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Nothing is out of ION's league

In February, ION became the title sponsor of the ION Hockey League in Belgium. This is a big move both for the project developer and the Top Hockey League. The deal runs for 3 seasons, and the chances are that it will be extended.

'In our company, our competitive DNA goes hand in hand with the importance of fun.

No better way to start this magazine than with a nod to the ION Hockey League. In February we brought great news: ION became the new title partner of the Belgian Hockey League! The league's ambition? To become the best hockey league in the world. This is something we can relate to very well, since we aim to profile ION ourselves as 'Best in Class.’ So you could say it's a match made in heaven!

In addition, we have always felt that hockey as a sport resonates well with our brand and the values we believe in. Firstly, it is a very fair sport with strong values such as respect and sportsmanship. Secondly, it is a family sport with a DNA that spans generations. And finally, like ION, hockey is doing well and growing on the national and international stage. There’s a good energy among all the major players in the sport and we want to help pass that passion on. Further on in the magazine you will see that a lot of people who work for us are also passionate hockey players.

— Looking ahead In our company, our competitive DNA goes hand in hand with the importance of fun. Now that the pandemic is beginning to abate, there is once again room to organize some fun activities to maintain the good atmosphere within our team. We are eager to add to our events calendar. In addition, we have learned a great deal over the past two years. We are open to our employees combining working from home with being physically present in the o ce, since we have seen that this works perfectly well, and in some cases, even increases productivity.

We are also looking forward to extending the success we enjoyed in Luxembourg into 2022. Things are proceeding as planned, and we are more than happy to continue on this positive path. Important decisions on international growth will follow at the end of this year, but we will tell you more about this later.

— Hot topics In addition to the issue of a ordable housing, we have been confronted with the issue of rising gas prices across Europe. This comes as no surprise to ION: for years, we have been searching for alternative, green sources of energy so we can stop using fossil fuels once and for all. This is not just about the cost price of bricks, but also the sustainability of our homes.

At the moment, we are busy with the construction of Monteco. We are the first project developer to use a complete timber frame construction for a medium-sized building in Brussels. Later on this magazine, we talk to a Dutch project developer who explains the advantages of this method of construction. We are convinced that this sustainable trend will continue. Our neighboring countries already have laws around this, and Belgium is set to follow suit. Of course, we aim to be one step ahead, and will definitely be launching similar initiatives in the years to come!

Ready to be inspired? Grab a drink, find a comfortable spot and enjoy ICONIC #8!

Davy Demuynck and Kristof Vanfleteren

CEOs and co-founders

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