The sound r (1)

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THE SOUND R , THE MOTION, THE SUNRISE, THE WIND, THE RIVER, TO GO, TO WORK, TO AWAKEN AND LANGUAGE ORIGIN by Ion Carstoiu For thousands of years, the man has posed the problem of the origin of speech, which is remained an enigma. However in the antiquity Socrates said that "the letter r is used to express motion(kinesis). The reason is that the tongue is most agitated or most in motion in the pronunciation of this letter... For example, though the letter r is supposed to express motion it is not present in the word for motion itself(kinesis). Because the actual conclusions of Socrates'theory of letters are recognised by these same scholars to be so odd that Plato could not have taken them seriously and because Socrates himself latter ... dismisses these conclusions in favor of a convention theory"(Francisco Gonzales, Dialectic and Dialogue, 1998, pp.77-79). Leibniz believed that r expresses a violent motion and l a gentle one. In the book Originea limbajului, 2015, p.21 I was reffering to the names of the sun with r, because the ancient man saw that the sun is moving on the heavenly vault, it rises in the morning and sets in the evening. The sun god at Egyptians was Ra or Re, but the sun god of the morning was Khepri. This god was connected with the scarab beetle because the scarab roll balls of dung across the ground, an act that the Egyptians saw as a symbol of the forces that move the sun across the sky. Khepri was a god of the movement of sun and rebirth. I do not exclude that the English verb rise has something to do with the end of the name Khepri , because khe>he( eliminated) and pri>ri, because p- was an article . Currently Engl. rise is explicated by PGm. *risana<PIE*rey-"to rise, arise"(page does not exist!). Today ra"sun'ĂŻs in Maori, in Obolo(Nigeria), in Kaian(Papua N.G.), raĂĄ in Rapanui, rana in Hausa(Nigeria). The sound r is in the names of sun in Armenian ar, arew, in Harari ear, ir, ira, hiru in Sinhalese, re in Irarutu(W.N.Guinea), in Indian languages we find sur, sura, suar, svar, ravi(all in Skr.), rabi, robi in Bengali, ruwa in Chaga, ruba in Gweno(both in Tanzania), sera, sara, sare in P.N.G., sore, sores in Nama(Khoekhoe, Namibia), khursun in Scythian, hvar, hor, hur in Iranian, hare, haro in P.N.G.with s>h.Shortly, r from"sun"may be preceded by all consonants: barg in Lak(Dagestan), beru in Dravid., bari in Kapanahua, dare, dari in Papua,

garri in Ngadjon(Australia), keri in Tariano, kor in Didinga(S.Sudan), kuarasy in Tupinamba, lara in Aru Isl(.Indonesia), mara in Abaz(Caucasus), nar in Mongol, pari in Yupultepec, praatit in Thai, poreatsiri in Machiguenga, terki in Chukchi(Eastern Siberia), vara in Molima, war in Gurani(Iran) and Abui(Timor). Other names of the sun have in front a vowel: arka in Skr.,aurinko in Finnish, akerta in Yupik, yaraay in Australia, yor in Khowar(Pakistan). Instead the sun with l is a little widespread; sol in Latin and German, helios in Greek, la in Hawaiian, sal in Garo(India), saule in Lith., solntse in Russian, hauil in Celtic. But how to say "to move"in world languages? In Arabic haraka, Tk.hareket seem to be in relation to arka"sun"in Skr., in Polish ruch"motion"is explained by PIE*h3er-"to move, to rise,to spring), this root may be in connection to heri "sun'in Curripago, South America, movere in Latin is explained by PIE*meue, from where engl.move, older moven, that resembles mowan"sun"in a language of aborigines in Australia. Socrates admitted that Gr.kinesis , kineo"Ï move"do not have the sound r but, I add, they are related to the sun kin, kiin in Aztec and Turkic languages. (in Russian kin-"to throw"). In relation to motion are sunrise, east, orient too. Latin origo<PIE*(H)rnw-"to flow, move, run", compared with Russ.reka, Lat.rivus but, after me , and with hora'sun"in agi-yolpa, or"sun" in Biak(W.N.Guinea). In Germanic ost must have eliminated r from beginning, cf.rasti, rost "to grow"in Russ.: the plant rises from the earth like the sun. In several languages rise=sunrise:Armenian arewelk(arew"sun"), Quechua intichay(inti"sun"), Chechen malhbale(malh,malx"sun"), Kurdish rojhilat(roj"sun"), Jap.higashi(hi"sun"). In Bambara koron"ëast"~kor"luminatory"in Didinga, akolong"sun", Hungarian korong"disc". It is logical because the orient is part of the sky where the sun rises. Some authors talk about PIE*er, or, r "to rise ,,to climb". WIND. The wind is äir in motion",",movement of air". Hebrew ruakh<P.Sem.*ruh"to blow, breathe, spirit", Arabic rih (see Polish ruch"motion"!), Georg.kari, Dravid. karr, Greenl.anori, Alb, ere, Ainu rera, Avar huri,Marathi vara, Baure vir, Quechua wayra, Latin aura"wind,breath". RIVER. Socrates was speaking on the letter r of the verb rhei-"to flow". At the end he abandoned this idea. In English river<Lat. riparius<ripa"riverbank""<PIE*rey"to scratch, tear, cut". The river is called : naru in Akkad., nahr in Arabic, nahar in Hebr. (after me see nar"sun"in Mongol), Baluchi kor, khor(cf.kor,khor"sun" in Iranian), Yakut orus(or"sun" in Biak, Indonesia), Zazaki ro is identical with ro"sun" in Kurdish), Tajik rud, Tamil aru. In Latin river was called flumen, fluvius. Lat. rivus must be related to Romanian

râu"river"~rau"sun" in sera, sisano, ravi"diurnal aster" in Skr. (Originea limbajului, pp.94-97) with â>i because the Latins do not have â(y). WORK. Russian rabota, robota are explained by P.Sl.*orbu"slave, orphan"<*horh-"orphan"I compare them with the name of sun in Bengali rabi, robi+-ota; trud, etymology unknown, after me cf.thura"sun" in Burmese+-d;, Germ.Werk<P.Gm.*wergom, in my opinion cf.berg"sun" in Udi(Caucasus), war in Gurani(Iran)and Abui(Indonesia)"sun"; in Serbo-Cr.rad we see ra"sun"; Tajik kor cf.kor in Iranian and Didinga. TO GO. As a noun go means"motion", in Arabic rah"go away", yuru in Tk."to walk, to move on the feet", Georg.siaruli. Hung.jar,Jap. aruku,Quechua riy, Rapanui haere etc. AWAKEN. In Hebrew uru"awaken"(see Hava nagila). Remember the words of Max Muller which spoke that the sun is... warmgiver, lightgiver... awakener etc. and then Hebrew uru may be related to uru "sun" in Zande(South Sudan, west of Etiopia). Socrates spoke on letter r and I about the sound r.But it's strange how Egyptians wrote this letter: The mouth symbol stands for letter R in hierogliphs". They drew an open mouth (not closed) represented by 2 lips which were near the circular form of the sun. Russians have the word rot"mouth"(rato"sun" in Are'are, Solomon Isl., Lat. rota"wheel")., in Coptic ro is "mouth"~ro"sun" in Kurdish, Egyptian rm, Hebr.aaron, Georg.piri, Korean aguri, Romanian gură, Tupinamba iuru, all with the sense "mouth". See also Sound symbolism: "According to Magnus the r sets the word in motion...". BIBLIOGRAPHY -Plato, Cratylus -Slava Novikov, The word "sun" in all languages of the world -Ion Carstoiu, Sun in world languages Words for"sky", "sun" and earth -Articles on Google

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