Microbubble Targeting of Surface Proteins Using an in Vitro System;50 8.1;4.1 Introduction;50 8.2;4.2 Material and methods;52 8.2.1;4.2.1 Antibodies and reagents;52 8.2.2;4.2.2 Cell culture of U-937 for flow cytometry testing;52 8.2.3;4.2.3 TF receptor binding assay;52 8.2.4;4.2.4 Flow cytometry;53 8.2.5;4.2.5
Cell culture of U87-MG for perfusion testing;53 8.2.6;4.2.6 Maximum shear stress determination;54 8.2.7;4.2.7 Perfusion experiment with U87-MG;54 8.2.8;4.2.8 Image analysis;55 8.3;4.3 Results;55 8.3.1;4.3.1 Flow cytometry investigation of targeted microbubbles-cell interactions;55 8.3.2;4.3.2 Cell culture of U87-MG for tissue factor targeting in a perfused microchannel;56 8.3.3;4.3.3 Shear stress tolerance of U87-MG;57 8.3.4;4.3.4 Tissue factor targeting with microbubbles in a perfused microchannel;58 8.4;4.4 Conclusions;60 8.5;References;61 9;Chapter 5 Protein Interactions with Microballoons: Consequences for Biocompatibility and Application as Contrast Agents;62 9.1;5.1 Introduction;62 9.2;5.2 Experimental details;65 9.2.1;5.2.1 Human blood plasma;65;Buffers;65;Microballoons;65;Tissue culture medium;65;Proteins;65;1D Polyacrylamide gel electrophoesis (PAGE);66;Mass spectrometry;66;Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC);66 9.3;5.3 Results and discussion;67 9.3.1;5.3.1 Dispersion of the microballoons in PBS buffer;67 9.3.2;5.3.2 Determination of the microballoon protein corona from plasma;67 9.3.3;5.3.3 Microballoon interaction with individual plasma proteins;70 9.3.4;5.3.4 Isothermal titration calorimetry;71 9.4;5.4 Discussion;72 9.5;5.5 Conclusions;73 9.6;References;74 10;Chapter 6 Polymer Based Biointerfaces: A Case Study on Devices for Theranostics and Tissue Engineering;76 10. EAN/ISBN : 9788847014947 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer, Milan Discussed keywords: Kontrastmittel, Ultraschall Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Paradossi, Gaio - Pellegretti, Paolo - Trucco, Andrea
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