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2022 Iowa Spring Sale/Raffle Calf Details
Interested in becoming the next Iowa Holstein Princess?
The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will conduct the Iowa Holstein Princess Contest in conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Association State Convention. Candidate must be 17 years of age and not over 24 years of age by August 1, of the current year. Candidate must have a dairy farm background with parents or guardians who are currently engaged in the production of milk for sale during the coming year. They must participate in the check-off to Midwest Dairy. The candidate will qualify if she has been away from home (at school, work, etc.) but still considers her parents’ or guardians’ farm her home. Her parents or guardians must be members of the Iowa Holstein Association. The candidate and/or her parents or guardians must own some registered Holsteins. The candidate must give a 3-5 minute presentation the day of the contest about dairy products and/or the dairy industry. The candidate no longer has to be affiliated with a district. Anyone in the state is allowed in the competition. There may be several from one district competing. This young woman will hand out ribbons at district and state shows, write articles for the Herald, and paricipate in dairy promotions while representing the Iowa Holstein Association. She will also represent the Holstein breed in the Iowa State Dairy Princess pageant that is held at the Iowa State Fair in August. If you or anyone you know qualifies and would like to run, please mail or email a completed Princess Candidate Application by February 1 to Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or rkleola@yousq.net. Applications can be found on our website at www.iowaholsteins.org or scan the QR code below with your cellphone camera to be directed.
Improving Your Herd, One Step At A Time!
Contact Regan Demmer today at 563.542.8101
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IHA Offers Scholarships, Apply Today!
Don’t forget to apply for the Iowa Holstein Assocation Scholarships and the Linda Pagel Scholarship. There is only one application, and applicants can designate which scholarship they are applying for on the form. The application is available at iowaholsteins.org. Mail completed application postmarked by February 1 to Trent & Leslie Henkes, 18467 165th St. Luana, IA 5216 or email thenkes@neitel.net.
Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship
Up to four scholarships will be awarded. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school or a short course program and majoring in Dairy Science. Preference will be given to Iowa Junior Holstein Association members. This scholarship can only be received one time.
Linda Pagel Scholarship
Linda Pagel served the Iowa Holstein Association as secretary and treasurer for 13 years. She also was a Family and Consumer Science teacher for many years. Youth have always been a part of her life. Her support and dedication to Iowa Holstein Juniors has be a large part of their success on the national level. The Iowa Holstein Association Board of Directors would like to honor Linda with a scholarship for an active Iowa Junior Holstein Member or recent member. Applicant must be a member or recent member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association and must have completed one year of secondary education. This $500 scholarship can only be received one time.
Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarships
The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will be awarding up to three scholarships this year to eligible recipients. Applicant must be a member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association at the time of application. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school or a short course program and not majoring in Dairy Science. Previous scholarship winners are not eligible. Please send your completed application to: Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd, Peosta, IA 52068 or by email at rkleola@yousq.net by February 1.