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2022 IPA Professional Awards
The Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) takes great pride in recognizing individuals for their contributions of leadership, patient care, professional involvement and public service. The following awards were presented at IPA’s Annual Meeting on September 22, 2022.
Bob Stessman, RPh Bowl of Hygeia
Mylo Wells, PharmD Distinguished Young Pharmacist of the Year
IPA Members Appreciation Award (Individual)
Donald E. Letendre, BS Pharm, PharmD, FASHP Robert G. Gibbs Distinguished Pharmacist
Ashley Cook, PharmD, BCCCP Health-System Pharmacist of the Year
Jose Rodriguez, University of Iowa Karbeling Leadership*
Thomas R. Temple, BS Pharm, MS, FAPhA Thomas R. Temple Mentorship Award
Daniel P. Runde, MD, MME Patient Care Partner
Molly Nelson, Drake University Karbeling Leadership*
Nominate a deserving pharmacy colleague to be recognized at IPA Annual Meeting 2023 (June 15-16)!
DEADLINE: January 31, 2023
Sharon Cashman, RPh Honorary President
Jillisa Legg, CPhT Pharmacy Technician of the Year
Deanna L. McDanel, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP Excellence in Innovation
CEimpact Appreciation Award (Corporate)
*Presented by the IPA Foundation
Darla Eastman, PharmD, BCPS Anna Laire, PharmD Candidate 2023 Shannon Dicken, PharmD Candidate 2024 Poster Presentation Award* “A Pharmacist-Created Guideline for Opioid Prescribing at Hospital Discharge Following Acute Traumatic Injury”
50-Year Pharmacist Awards
IPA’s 2022 Annual Meeting, the first in-person Annual Meeting since 2019, was packed with opportunities to make meaningful connections, share innovative ideas and advance pharmacy practice. This year’s meeting took place September 22-23 in Cedar Rapids with over 200 Iowa pharmacy professionals in attendance.
2022 keynote Bruce Berger, PhD, kicked off the meeting with a session on preventing self-deception and objectification in practice and everyday life. During two lively in-person House sessions, the 2022 House of Delegates debated policy surrounding the pharmacist’s role in HIV PrEP/PEP, Just Culture, forced dispensing, reimbursement, standard of care, and practice mobility (final policy statements listed on pg. 14). New this year, 2022-2023 IPA President Cheri Schmit and the Board of Trustees were installed over a Leadership Luncheon on Thursday. This year’s event also included a Residency Showcase of programs across the state and beyond with a Meet the Residents reception following.
Day 2 of the Annual Meeting featured a keynote panel of national pharmacy association leaders, including Christene Jolowsky, RPh, MS, Treasurer of ASHP, Michele Belcher, RPh, President of NCPA, and Wendy Mobley-Bukstein, PharmD, BCACP, CHWC, CDCES, FAPhA, President of APhA–APPM. The pharmacy leaders discussed ways the national organizations are strategically working to achieve health equity, as well as how individuals can help decrease disparities in their own communities.
Raising over $3,200 for the Iowa Pharmacy Political Action Committee (IPPAC) through the Pie-In-TheFace fundraiser, Kate Gainer took a pie in the face from President Schmit Friday afternoon. The meeting concluded with a Boosting Confidence in Communication workshop by Wixted & Co.
Speaker Deanna McDanel, APhA-APPM President Wendy Mobley-Bukstein, NCPA President Michele Belcher, ASHP Treasurer Christene Jolowsky, and Kate Gainer Keynote Bruce Berger kicks off Annual Meeting 2022
Delegate Andrew Stessman speaks to the House President Cheri Schmit toasts to inaugural Mentorship Award recipient Thomas R. Temple
IPA Board members Heather Ourth, Pamela Wiltfang, and Candy Jordan Students explore residency opportunities
IPA recognizes 2021-2022 President Chris Clayton Wine Ring Toss fun!
2022 Residency Showcase Outgoing IPA Foundation Board members Steve Firman and Carl Chalstrom with bobble heads
Outgoing Policy Committee Chairs Emma Kraayenbrink and Laura Knockel Kate Gainer gets the IPPAC pie from President Cheri Schmit
APMS Bayer CPESN-Iowa IPC LicenseTrak McKesson NPR Outcomes PACE Alliance Pharmacists Mutual Pharmacosmos PharmServ Staffing
Diane Reist, PharmD, RPh, Chairman of the Board Deanna McDanel, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, Speaker Wes Pilkington, PharmD, Trustee Region #1 Candace Jordan, PharmD, BCPS, MBA, Trustee Region #3 Emily Beckett, PharmD, BCPS, Trustee at Large Nancy Bell, PharmD, Trustee at Large Mahi Patel, Student Pharmacist (Drake) Jose Rodriguez, Student Pharmacist (Iowa)
John Hamiel, PharmD, President-Elect Heather Ourth, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, Speaker Wes Pilkington, PharmD, Vice Speaker Robert Nichols, PharmD, BCPS, Trustee Region #1 John L’Estrange, PharmD, RPh, BCACP, Trustee Region #3 Micaela Maeyaert, PharmD, BCPS, DPLA, Trustee at Large Morgan Herring, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA, Trustee at Large Betty Grinde, RPh, Honorary President Nirian Bhattarai, Student Pharmacist (Drake) Sidney Vancil, Student Pharmacist (Iowa)
For more Annual Meeting photos, visit IPA’s Facebook page:
2022 Annual Banquet
Wes Pilkington is installed as Vice Speaker of the House by Speaker Heather Ourth www.facebook.com/iowapharmacy