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Iowa Holstein Princesses
Hello Everyone!
My name is Naomi Scott and I am pleased to introduce myself as one of the 2022 Iowa Holstein Princesses. I am the 19-year old daughter of Mike and Kathleen Scott of Westgate, IA. I grew up on my family’s small registered Holstein farm, which has given me the opportunity to be involved with many Holstein and dairy-related activities! I have been a member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association since the age of nine and have participated in state conventions along with national conventions. Through 4-H I have participated in Dairy Judging at a county, state, and national levels. I also enjoyed Dairy Quiz Bowl and showing throughout the summer.
I am just finishing my freshman year at Kaskaskia College in Illinois majoring in Agriculture Science. At Kaskaskia College, I am part of the Dairy Judging team and a vice president of the Agriculture Club. This summer I will be interning at Rolling Lawn Registered Holsteins and the Milkhouse in Greenville, IL. On my weekends home, I enjoy helping on the farm and spending time with my friends and family. I am excited to spend time at the Iowa Holstein shows this summer and hopefully have the opportunity to meet more of Iowa’s Holstein breeders! If there is an event you would like me to help advocate for the Holstein Industry at, please reach out! My email is nayscott16@gmail.com and my phone number is 563-637-2386 Have a wonderful summer! Naomi Scott
Hello Iowa Holstein Members,
My name is Brynlee Volker and I am serving as one of your Iowa Holstein Princesses. I am the 19 year old daughter of Bill & Shellie Volker of Sumner, Iowa. I work for my uncle Jason Volker milking 170 Registered Holsteins in Maynard. Currently, I am attending Hawkeye Community College where I am studying communications. Once I am done with my two year degree I will be transferring to the University of Northern Iowa.
Throughout my time in the Iowa Junior Holstein Association I have served as reporter and I am currently serving treasurer. I have competed in Junior Jeopardy, Intermediate Jeopardy, Junior Dairy Bowl, Senior Dairy Bowl, Digital Scrapbook and Scrapbook at National Holstein Convention. In 2018, I was on the winning Junior Dairy Bowl team and helped complete the winning Scrapbook.
I look forward to talking to all of you and seeing you at various Iowa Holstein events. If you ever need anything please reach out to me. My email is brynleev03@gmail.com and my phone number is (319) 240-6266. Kind regards, Brynlee Volker
President Dan Moon called the meeting to order at 9:15 AM at Tap’t Out in West Union, Iowa. All members were present except Heather Moore. Shellie Volker presented the minutes from the previous meeting and also presented the treasure’s report.
Juniors - They had their convention in December and all attendees took the test to determine the teams for National Convention in July. They are looking to fill sponsors for trophies for the State Junior Show. Things are back on track for the convention and that is what the kids want. They will be running the concession stand at the sale today and next weekend at the sale in West Union. A membership report was given.
Program and Development - The State Picnic will be on August 20th at Korian Holsteins/Brian and Koral Harbaugh’s. They are trying to possibly work with the Juniors for future conventions, but a decision needs to be made yet. The state will host the convention in 2023 then-District 8 in 2024. Program and Development along with the executive board plan and set up. Talked about having it at Echo Valley in West Union.
Sale - Sheri was happy with the turnout of the consignments, it was a great challenge but a learning curve for next year. They had 58 lots consigned and there will be 55 lots selling.
Show - State Open Show will be on August 12th in Des Moines with Mike Berry as the judge. Randy Blodgett is not able to come this year, got a bid from Cowsmopolitan with video and top 5 results. Awards are being lined up. Dairy Agenda will also cover the show with pictures and results for the 2 days. It was motioned to get sponsors for both. Doug Lyons motioned, Sheri Danhof 2nd, motion passed. No report from National. No Old business
New Business - Dan moves to approve that Iowa Holstein Association writes a letter to Mitch Schultz saying Iowa Holstein Association is in favor of having whole milk in schools. Secretary writes and President approves. Motion passed. Herdbook Registration for Export Cattle Discussion moved to say no. Ajourn by Jeff Hammerand 9:47am Respectfully submitted, Shellie Volker
2022 Iowa Holstein Association Board of Directors
Front row L to R: Paul Stempfle, Sheri Danhof, President Dan Moon, Herald Editor Jenna Chapman, Secretary & Treasurer Shellie Volker; Back row L to R: Doug Lyons, Blake Courtney, Trent Henkes, Heather Moore, Larry Landsgard, Tom Simon and Jeff Hammerand. Not pictured: Vice President Walt Wessel, Doug Brown, Dan Bolin, Jim Vierhout, Tom Holub and Jason Volker.