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not responsible for lost devices or damage done to devices not in compliance with this policy. If a student brings in a device for a class and uses it in a way other than as directed by the teacher, he will lose the privilege of bringing in a device. Further, any student found to use a device in any way that violates the school’s acceptable use policy for the internet or personal devices will lose the privilege of bringing such devices to school and may be subject to further punishment, depending on the nature of the violation. All decisions regarding such incidents are at the discretion of the administration.
We at Iona take pride in the many special events that are part of our school year. They allow students and parents to meet with one another and the faculty on an informal basis. Our students participate in the Eucharistic Liturgy and Prayer Services at Thanksgiving, Christmas, during Lent, Christian Holy Days and other times deemed appropriate by the administration. The generosity of the Iona community cannot be exceeded! The boys participate in the collection of gifts and food for less fortunate people during the holiday seasons. Their continued support of the Brothers’ Peruvian Missions and the charitable organizations, serviced by The Hunger Walk, is proof of their Christian and humanitarian values. The sacraments of Reconciliation and first Eucharist are administered to students in grade two. Confirmation is offered in grade eight. The sacrament of Reconciliation is also available to students in Grades 3 through 8 during Advent and Lent seasons. Our parent organizations, the Mothers’ Auxiliary and the Fathers’ Club, sponsor many events throughout the year. There is a major fundraiser sponsored by the school– The President’s Dinner. All families are asked to contribute to it in some way. These are community building and fundraising events. The success of these ventures is shared with the school through the resources and equipment they support which benefit all. Such successes are due to the tremendous support of parents and students alike. These are but a few of the areas where parental involvement is necessary. Our parents’ organizations- Fathers’ Club and Mothers’ Auxiliary are essential to the success of the school. We urge all parents to become involved in as many areas as they feel willing to support. To our students, we say that your years at Iona are aimed at preparing you to share and esteem Iona’s tradition of scholarship in the interest in your academic standing and your steadfast practice of your Christian faith.