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2023 Iowa Spring Sale/Raffe Calf Details

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Iowa Holstein Association 2023 Sale Information

We’re Back With A Live Sale!



Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 18, 2023 at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in West Union, IA.

If you know of any one looking to consign get them in contact with our sale staff! Our selectors are as follows:

Scott Stempfe: 563-608-0640 Jason Danhof: 715-305-0522 Scott Courtney: 563-380-1318 Duane Gibbs: 563-590-4012 Rick Demmer: 563-542-5073

If you have any questions please contact our Sale Co-Chairs: Sheri Danhof (563-380-5945) or Scott Stempfe (563-608-0640).

Iowa Heifer Raffle

Saturday, March 18, 2023 Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union, IA

Drawing will be held prior to the start of the Iowa Spring Sale.

GRAND PRIZE ~ 1st Choice of Heifer or $2,000 Cash You or a representative must be present at the sale to make choice or the cash award will be awarded for the cash prize.

More information to come on specifc prize offerings.

Only 200 tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket. Tickets are available by contacting any Board member. (See page 4 for contact information) Watch for updates and more info including the selected heifers for the raffe coming in the mail, the March Herald and the Iowa Spring Sale Catalog as well as on our Facebook page and www.iowaholsteins.org. Any questions, contact Blake Courtney at 563-387-7879.

District Meetings

District Date Time Location

1 Dec 27 12:00 pm Johnson’s Restaurant, Elkader 4 TBA TBA TBA 5 TBA TBA TBA 6 TBA TBA TBA 8 Jan 11 7:30 pm Pizza Factory

Te Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will conduct the Iowa Holstein Princess Contest in conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Association State Convention. Candidate must be 17 years of age and not over 24 years of age by August 1, of the current year. Candidate must have a dairy farm background with parents or guardians who are currently engaged in the production of milk for sale during the coming year. Tey must participate in the check-of to Midwest Dairy. Te candidate will qualify if she has been away from home (at school, work, etc.) but still considers her parents’ or guardians’ farm her home. Her parents or guardians must be members of the Iowa Holstein Association. Te candidate and/or her parents or guardians must own some registered Holsteins. Te candidate must give a 3-5 minute presentation the day of the contest about dairy products and/or the dairy industry. Te candidate no longer has to be afliated with a district. Anyone in the state is allowed in the competition. Tere may be several from one district competing. Tis young woman will hand out ribbons at district and state shows, write articles for the Herald, and paricipate in dairy promotions while representing the Iowa Holstein Association. She will also represent the Holstein breed in the Iowa State Dairy Princess pageant that is held at the Iowa State Fair in August. If you or anyone you know qualifes and would like to run, please mail or email a completed Princess Candidate Application by February 1 to Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or rkleola@yousq.net. Applications can be found on our website at www.iowaholsteins.org or scan the QR code below with your cellphone camera to be directed.

Large & Small Animal Vet Clinic Dr. Virgil Bourek, DVM Dr.Dan Meyer, DVM

1657 15th Ave SE • Dyersville, IA 52040 Phone: 563-875-6083 Email: animalhealth@iowatelecom.net

Lands-Brook Farms

"The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 • lansgard@neitel.net Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576



21958 Ungs Road Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-853-2402




milk strong live long 12402 R Ave • Westgate, IA 50681

Home of Terrick Holsteins Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfeld, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email: terrick@butler-bremer.com


4113 H Ave. | Aurora, IA 50607 Mark: 319.238.3334 starmonthol@netins.net Barn: 319.634.3383 | Home: 319.634.3973

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