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K-STATE SHOWDOWN pg 6 Wednesday, January 25, 2017 | Volume 212 | Number 87 | 40 cents | iowastatedaily.com | An independent student newspaper serving Iowa State since 1890.





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The Iowa Legislature may approve an $18 million budget cut to higher education.

Regents face $18 million in budget cuts to higher ed




By Michael.Heckle @iowastatedaily.com




INTIMATE PARTNER *48.4% for women and 48.8% for men.

Peter Lemken/Iowa State Daily

Source: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)

Sexual assault is a complex and horrible issue. It is personal, it is heartbreaking and it is different in every case. But if we ever want to

put an end to sexual assault, we have to stop letting its complexity get in our way. This is the second story in a semester-long series

where the Daily will publish a multitude of stories related to sexual assault, including discussions about various resources survivors can

obtain if they are comfortable doing so. — Emily Barske, editor in chief

SEPARATING GRAY: DIFFERENT TYPES OF ABUSE TRIGGER WARNING This content uses language that may trigger sexual assault survivors. By Ally.Frickel @iowastatedaily.com

Although there may be an emphasis on sexual assault, other types of abuse are certainly not going unnoticed. Counselors and professionals across the nation, including some at Iowa State, have laid the groundwork of the differences and similarities between predominant types of abuse. Sexual abuse, along with other forms of abuse, is a crime. Therefore, the Department of Justice, DOJ, the nation’s first source of criminal investigation and enforcement, has information on different abuses and the difference between abuse and violence. The difference between abuse and violence comes down to abuse being defined as intentional impact on the victim,

according to DOJ. Violence, in contrast, is a pattern of aggressive behavior. Because there may be some gray area or overlap between the two, under certain state legislatures, including Iowa, the term “violence” may be interchangeable with “abuse.” Lorraine Acker, director of the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center, described what an act of violence is. “If you’re trying to prevent something from leaving their space, if you’re trying to control someone, that’s an act of violence,” Acker said. Dr. Courtney Clippert-Treadwell, staff psychologist and outreach coordinator in Student Counseling Services, said, “Abuse may not be considered violent, but it can still have that negative impact on somebody.” Domestic abuse Domestic abuse is a form of abuse occurring within the household, according to the DOJ. This could include abuse among relationships of those living un-

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RESOURCES Sexual Assault Response Team 515-294-3116

Student Counseling Services 515-294-5056

LGBTSS 515-294-5433

ISU Police 515-294-4428

Dean of Students 515-294-1020

Ames Police 515-239-5133

Sloss House 515-294-4154

ACCESS 515-292-5378

Compared to the initial $25.5 million in budget cuts proposed by Gov. Terry Branstad, funding reduction in higher education may be reduced to roughly $18 million after a budget deal was brokered between the leaders of the Iowa Legislature Monday evening. The deal, which was approved by leaders in both the House and Senate, would cut $8 million from Iowa State and the University of Iowa, and $2 million from the University of Northern Iowa this year. The $18 million in regent budget cuts is just a portion of the $110 million in the state funding reduction proposed in early January by Branstad, who is slated to leave for the U.S. ambassador to China position should he be approved later this year. The bill cleared a Senate subcommittee Monday and is expected to be ratified by the end of the week. The cuts come as part of a $117.8 million spending cut agreed upon by Branstad and Iowa House and Senate Republican leaders in an attempt to fix budget shortcomings for the fiscal year ending June 30. The Iowa Legislature previously approved for the current fiscal year $232.2 million for Iowa, $184.4 million for Iowa State and $97 million for UNI. While regent officials told the The Des Moines Register that these cuts will not increase tuition for the 2017-18 academic year, future tuition increases will depend on whether the Legislature can accommodate the regents’ funding request for the next fiscal year. Iowa State Student Body President Cole Staudt said that while he is disappointed at the decision to cut funding [from higher education,] he’s glad the amount has decreased from Branstad’s initial speculations. “I’d like to see no cuts, but with today’s atmosphere, I think this is the best we can hope for,” Staudt said. Staudt, however, wants to make the dangers of continuing to cut funding clear to legislators. “We need to make it very clear that we need [the funding] that the Board of Regents and Iowa State requested to hold undergraduate tuition increases down,” he said. The Board of Regents agreed in December to hold resident undergraduate tuition increases at 2 percent for the next two years, but only if the state Legislature could provide a 2 percent increase in funding as well. Josh Lehman, senior communications director for the Iowa Board of Regents, said that while any cut is tough, they appreciate the efforts made by both parties in the Iowa Legislature to reduce any additional potential cuts. Lehman also said the regents

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Snow then rain/snow

Club supports victims 33 of human trafficking 32

Weather provided by National Weather Service

By Emily.Hammer @iowastatedaily.com

POLICE BLOTTER The information in the log comes from the ISU and City of Ames police departments’ records.

Jan. 23 An individual reported the theft of a license plate at Lot 61B at 2:19 p.m.

All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Maloney Maloney, 18, of 403 Lincoln Swing Unit 314, Ames, Iowa, was cited for possession of a controlled substance at Lincoln Way and Hyland Avenue at 9:27 p.m.

CALENDAR Jan. 25 Poster Sale: Hundreds of choices from art prints and movies to music and pop culture. Proceeds from the sale support art programs at the Memorial Union. Cost: Most posters cost between $8 and $12. The sale is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

Art Walk - Exploring the “Hidden” Treasures of the Parks Library: The Art on Campus Collection within the Parks Library includes many unique hidden gems that are at times overshadowed by the better known Grant Wood murals and Christian Petersen sculptures. Join the University Museums as we warm up from the cold and search out some of the Parks Library’s ‘hidden’ treasures. Meet inside the Parks Library entrance at 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Open house: Future Use of Bissell Road: Utilit y work for upcoming construction projects will require the demolition and reconstruction of Bissell, from Osborn Drive to Union Drive. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to share feedback about possible roadway configurations, including pedestrian safety, traffic and overall campus character considerations from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the College of Design atrium. Open house: Future Use of Bissell Road: Utilit y work for upcoming construction projects will require the demolition and reconstruction of Bissell, from Osborn Drive to Union Drive. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to share feedback about possible roadway configurations, including pedestrian safety, traffic and overall campus character considerations from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Sukup Hall atrium. SUB General Meeting: Check out SUB’s general meeting to learn how to get involved from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the M-Shop. Glass Beads Class: Learn to create colorful glass beads by heating and shaping glass with a torch from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at The Workspace. Cost: ISU $68, Public $78; Supplies included.

Jan. 26 Poster Sale: Hundreds of choices from art prints and movies to music and pop culture. Proceeds from the sale support art programs at

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

the Memorial Union. Cost: Most posters cost between $8 and $12. The sale is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

Despite being a newer club, Iowa State University’s Student Network Against Human Trafficking is already doing big things. Although human trafficking is widely thought of as sex trafficking, it also includes forced labor and other forms of enslavement, according to Iowa Code. Recently, the club has supported Iowa Legislation against human traf-

ficking and pushed for an office in the Department of Public Safety for antihuman-trafficking. It also worked toward getting the office funding. The club also focuses on outreach, volunteering and education, including hosting a selfdefense class once a semester. Now, the club is hosting a supplies drive for victims of human trafficking who receive rehabilitation services at Dorothy’s House in Des Moines and Wings of Ref-

uge in Iowa Falls. Until Friday, it will accept women’s hygiene products, craft and art supplies, games and puzzles, scrapbooking supplies and grocery store gift cards. Dorothy’s House and Wings of Refuge are looking for these items because they help victims to feel more comfortable during their recovery. Donation boxes are located in the main lounge of the Memorial Union, 1210 LeBaron Hall, the Horticulture Hall atrium and the Sloss House.


Panel: Planning, Engineering, and Native Communities: “Planning , Engineering, and Native Communities: Things to Know and Respect,” with panelists David Gradwohl, emeritus professor of anthropology; Lance Foster, tribal historic preser vation officer, Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska; and Richie Meyers, tribal relations director and AIS program coordinator, South Dakota State University, Brookings at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 1312 Hoover.

All events and descriptions courtesy of events.iastate. edu.

MEN’S BASKETBALL VS. K-STATE GALLERY Did you miss Iowa State men’s basketball against Kansas State? Check out the highlights in the gallery online at iowastatedaily.com.


SUB SEMESTER PREVIEW Want to know what the Student Union Board has in store for the semester? Check out the upcoming schedule of events at iowastatedaily.com.

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS FORUM GALLERY See photos from the forum Tuesday night discussing the legal rights of immigrants and DACA students at iowastatedaily. com.



NOT YOUR TYPICAL WALK IN THE PARK University Museums will host an Art Walk at noon Wednesday at Parks Library. The tour is meant to showcase the art featured inside and give people a chance to find pieces they might not otherwise get a chance to see. The Art Walk will be free to attend.

Watch Sports Editors Luke Manderfeld and Ryan Young recap Iowa State men’s basketball vs. Kansas State Tuesday at iowastatedaily.com.


Open houses to address future of Bissell Road By Kyle.Heim @iowastatedaily.com Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to share input regarding the future use of Bissell Road during an open house Wednesday. Bissell Road, from Osborn Drive to Union

Drive, will be demolished and reconstructed due to utility work and upcoming construction projects, according to the Iowa State events website. The open house, which will take place from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the College of Design atrium, will allow attendees to

give feedback regarding “possible roadway configuration, including pedestrian safety, traffic and overall campus character considerations.” Another open house for the future use of Bissell Road will take place from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Sukup Hall atrium.


THE DAILY DOES EPISODE 2 Learn about the Iowa State Tea Club on this w e e k ’s Fa c e b o o k L i v e show ‘Daily Does’ on the Iowa State Daily’s Facebook at 7 p.m. Wednesday.


WHAT WINTER TASTES LIKE What tastes come to mind when you think of winter? The Self staff weighed in on what came to mind for them at iowastatedaily.com.



Mat Cutting Workshop Channel: A simple neutral-colored mat will finish your artwork and look as clean and classic in twenty years as it d o e s n ow a t t h e Wo r kspace from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Cost: ISU $17, Public $27. Panel Discussion: What Is Your Vocation?: A summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action. What is your vocation? How do you see yourself as an agent of goodness, truth and beauty in the world, using your skills and passions for bringing about human flourishing? Join the panel discussion at 6:30 p.m. at 2019 Morrill Hall.



Youth Program: Caterpillar Club: Join the youth program weekly this winter for our popular Early Childhood Development program featuring stories and creative activities around a n a tu r e - b a s e d t h e m e . Materials are intended for children ages two to seven years old, and all children must be accompanied by an adult. The event is at Reiman Gardens from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wo rk s h o p S e ri e s : T h e Research-Based Flipped Classroom: Team-Based Learning: This Team-Based Learning Workshop Series (TBL) meets once weekly for five consecutive weeks on Thursdays for Spring 2017: Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16 and 23 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. “The research-based flipped classroom and teambased learning (TBL),” an increasingly-popular form of flipped-classroom where small-group learning that can be implemented effectively in small or large classes. The workshop series is at 2030 Morrill Hall.


Assistant Sports Editor Ben Visser (@BenVisser43) tweeted a video interview with Iowa State’s Pat Downey, who wrestles at 184 pounds. Downey talked about the upcoming duals against Oklahoma and Oklahama State. Checkout the video on Visser’s Twitter.

CORRECTIONS Abigail Schafer/Iowa State Daily

POSTER SALE FEATURES THOUSANDS OF IMAGES Students browse through the wide variety of posters on sale Monday at the Memorial Union. The poster sale will run from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Thousands of images are featured at the sale, according to the Iowa State University Student Activities Center website.

The Iowa State Daily welcomes comments and suggestions or complaints about errors that warrant correction. To submit a correction, please contact our editor at 515-2945688 or via email at editor@ iowastatedaily.com.

PUBLICATION BOARD: Professional members © Copyright 2017 Iowa State Daily Publication Board General Information: The Iowa State Daily is an independent student news paper established in 1890 and written, edited and sold by students.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Student fees to increase $12 in July as health services expand By Sarah.Muller @iowastatedaily.com

Hannah Olson/Iowa State Daily

Sonia Reyes-Snyder, executive officer from the Office of Latino Affairs of the Iowa Department of Human Rights, answers a question from the audience during the “What Are Your Rights” panel discussion Tuesday night in the Memorial Union. The panelists addressed the rights of immigrants in the United States.


By Whitney.Mason @iowastatedaily.com In today’s political climate, with a new administration in office, immigrants — documented or not — are weary of what the future holds “What Are Your Rights” — a discussion panel on the individual and constitutional rights of immigrants in the state of Iowa and at Iowa State — was hosted in the Tuesday night in the Memorial Union. Liz Shannon-Mendez, diversity and inclusion project director in Hispanic and Latino affairs, opened the discussion by thanking those in attendance and stating the importance of immigrants knowing their rights and resources available to assist them. “I am also a proud immigrant from Ecuador,” Shannon-Mendez said before taking her seat. Panelist Ann Naffier, an immigration attorney for Iowa Justice

For Our Neighbors, an organization that provides legal services to low-income immigrants throughout Iowa, explained that changes made to immigration laws may not occur as quickly as many fear. “The most recent main immigration law was passed in 1952,” Naffier said. “We’re going to have some warning.” Naffier believes that it won’t be easy to prevent children of undocumented immigrants born in the United States from attending schools in the country because of the Supreme Court case Plyler v. Doe. The Supreme Court would have to overrule itself, which is something Naffier doesn’t believe will happen. “The [laws] that change quickly are executive orders,” Naffier said. The panelists believed that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and other immigrant programs can all be either eliminated or reformed by the

new president. DACA, which was put in place under the Obama administration, protects undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. The program allows immigrants to obtain work permits. Others, such as H1B, a non-immigrant visa, allow U.S. companies to employ foreign workers. Naffier warned individuals who have not signed up for their work permits not to sign up now. “This isn’t the time,” Naffier said. “Wait a little bit and see where it goes.” But she did suggest that those who do have the work permits continue renewing the permit as much as they can. Rita Bettis from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also shared information regarding the constitutional rights that immigrants have. “When in contact with law enforcement it is important to prac-

tice the practical,” Bettis said. She explained that constitutional rights apply to immigrants, such as the right to remain silent, to not speak without the presence of an attorney and not to consent to search. Bettis and other panelists all said that student immigrants deserve to be in a non-discriminatory school settings. Schools should be considered a safe haven for said students. “There is very little intersect for advocacy for LGBT students and immigrants,” said Sandra Zapata of One Iowa. “I always tell people to put themselves in their shoes. We can’t silence people because we feel uncomfortable.” One Iowa is an organization that works with immigrant and LGBT+ students. “If we unite, we are going to have more success,” said panelist Sonia Reyes-Snyder, community advocate for the Iowa Department of Human Services.

Student fees will increase by $12 in July for the student health cost to expand mental health services at Thielen Student Health Center and Student Counseling Services. In August, the Health Center and Student Counseling Services presented at the Student Government and Graduate and Professional Student Senate meeting in order to inform the student body. The Board of Regents approved the student health cost in December. “We are trying to work to be a leader in how student health and student counseling provide mental health care,” Erin Baldwin, director of the health center, said. “I think the most exciting thing is the interest and engagement that the student body has had. They are saying, ‘tell us more’ and ‘let us help you market our services.’” Cole Staudt, Student Government president and senior in political science, was one of several students who asked for an increase so the health services could expand mental health care. After speaking with his counterpart at the University of Iowa in the spring of 2016, they both recognized a need for mental health services on their respective campuses. “In my role, I’m very sensitive to the student fees and increases, but this is something that is absolutely essential for our community,” Staudt said. “We’ve seen students who commit suicide. We’ve seen students who drop out of school because they struggle with depression or anxiety and we just don’t have the resources all the time to help the students. This is something that’s worth the investment.” Staudt approached Martino Harmon, vice president for student affairs, about where the university was

Health p8

Council considers future of student affairs program By Rachel.Ori @iowastatedaily.com The Ames City Council discussed the importance of the Campus and Community Commission, also known as the Student Affairs Commission, at its meeting Tuesday night. The goal of the commission is for individuals or groups to provide input and advice to the City Council on issues impacting students. These members can come from the Ames Community School District, Iowa State and Student Government, or can simply be members of the city community. Fifteen members have provided representation

Sam Greene/Iowa State Daily

Ann Campbell helps appoints members of the Campus and Community Commission, which provides input to City Council regarding student issues.

in the past, ranging from Ames High student council co-presidents, Iowa State

student affairs representatives and off-campus student leaders.

Rep. Steve King reveals anti-abortion proposal By Danielle.Gehr @iowastatedaily.com An Iowa congressman works to pass his proposed “Heartbeat” bill that would ban abortion nation-wide after the detection of a fetal heartbeat. Steven King proposed the act that may be cited as the “Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017” on Jan. 12, but held a press conference concerning the bill on Tuesday, Jan. 23. The proposal mimics a failed Ohio attempt at banning abortion last year. To David Cordaro, the trip coordinator for Students For Life at Iowa State, these bills are another step towards giving a voice to the voiceless. To Emily Southard, co-president of the The Society for the Advancement of Gender Equity (SAGE), these

bills threaten a woman’s right to control over her body. “When we look, there’s this whole arSTEVEN gument of viKING ability when we’re talking about abortion,” said Cordaro. “The University of Iowa, they just, I think with in the past couple of years, had twins that were 20 weeks old that lived.” The argument that Cordaro speaks of at its most basic level is a question of when is an unborn child considered a human life. According to this new legislature proposed by King, a child is viable when a heartbeat is detected. Cordaro is against any case of abortion, even in the case of a rape resulting a pregnancy. He argues

that the cause of the pregnancy, though challenging, does not affect the value of life that an unborn child has. “Circumstances don’t determine dignity. The dignity of the woman and the dignity of this child are not defined by the rapist’s actions,” Cordaro said. “If we believe that it’s a human life and it really is her child, then we need to be there to defend the child.” Southard, who describes herself as radical liberal, believes that there is a psychological impact on a woman forced to carry the child of her perpetrator full-term. Though pro-choice, Southard isn’t for abortion without regulations. She is aginst late term pregnancies. Instead of abortion, Cor-


Members of the commission are either appointed by Mayor Ann Campbell and approved by the council or appointed by Student Government. But work on the commission has been non-existent since last spring. A lack of student involvement and difficulties getting appointed to the commission halted the program. After speaking with Student Government and campus administration last year, the commission returned to Tuesday’s meeting for the council to decide whether to continue the program. Some members of the council had reservations because of the lack of tracking that the commission has had

in the past. Council member Tim Gartin asked how it would be possible to tell if the program was making a positive impact on the schools and the community as a whole. Council member Gloria Betcher proposed an annual report to be a requirement of the commission, adding to the overall charge of the program. “We need to be able to report what has been accomplished at the beginning of each year,” Betcher said. Another reservation toward the commission included how involved the council would be in the program. One suggestion was creating joint task forces between

the council and the commission as issues of interest came up. The two groups would work separately whenever a task was at hand and then meet to discuss and act accordingly. Council member Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen said council approval of the commission and working together with those in the program will help the entire operation “organize tasks.” The objective of the program and City Council involvement is to “make things work for Ames in a positive way,” Beatty-Hansen said. Discussion wrapped up with the decision that three additional representatives would need to be appointed by the mayor in the future.

ISU makes college dreams reality By Mary.Pautsch @iowastatedaily.com Students in Des Moines Public Schools are creating brighter futures for themselves with the help of Iowa State’s School of Education. The ISU 4U Promise was created in 2013 by Iowa State President Steven Leath to urge students to pursue higher education. Iowa State partnered with Des Moines’ Moulton and King elementary schools so young students can start to realize that college is an achievable goal. Once a child completes fifth grade at either King or Moulton elementary, they are eligible for tuition grants to Iowa State. “These kids don’t necessarily always get the role models they need at home or the college talks,” said Chelsey Spreitzer, second and third grade teacher at King Elementary School. Spreitzer, who joined

the ISU 4U Promise team to get to know the community after moving to Iowa, now tries to implement the team’s message into her own lesson plans. For social studies, she has had discussions with her students about the importance of communities. They discuss careers people can get working in their own communities and how the students can earn jobs. “For example, I’ve told them that even if you want to be a police officer, you have to go to community college,” Spreitzer said. For older ISU 4U students, the team would like to bring more students to Iowa State. This way the students can meet with real faculty members and advisers while also getting to experience being on a university campus. Cynthia Hunafa, member of the ISU 4U Promise team, has been meeting with high school coordinators at Des Moines’ Roosevelt High School in hopes

to make field trip plans for its students who are connected with ISU 4U. Hunafa said Moulton and King have been the biggest motivators to get students to this point. “They say it takes a village [to raise a child],” Hunafa said. “King and Moulton have been that village. Truly.” The ISU 4U Promise team is trying to do research on how Moulton and King have improved since ISU 4U has been implemented. Todd Abraham, faculty member in the research institute for studies in education, said they are comparing positive outcomes of the two elementary schools from before and after ISU 4U Promise was implemented. They also compare the data to that of other Des Moines schools. “It may be the optimist in me, but I would like to see the schools we aren’t

ISU4U p4



Wednesday, January 25, 1017


by the Mepham Group


1 2 3 4

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku. org.uk


Across 1 Help for Holmes 5 All hands on deck 9 Baby food, usually 14 “Can you give me a __?” 15 Bass’ red triangle, e.g. 16 Dove rival 17 Fraternal meeting place 19 Sense & Spray air freshener maker 20 “Here are the facts,” briefly 21 Garden outcast 22 Dark suit 23 Central church area 25 Pacific Northwest capital 27 “The Cask of Amontillado” writer 31 Reduced in number 32 Track tipsters 33 Train cos. 35 Yankee nickname since 2004 36 Asparagus, mostly 37 Nemesis 38 ENE or WSW 39 Set straight 40 Golfer Palmer, to fans 41 Where to read candidate endorsements

44 Much of the time 45 Kitchen add-on? 46 Yemenis’ neighbors 49 “__ been thinking ...” 50 NASA thumbs-up 53 Acme’s opposite 54 Periphery ... and, literally, the periphery of 17-, 27- and 41-Across 57 Most clubs in a pro’s bag 58 Scott Turow memoir 59 Vulcan mind __: Spock’s skill 60 Principle 61 Superstorm response org. 62 Functions

Down 1 “Cutthroat Kitchen” competitor 2 Easter bloom 3 Critical comment 4 Aliens, briefly 5 Prosperous, after “in” 6 Took the bus 7 Fabergé creation 8 Reason for handwringing 9 Sloppy farm digs 10 Tanning booth light, for short


11 Freeway, e.g. 12 Earth, to Hans 13 Windows to the soul, so they say 18 “Reading Rainbow” host Burton 22 Mattress supports 24 Matured 25 Liqueur in a fizz 26 Barnard grad 27 Like 27-Across’ work 28 Clothes 29 Fruity drinks 30 Bert’s buddy 31 Fleeting fashion 34 “Get it?” 36 Schedule openings 37 Sassy tyke 39 Initially 40 More fitting 42 Salt additive 43 Low parking garage floor 46 Bad mood 47 Bern’s river 48 Noodle bar order 49 List component 51 Gawk at 52 Classic sneakers 54 “That knocked the wind out of me!” 55 Sorbonne one 56 Aussie runner

by Linda Black

Today’s Birthday (1/25/17)

Partnership unlocks doors this year. Strengthen community connections. Money flows with greater ease after 3/20. Think, plan and strategize before launching a new creative collaboration after 4/8. Travel and research may be involved. Listen for what’s wanted and needed. Organize, sign and manage paperwork after October revelations. Invest and manage savings. Work together for solutions. Stand for love. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries - 8

(March 21-April 19) Look sharp! A unique opportunity comes your way. A long shot pays off. Increase your visibility. Help someone achieve a seemingly impossible goal. A friend can get through where you can’t.

Taurus - 8

(April 20-May 20) Navigate obstacles or breakdowns, and there’s money to be made today and tomorrow. Share your inspiration. Clarify theoretical or bizarre questions. Minimize risks. Figure out the numbers.

Gemini - 7

(May 21-June 20) Someone’s saying nice things about you. Confidently take charge today and tomorrow. An important message finally comes through. Upgrade technology, if necessary. Think through what you truly need.

Cancer - 8

(June 21-July 22) Let things simmer over the next two days. Take it easy, and think through recent developments. Let ideas gel. Listen to intuition, when choosing a creative direction. Set team goals, and make plans.

Leo - 7

(July 23-Aug. 22) Your friends are your inspiration, especially today and tomorrow. Enjoy time spent together. Keep track of earnings. Watch your budget. It’s not a good time to gamble. Come up with profitable ideas.

Virgo - 8

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) There’s plenty of work today and tomorrow. Withstand and profit from criticism. Keep in action, and postpone family time if you must. Encounter new problems. Check out an interesting suggestion.

Libra - 7

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Should you go or should you stay? An escape to new settings could be delightful today and tomorrow. Allow extra time to make connections. Mix business and pleasure on the trip. Adapt.

ROTC develops leaders for military By Tristan.Wade @iowastatedaily.com Joining the ROTC program at Iowa State means a commitment to many additional hours of work on top of the normal academic load, and it’s a decision not to be taken lightly. The reasons students have for joining vary, but for three current members, it’s all been worth it. Connor Schueler is a junior in the Navy ROTC and is pursuing a Marine option. Schueler comes from a family rich with military history. All of his grandparents were in the military, including a grandfather who won a Purple Heart, and both of his parents were in the military. Because his parents were already out of the military when he was born, these family ties weren’t the direct reason for Schueler to join the ROTC program. “There’s a quote by Jackie Robinson that essentially says, ‘A life is not significant except for the impact it has on others,” Schueler said. “… I thought that the military would be an excellent way to serve and be actively involved in the nation.” This inspiration, plus his

BILL p3 daro believes that resources should be offered to women to help with their pregnancy. His organization, Students for life, is currently working with the Sloss Center to bring the Pregnant on Campus Initiative to Iowa State. This program would help these young mothers-to-be continue their education. If a pregnant student needed a ride to a doctor’s appointment or help paying for medication or medical bill this program would aid them. “What we really advocate for in the pro-life movement is to help the woman first and to help her overcome what she needs to go through in order to have the child,” said Cordaro, “along with that goes helping her overcome the other problems that were causing her to want or need an abortion.”

ISU4U p3 doing anything with to also improve,” Abraham said. At a conference last Friday, Abraham also mentioned how they also are making comparisons in the Des Moines public high schools. The institute takes into account how many students are taking advanced placement classes and striving to earn college credit. As for long-term goals, the ISU 4U team would

family’s military experience, led Schueler to investigate military options, and he hoped to walk the path of a Marine. He attended high school in Iowa City, but the University of Iowa lacks a Marine option. Schueler applied for the Naval Academy but was unable to make it, leading him to his next top choice: ROTC at Iowa State. Ryan Finn, junior in Air Force ROTC, followed a path that was a bit different than Schueler’s. Finn had one family member, an uncle, who was in the military, but not an incredibly strong family connection.

As a junior in high school, he went to an Air Force Academy summer program to expose people to what the academy is all about. He applied for the Air Force Academy, wasn’t accepted, but earned a four-year scholarship for ROTC at Iowa State out of high school. Finn is a mechanical engineering major, an additional reason why he chose ROTC program at Iowa State. “They had engineering here, which was awesome because the Air Force looks for technical degrees when they do scholarships ... so that’s what drew me specifi-

cally here,” Finn said. Scholarship opportunities are another main reason students join the ROTC. “I think the No. 1 motivation for cadets joining is to develop those leadership traits and those leadership styles to become an Air Force officer,” Conner Tillo, Air Force ROTC junior, said. “That’s the reason I’m here.” Such is the case for the other branches as well, Schueler said, as each ROTC program ends with the goal to become a military officer. It isn’t an easy path to take though. Finn estimated that ROTC can add anywhere from 10 to 20 hours of work per week on top of the normal academic and college responsibilities students have. That additional workload can add stress, but the students said they’ve always kept motivated and focused on their goals to push through when it gets hard. When students graduate and finish the ROTC program, they commission into the military as an officer. “There are long days, hard work … but it’s nice to have a job at the end of college,” Schueler said. “You see people worried about what they’re going to do. Well, I know what I’m going to do.”

Southard likes the idea of this program and thinks that it should be put into place, but is against it completely replacing abortion. “I think absolutely we should be providing that type of funding and that should absolutely be a resource, but having that be the only resource is insane because it’s really shortsighted and [...] a woman should be able to control their body.” With a Republicans holding majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as a Republican president in the Oval Office, the views of Cordano will likely be better represented at the national government level. President Trump has reinstated the Mexico City Policy that eliminates federal funding to abortion clinics, one of the first actions that he has taken since his inauguration on Friday. “I am definitely much more than weary. I would

say that I am terrified,” Southard said. “They have so much power right now and [...] both sides [aren’t] being represented to the extent that generally there is.” Though, with the election of Trump, Southard and others from her organization knew that these issues were on his agenda and knew of his pro-life stance, they are still discouraged as they watch it happen. Only a few days have passed since millions of women marched for equal rights in cities around the world before Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy. Southard found this especially disheart-

ening. “It’s really frustrating that we just had the women’s march and [Donald Trump] doesn’t care that there was this huge outpouring of support,” said Southard. King has openly held strong opposition to abortion throughout his political career. He promoted including prenatal humans into the 14th amendment giving them the right to life. According to On the Issue, King co-signed the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act which excluded pregnancies resulting in rape or a pregnancy that risks the life of the mother.

Emily Blobaum/Iowa State Daily

The Iowa State ROTC hosts a special presentation of the flag for Veteran’s Day on Nov. 11, 2016.

like to see an increase in its graduates getting placed in jobs after completing college, whether it be at a two-year or four-year institution. “We’d like to see them in high-impact careers,” Abraham said. Hunafa has a positive outlook for the ISU 4U Promise’s students and the future of ISU 4U. “I just want to say to these students, you know, ‘We’ve got our arms wrapped around you. Let’s go,’” Hunafa said.


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Wednesday, January 25, 2017



Tyler Coffey/Iowa State Daily

Pedestrians cross the intersection of Welch Avenue and Lincoln Way on Sept. 11, 2016.

Pedestrian safety worthy of Ames’ attention Max Goldberg/Iowa State Daily

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate meets with voter registration volunteers during National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 27, 2016, at the UDCC. Pate recently proposed a “voter integrity” bill that would require all voters to present a valid form of identification at their polling center, excluding university student IDs.

Proposed voter ID bill lacks justification Paul Pate’s ‘voter integrity’ proposal is unnecessary bilge By Alex.Felker @iowastatedaily.com


very skeptic’s book of best practices has a special chapter reserved for all the inane, needless, counterproductive and senseless laws the legislature pushes through its knotted intestinal docket. New editions are issued on the first full moon of every July and December, on account of all the addendums. This same book’s foreword lays out the maxim that any legislature of any significance, size or power must, as a rule, tend toward throwing its time and well-earned money in precisely all the wrong directions. Thankfully, there is generally little issue with this assumption because of all the practice most state legislatures have accrued doing so over their storied histories. As Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate’s recently proposed “voter integrity” bill looks to make its own entry in this ledger of nonsense, I would urge the Republican state representatives of Iowa, who now find themselves profiting from an energetic, unified majority, to reflect upon whatever supposed motivations reside in the deepest, darkest depths of their souls, regarding whatever supposed reasons they could use to rationalize voting in support of this legislation.

This bill of his is spurious, uncalled-for, a needless expense and will do more harm than whatever good its harebrained supporters have convinced themselves it might ever actually accomplish — in short, it is bunkum. It is one more roll of red tape to be wrapped around the poll booth’s door, and it will discourage voter turnout in the worst of ways and at the worst of times. For the curious, here’s what the bill does (At the estimated start-up cost of $1 million state tax dollars, which anybody with sense could see to be an optimistic appraisal): In the main, it requires all voters to present a valid form of identification at their polling center, excluding university student IDs for this use. Second, the bill would provide for the placement of electronic poll books in all precincts that haven’t already received them. And, according to the Des Moines Register, Pate’s proposed bill would also include: “Creating a deadline for proxies to return collected voter registration forms and absentee ballots to the county auditor’s office.” “Setting the first date to request absentee ballots at 120 days prior to an election.” “Ensuring uniform, ongoing training for election staff and poll workers.” And, finally, “Requiring that county auditors certify their compliance to all state and federal laws and report all suspected instances of election misconduct with the secretary of state.” For some of what’s proposed here, there is no issue. But there is also no reason that the state shouldn’t be doing everything in its power to

make voting an easier process than it already is — or, at the very least, as easy a process as it currently is. And, likewise, it is a preposterous claim to say that added, not less regulation, should be piled upon what Pate has actually recently praised as a successful, effective, judicious electoral system. There are very few actual instances of voter fraud. All this legislation would accomplish would be an added layer of confusion and an added barrier to counting every voting-age citizen’s vote. It simply doesn’t matter how easy it would hypothetically be to acquire a free voting ID or how little trouble these additional regulations would supposedly contribute to the process. Any sort of inconvenience, to any extent, would spell a reduced turnout. College students would be affected most on account of their transient addresses and being barred from using their university IDs as valid identification. Voting is already a difficult enough affair. Bizarrely, the presidential election takes place on a business day, and the polls are often closed by early evening. Of course it would be ridiculous to make Election Day a federal holiday, or to hold it on a weekend. We’re far too stuck in our ways for such nonsense, and this bill is making the whole process even more byzantine than it already is, apparently, just appeals too much to our state’s current leadership. So, on top of all three of Iowa’s state university presidents’ open letter in declaration of Pate’s bill’s absurdity, I would offer my own opinion in support of theirs.

Iowa State Daily wants you for cartoons By Alex.Felker @iowastatedaily.com Political, social, cultural, economic — whatever sort of commentary you prefer — the Iowa State Daily is seeking a talented “thinking-artist” to join its ranks. The ideal candidate would be a generally insightful, shrewd, informed and clever individual — capable of critical analysis — and, of course, would possess the artistic competencies that the position requires. Do you want fame? Do you want recognition? Do you stare into your bathroom mirror, every morning, every day and ask yourself, “What have I done with my young life?” If so, this position might be for you. There is still time left. All is not lost.

What, you ask, would you be getting yourself into? No more than one cartoon per week; that is, each week, you would produce a cartoon that would appear in the Iowa State Daily, on a weekly basis, on a certain day each week, with no fewer than six days in between your last, and, in short, you would be heavily congratulated for it. The rest I leave to you. Single-panel or multi-panel, hand drawn or digitally rendered, lighthearted or scathingly irreverent — it simply must be something that our readers might be interested in. Please direct all inquiries to alex.felker@iowastatedaily.com. Along with a brief — 100 words or fewer — cover letter explaining your interest in the position,

Down on the corner of Oakland, Sheldon and Hyland — just a block or so west of the College of Design — there exists a unique solution to what would otherwise be a nightmarish, traffic-lightless pedestrian crossing. A solar-powered, flashing, yellow crosswalk sign is situated on either side of N. Hyland Ave. After having stepped up to the intersection, a pedestrian could wait for the signal to walk and then step across the street, snug and buttoned-up and unmolested while these two beacons of warning — facing toward oncoming traffic on either side — flash their yellow brights mightily in the face of approaching drivers. It’s almost a pleasure to watch as the cars on either side slow, and the worried-looking engineering student — just wanting to make it to his 9 a.m. on time — nervously clutching his cellphone and backpack, safely shuffles across the street and continues on his way. Such wasn’t always the case. Such isn’t always the case. There are many street crossings in Ames that are virtually unnavigable for foot traffic, or, at the very least, made far more dangerous than they ever should have been. Take, for example, many of the crossings that stretch across Lincoln Way or down the Duff strip on the eastern side of Ames. Though, granted, at varying intervals there are stoplights and crossings in these areas, they are anything but reliable, and any would-be crosser must take their life and place it in the hands of each impatient automobileborn soul who wishes to turn right on red or left with no green arrow and is particularly inattentive in doing so. Ames needs more of its pedestrian byways made safer by some mechanism — possibly even some creative solution like the brightly-lit warning beacons on either side of Hyland — that could go toward making our street crossings safer for the walking public. Presumably, this was one of the ideas the designers had in mind upon the conception of the planned community north of campus called “Somerset.” Alongside Stange Road, the main north-to-south thoroughfare in this area of town, there are wide sidewalks and conspicuously placed crosswalks. Unfortunately, Stange, being such a well-trafficked road, provides for an actually dangerous place for a pedestrian to try and cross. And the community is not helped by the wide, four-lane street and its curved nature, which allows for poor visibility. In light of these considerations, this editorial board believes that more attention ought to be given to pedestrian safety in Ames. Horrible accidents aside, there is no reason the city should be unsafe for foot traffic, especially given the large population of car-less college students whom the infrastructure serves.

Editorial Board

Emily Barske, editor-in-chief Alex Felker opinion editor Christine Hopkins, Daily staff writer Adam Willman, community member Mohamed Abufalgha, community member Opinions expressed in columns and letters are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Daily or organizations with which the author(s) are associated.

Feedback policy:

Courtesy of Getty Images

attach your email as proof of concept, three sample editorial cartoons that represent the quality of content you’d produce for the Iowa State Daily on a weekly basis. Art can do so much more than

writing alone. Images can speak in ways that words can’t. Pair the two, and you’ve really got something there — this is the idea, at least. So: The future is yours. Now draw it.

The Daily encourages discussion but does not guarantee its publication. We reserve the right to edit or reject any letter or online feedback. Send your letters to letters@iowastatedaily.com. Letters must include the name(s), phone number(s), majors and/or group affiliation(s) and year in school of the author(s). Phone numbers and addresses will not be published. Online feedback may be used if first name and last name, major and year in school are included in the post. Feedback posted online is eligible for print in the Iowa State Daily.




Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Cyclones survive scare in 70-65 win By Luke.Manderfeld @iowastatedaily.com Iowa State fans finally had a chance to breathe — at least for a while. After leading by as many as 20 points near the beginning of the second half Tuesday night against Kansas State, the Cyclones collapsed in remarkable fashion in a 10-minute span. The Wildcats, who shot just 35.7 percent from the field in the first half, shot 45.2 percent in the second half to come roaring back to take the lead with just over six minutes remaining. But Iowa State (13-6, 5-3 Big 12) fended off Kansas State’s (15-5, 4-4 Big 12) late comeback attempt to pull out a 70-65 victory Tuesday night at Hilton Coliseum — the team’s second straight win within a margin of five points. “They toughed it out,” coach Steve Prohm said as he sat down for his post-game press conference. “This is a great win for us. It’s a great win. I thought for the first 24 minutes, we were playing as good offensively as we’ve played in a long time. … It’s just about the next game in this league.” In a season when the Cyclones have lost to four ranked opponents by a combined nine points, the team looked to be cruising to an easy win — something that has been few and far between. Iowa State senior Matt Thomas led the offensive charge for the Cyclones, bucketing six 3-pointers and racking up 20 points in the first half. He went 7-for-9 from the field and 6-of-8 from 3-point range. Coming off a double-overtime win against Oklahoma on Saturday when the team’s offense found its stride late, Iowa State’s ball movement was clicking on all cylinders. The Cyclones assisted on 10 of their first 14 shots and took a commanding 43-26 lead into halftime. Thomas, who was approaching Iowa State’s single-game 3-point record of 10,

Chris Jorgensen/Iowa State Daily

Iowa State senior Matt Thomas attempts a mid-range shot during the first half against Kansas State on Tuesday at Hilton Coliseum. Thomas dropped a career-high 25 points.

drained his first 3-point attempt of the second half to raise his total to seven on the night. He didn’t make another long ball for the rest of the game, finishing the night with a careerhigh 25 points. The Wildcats started clawing away at the 20-point Iowa State lead with just over 12 minutes left to play. It started with three straight misses at the free-throw line for Thomas, which turned into a 19-3 run that gave Kansas State a one-point lead with five minutes to play. “When you play in this league, there’s going to be runs,” Prohm said. “I didn’t think they would push it that close.” Iowa State continued to push Kansas State

away but made costly mistakes down the stretch that almost cost it the game. With just over 20 seconds remaining and Iowa State leading by a possession, Thomas threw a bounce pass off the inbound right into the hands of a Wildcat. But seconds later, Naz Mitrou-Long took advantage of a similar blunder on Kansas State’s end and took the ball back. “That turnover was on me,” Thomas said. “I let that dude come right in front of me. But then I saw Naz got the steal, so I was off the hook for the time being. Like I said, very sloppy at the end, but I’m just happy we pulled out the win.”

The Cyclones, despite Deonte Burton’s miss on a dunk with seconds remaining, survived another scare. But after the game, it was hard to tell the Cyclones had just blown a 20-point lead and lived to tell the tale. It was all smiles and laughter. “It’s hard to win in this league,” Prohm said with an ear-to-ear grin. “And I’ve done that — analyzing wins and analyzing everything. And you don’t win by enough. And I’ve done that before, when success is expected. That’s a miserable way to do it. Now I’ll go over the tape tonight and talk to the team Thursday and we’ll correct some things, but I’m as happy as I’ve ever been right now.”

Emily Blobaum/Iowa State Daily

After having a breakout freshman season, Guy Shilon left Iowa State before winter break in December.

Swimming and diving add two to fill midseason gaps in roster By Rachel.Given @iowastatedaily.com Although it is the middle of the season, the new year brought a new roster to the Iowa State swim and dive team, which has seen its fair share of athletes come and go. Sophomore Guy Shilon had a breakout 2015-16 freshman season with the Cyclones and was the top 200-yard backstroker on the team, but left before this season’s winter break. “She’s a type 1 diabetic and she had a real hard time controlling her blood sugar,” swim coach Duane Sorenson said. The Iowa State medical staff suggested that Shilon take the spring semester off from training with the team but suggested she stay enrolled in classes. Shilon decided if she wasn’t going to swim, staying at Iowa State wouldn’t be worth it. She returned back to her home in Israel. “In the long run it will be much more healthier for her … in five, 10, 20 years to get back and to a better environment where she can eat properly and get her blood sugar under control,” Sorenson said. Shilon’s departure left a major hole in Iowa State’s backstroke squad. “We’re scrambling to find a backstroker for this coming fall to replace her,” Sorenson said. “Backstrokers just don’t grow on trees.” Another swimmer, Kaarin Quaerna, who redshirted her freshman year last season, left at the beginning of this season for personal reasons. “Life is too short to try to do something you don’t want to do,” Sorenson said. Quaerna’s departure left the Cyclones lacking depth in the freestyle races. But even in the heat of the season, Sorenson has added one swimmer and one diver to the roster to try and fill some gaps. Sorenson believes Polina Shynkarenko, sophomore swimmer from Ukraine, will help fill the gap Quaerna left behind. He doesn’t believe it will happen immediately, but eventually. Sorenson said Shynkarenko hasn’t been able to train at an elite level

for a while. He said Europeans usually have to choose between being an athlete or a student — they can’t be both — because universities often don’t have their own teams, making it difficult to travel to practice every day. Shynkarenko attended one year of university — the name for college in Europe — and started practicing with the Cyclones after their winter training trip in Puerto Rico. Shynkarenko got her first taste of American collegiate swim meets this past weekend against West Virginia. While she still hasn’t gotten approval from the NCAA to officially compete, Sorenson put her in a few exhibition races. Sorenson said this year will be a learning curve, and he just wants Shynkarenko to get her feet in the water. Sorenson said Shynkarenko has enjoyed Ames because she has never been in a team atmosphere before. She has always competed as an individual. “It was pretty eye-opening for her,” Sorenson said. “It’s a kind of cultural type of thing.” Diver Alex Aaberg is another new addition. She is an Iowa native but made her way to Iowa State via the University of New Mexico. Aaberg redshirted at New Mexico last year, but because she competed for the Lobos this past fall, she has to finish NCAA eligibility paperwork to be able to compete as a Cyclone for the rest of this season. Usually when an athlete transfers, they have to sit out the rest of that season. But Aaberg came back to Iowa for family reasons, so she applied for a waiver from the NCAA to regain eligibility for the rest of the 2016-17 season. “Alex is a very fundamentally solid diver,” dive coach Jeff Warrick said. “There’s still a possibility that she could compete for us, but time is ticking away quickly.” Aaberg and Shynkarenko have been practicing with the Cyclones and are awaiting approval from the NCAA to compete in meets.

Jack MacDonald/Iowa State Daily

Jadda Buckley drives to the hoop after stealing the ball from Kansas State on Saturday at Hilton Coliseum.

Cyclones hit road in search of first win away from home By Tyler.Julson @iowastatedaily.com Coming off a huge win at home against a ranked Kansas State squad, the Iowa State women’s basketball team will now have to follow it up with another tough Big 12 game — this time on the road. Iowa State (11-8, 2-6 Big 12) will go up against No. 20 Oklahoma (15-5, 6-2 Big 12) on Wednesday in Norman, Oklahoma. Although the Cyclones are feeling good about their most recent win, junior guard Jadda Buckley knows they need to move forward and prepare for the Sooners. “It was definitely something we needed,” Buckley said. “Coming home from the Baylor game, we came into Hilton and the next few games with a clean slate. … It was a huge confidence boost, but now we have to execute and keep rolling off it.” This will be the second time the Cyclones face off against the Sooners this season. In the last meeting, Iowa State was leading by two at the half, but was outscored in the second half by 12 points, losing 67-57. Junior guard Emily Durr talked about what they will need to do differently this time around to come away with the victory. “I think it still feels fresh, I think we can beat them,” Durr said. “We had them here at Hilton, just a couple stretches in the game where we lost our focus and they capitalized on it. I think we can do better in crunch time in a lot of moments and we’ll be fine.” Last time out, the Cyclones had a difficult time with the multiple defenses that were run by Oklahoma. Both Buckley and sophomore guard Bridget Carleton committed four turnovers each and were a combined 9-for-28 shooting, including 2-for-11 from 3-point range. “I don’t think there’s another team in our league that, from the coaches down all the

GAME INFO Iowa State vs. No. 20 Oklahoma Wednesday | 7 p.m. Lloyd Noble Center | Norman, Oklahoma Follow @A_Mar32 and @tylerjulson on Twitter for updates throughout the game way down to the last person on the bench, plays with more energy and enthusiasm,” Fennelly said. “When you play them, you better know, especially in Norman, your energy level better be really high, because they’re going to bring it every single time.” Iowa State was dominated down low by Oklahoma center Vionise Pierre-Louis, who netted 18 points, pulled in 16 rebounds and had two blocks. Pierre-Louis could be a big factor in determining who gets the fourth starting spot for the Cyclones. Three different players have made the start for the team so far this season. A majority of the games have seen freshman guard TeeTee Starks get the start, but there have been a handful of games when Emily Durr or Heather Bowe have gotten the call. Durr says the starter for each game is determined by the matchup the other teams present. “I think it’s just the matchup we see,” Durr said. “Whatever coach thinks fits well with our game plan and who we’re playing, we can all start on any given day. Whether it’s me, Heather [Bowe] or TeeTee [Starks]. It’s just whatever coach wants and what he thinks is the best matchup.”


Wednesday, January 25, 2017



Pantsuits: From rebellion to red carpets Are they in, out or on the rise? By Maya.Minocha @iowastatedaily.com There once was a time when it was illegal for a woman to wear pants. Now almost all women have a pair of pants in their wardrobe. In the past 100 years, women have adapted to the societal norms of men, as has the fashion of women. The women’s fashion industry has taken a lot of menswear staple items and made them their own, including boyfriend jeans, oxford shoes and now the pantsuit. When we look at history and when pantsuits as a trend began to rise, they always make a comeback when women start to take on new roles and are a part of societal change. The first time we started seeing women in suits was when Coco Chanel introduced them in 1914, according to Allure magazine. The 1920s followed with a time of rebellion and change, especially

within women’s fashion. For the first time, women started cutting their hair short, their skirts slowly began rising above the ankles to the knees and corsets were exchanged for the newly invented bra. When World War II arrived and men were deployed, women replaced them at their jobs, and the pantsuit started becoming more popular. 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made an immense impact on the history of women as the first female presidential candidate for a major political party. Her wardrobe on the campaign trail was equally well-known — an array of multicolored pantsuits. There is no doubt her campaign influenced the fashion industry and the modern rise of pantsuits. “Because of recent things, I associate [pantsuits] with Hillary Clinton,” said Emily Southard, co-president of the Society for the Advancement of Gender Equity. “I think that there was like a lot of effort to associate that with her, and the reason I think she chose to have that be her outfit of choice was the symbolism of it and particularly her generation of feminism.

“I think it was really empowering for women to wear pants particularly in the 1960s and 1970s because women were expected to wear skirts. So I think that there is a lot of female empowerment that comes with a pantsuit.” Throughout Clinton’s years in politics, she has always opted for the pantsuit. The pantsuit became her staple item. Her supporters even named themselves “Pantsuit Nation.” With many years of experience in a male-dominated field, Clinton has always been the target for her appearance. “I think that [being a woman in politics] must be incredibly challenging because you never ever hear about what a man wears,” Southard said. “In very few professions is what a man wears important, and with women it’s always important. I think that it must have been both exhausting, but in some ways I think that [Clinton] tried to embrace it.” At the 2017 Golden Globes, women wearing power pantsuits flooded the red carpet, and many of them said it had to do with Clinton’s staple uniform of choice. “I got a pantsuit in honor of Hillary. Love

you, Hillary. I’m with her,” Felicity Huffman told the Hollywood Foreign Press while sporting a pantsuit on the red carpet at the 2017 Golden Globes. Although some women wore the power pantsuit to support Clinton, Evan Rachel Wood wore one to send a message to young girls. “I’ve been to the Globes six times, and I’ve worn a dress every time,” she told Ryan Seacrest. “And I love dresses; I’m not trying

to protest dresses. I wanted to make sure that young women and girls knew that they aren’t a requirement and that you don’t have to wear one if you don’t want to. Just be yourself, because your worth is much more than that.”

Courtesy of Getty Images

Pantsuits were taboo at the beginning of the 1900s. By the 1960s and 1970s they were a sign of female empowerment. Now they capture the Clinton campaign.

FundISU donations pay for Fashion Show, scholarships By Abby.Patterson @iowastatedaily.com The Fashion Show, a student-run organization on the Iowa State campus to showcase student designers, has been preparing the 2017 production since just two short weeks after the 2016 show last spring. The new FundISU Campaign program has revolutionized the fundraising methods for the Fashion Show, making 2017 the first year the event is fully funded before ticket sales. Through the Iowa State Foundation, many organizations are able to raise money for special causes by crowdfunding. Maggie Anderson and Emilee Meyer, both seniors in apparel, merchandise and design, are two of the outreach producers for the Fashion Show who are directly in charge of the Fashion Show’s FundISU Campaign. “This is our very first year that we have ever had a fully funded show before the year has started, which is amazing,” Anderson said. “We

don’t even need to raise a penny to fund the 2017 show this year and are contributing all of this year’s donations to the 2018 Fashion Show.” The Fashion Show requires more than $45,000 to produce it each year. “FundISU is a great way to show the Fashion Show at a personal level,” Meyer said. “With the mailing forms, there wasn’t anywhere that donors could view our bios or view our video and get to know where this money goes toward.” Meyer said getting on a personal level with donors has helped their contribution significantly. “It’s really just word of mouth,” Meyer said. “[The FundISU page] is the biggest way to promote FundISU and putting in that personalization when telling them about the Fashion Show in general and telling them it is a way to come and have a fun night, dress up and go see some student garments that you wouldn’t see anywhere else.” Before the 2016 show, reaching the financial goal was a challenge. “All donations were done by

paper, where donors would mail in a check,” Meyer said. “It used to be such a mess.” Making donations available electronically is proving to be more successful in their mission and how they fundraise. Incentives are provided for donors who contribute at least $25 to the campaign. From the $25 glitter level all the way to the $500 platinum level, donors have a chance to give and gain a little in return. “We do the incentive program because we want [the donors] to feel appreciated for their contributions,” Anderson said. “Anyone can donate any amount [to the Fashion Show] and it’s up to the donor, and it is a great way to make it [possible] for any college student to donate.” For donations of $100 or more, a donor is able to purchase a pre-sale ticket to the show. Pre-sale tickets will go on sale March 6 before the public sale begins on March 20 up until the day of the show. A pricepoint for tickets is currently being established and is not known at this time.

Anonymous donors are accepted, but those donors will not be presented in the program and not given credit for their contribution. Not only does the Fashion Show use FundISU to pay for producing the show, but it also gives scholarships to participating students in the show. “We want it to be worth it to [designers] to enter the show, so offering scholarships helps them pay for the line that they made for the show, pay for their internships during the summer and we want to help them in their major get through,” Anderson said. “It’s important for us to reward them for helping us by entering [into the show].” For each category, scholarships are given to a first-, second- and third-place winner. First-place winners receive $500, second-place winners receive $300 and thirdplace winners receive $100 in scholarships. The grand prize of “Best In Show” wins $1,000 for the best collection overall in the show.

Another scholarship is available for merchandising students participating in the Fashion Show. From this, the Fashion Show is able to give out two $500 scholarships. “Last year, we had Maurices present a case study that merchandising students would complete, where Maurices then picked the winners,” Meyer said. “It’s a great way to reward merchandising students as well for all of their hard work.” Every year there is a different company that gives out the case study. Organizers are still looking for one for this year’s show. For more information on the Fashion Show and how to donate, visit the FundISU website.

Winter makeup routine your skin will appreciate By Madison.Ward @iowastatedaily.com Although it’s easy to continue using the products you loved for summer and fall, winter puts a whole new set of demands on your skin, which is cause for change. The name of the game when it comes to your winter makeup routine is hydration. Los Angeles clinical dermatologist Jessica Wu, M.D., said harsh conditions — extreme cold, high winds and indoor heat — dry out the skin, leaving it itchy and dull. Luckily, these are all things that can be combated in your daily routine with the use of the right products. Starting with the right moisturizer for your skin type is essential when it comes to fortifying your skin and makeup throughout a cold winter day. Whether you have oily, dry or acne-prone skin, moisturizer is vital, and there is a moisturizer out there for you and your budget. A common misconception for those with oily skin is that moisturizer isn’t necessary because your skin already produces moisture. But oil doesn’t mean hydration. Dr. Eric Schweiger, founder of Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City, explained that oil production is in response to a lack of moisture rather than an excess amount. Skipping moisturizer will only produce more oil, which can lead to more breakouts and blemishes. This is perhaps a shocking revelation to the more than 40 percent of young adults who deal with oily skin, according to the International Dermal Institute. Once the skin is prepped with moisturizer, apply a hydrating oil or an oil-based primer as a base for your foundation. Using an oilbased product will reduce the appearance of

dry skin on the face, which can be produced during the winter months, and will also act as a great base for the rest of your makeup. After your base has set, trade the traditional foundation for a tinted moisturizer or hydrating foundation. Using a light-weight product in place of a heavy foundation will add another layer of moisture to your skin but will also provide coverage. If you don’t have these types of products in your makeup bag, mix equal parts moisturizer and traditional foundation to produce the same results. After your tinted moisturizer, go in with a cream formulated concealer if you want some extra coverage. Opting for a liquid formula will prevent tugging on the sensitive under eye area. Cream concealers also are less likely to cling to dry patches of skin. Winter is a time for any and all creambased products, including bronzers, blushes and highlighters. These types of products come at all price points and provide a very natural look without looking bare. Apply the cream bronzer, blush and highlight on the same areas of the face you would a powder and blend out with a brush or beauty sponge. A tip for a natural finish is to apply the product bit by bit and blend out before moving on to the next area of the face. For example, apply the cream highlight to the right cheekbone, blend it out and then move on to the left cheekbone. This will keep the product from settling into the skin and therefore making it harder to blend out. Blending is the key to making all cream products work together in your favor. When it comes to eye makeup, always opt for waterproof products for longevity. Heavy winds can result in watery eyes which traditional mascaras and eyeliners do not like, and that one gust can ruin a great makeup look. Going with waterproof is the best way to keep

Madison Ward/Iowa State Daily

Your skin changes in the winter, and so should your skin care and makeup routine. Use these tips and guidelines to apply the right products in the right order to keep your skin happy all winter long.

your look fresh all day. Another major change to your makeup routine this winter is for the lips, and that means anything with a matte finish is your enemy. The lips lack moisture to begin with. Due to the fact that skin on the face is thinner than any other part of your body, it’s easy to dry them out. Adding anything matte, though it’s on trend, will absorb any moisture your lips have and cling to any pre-existing dry patches, causing an unnatural finish. The best alternative is to go for an oilinfused lip balm with some pigment. This is a great choice because the lips lack the ability to produce oil, causing them to dry out much faster. Combating that with tinted lip balm is

the best way to go. To finish off your new makeup routine, set the face with a setting spray rather than a finishing powder. This exchange will result in — you guessed it — more moisture. Applying a face powder will simply undo the adjustments made throughout the routine and dry out the entire face. Setting sprays have been huge in the beauty world over the past year, and now they come at all price points and can accomplish many different goals. For example, Urban Decay is known for oil-absorbing setting sprays as well as a formula to make your look last all night while the inexpensive brand NYX Cosmetics has a spray on the market that will set your face with a dewy look.



Wednesday, January 25, 2017

ABUSE p1 der the same roof. “If you’re in a relationship with somebody [or living with somebody], and he or she is physically violent to the point where it is causing bodily harm, that’s considered domestic violence,” Acker said. Domestic abuse is not necessarily always physical, Acker said. Verbal attacks also can be considered abuse. “Domestic abuse is any form of abuse that happens within a domestic partnership,” ClippertTreadwell said. “That can be any form of partnership, not just specific to a marriage.” Physical abuse Acker described the living conditions as the pivotal point in the difference between domestic violence and physical abuse. “Physical abuse is similar to domestic violence, but you may not be living with that person [or be of domestic relationship],” Acker said. A few examples and signs of physical abuse include “hitting, slapping, shoving, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair pulling,” etc. Physical abuse can also include any refusal of assistance or care, or usage/consumption of alcohol or drugs against the victim’s will. Clippert-Treadwell explained that physical abuse can occur in the college atmosphere as well. “Roommates can be physically violent,” Clippert-Treadwell said. In her experience, she has seen many cases where a roommate has been physically aggressive toward the other. Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is defined by DOJ as “coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact or behavior without consent.” This includes, but is not limited to, “marital rape, attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has occurred or treating one in a sexually demeaning manner.” Iowa State has established its own lines of what sexual misconduct is. Sexual misconduct at Iowa State is “any non-consensual behavior

of a sexual nature that is committed by force or intimidation, or that is otherwise unwelcome,” according to the ISU Policy Library. The same policy library defines sexual assault at Iowa State. “Sexual assault is an extreme form of sexual misconduct and represents a continuum of conduct from forcible rape to nonphysical forms of pressure that compel individuals to engage in sexual activity against their will,” according to the Policy Library. Furthermore, the Iowa Legislation states: “[Sexual abuse] is done by force or against the will of the other. If the consent or acquiescence of the other is procured by threats of violence toward any person or if the act is done while the other is under the influence of a drug inducing sleep or is otherwise in a state of unconsciousness, the act is done against the will of the other,” according to Iowa Code 709.1. In addition to that, one segment addressed the topic of incapability. “Such other person is suffering from a mental defect or incapacity which precludes giving consent, or lacks the mental capacity to know the right and wrong of conduct in sexual matters,” the code states. This sense of incapability includes the victim being in a state

of unconsciousness. Emotional abuse Acker defined emotional abuse as: “Undermining or invalidating someone’s self-worth to the point where there’s a lot of diminishing a person’s ability, name calling, constant criticism. It’s meant to break down a person’s psyche and

Acker spoke about the emotional trauma a victim might suffer from, saying they might need to receive psychological help because emotional abuse may lead to depression and suicidal ideations. Clippert-Treadwell, however, used a metaphor when thinking about emotional abuse. “I think of a tree, and every time somebody is put down [verbally or emotionally], it is like an axe,” Clippert-Treadwell said. “You’re putting a scar into that tree. The scars fade, but they’re still there.” V e r b a l abuse Often one and the same, ClippertTreadwell said, verbal abuse and emotional abuse have their differences. “Verbal abuse is the use of language,” Clippert-Treadwell said. “You’re using your words to harm someone.” Acker also shared her researched definition of verbal abuse. “[Verbal abuse] fits into that category of intimidation, challenging, name calling,” Acker said. “So if you’re constantly being told that you are nothing or that something is not right [...] in [public and private] settings.” A big takeaway, Acker said, is that abusers try to intimidate and degrade their victim(s) to gain control. As a result, the long-term effects of verbal abuse are similar





OF ABUSE self-esteem.” In addition, Clippert-Treadwell added that emotional abuse is not always verbal. “It is non-violent, but it is a form of control or manipulation,” she said. Looking ahead, Acker and Clippert-Treadwell spoke about the long-term effects emotional abuse can have.


of 100’s ces hoi New C

Where: CARDINAL ROOM 2nd Floor Iowa State Memorial Union When: Mon. Jan. 23 thru Fri. Jan. 27 Time: 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sponsor: Student Activities Center Iowa State Memorial Union

in the process of extending mental health services. Harmon explained to Staudt that the idea was on their radar, but it would be at least another year before they proposed it. “I pushed it and said, ‘We need this now,’” Staudt said. “We need more capacity in our system for mental health because … last spring or so they had a wait time up to six weeks, and that was not OK.” Based on the request, Baldwin and her colleagues developed a proposal for the student fee committee. They approved the proposal to raise the fee in order to

BUDGET p1 will work with the university to make sure budget cuts won’t have an effect on student learning should

to the effects of emotional abuse and psychological abuse; they can cause long-term harm to mental health. Psychological abuse Similar to emotional and verbal abuses, Acker reported that there is an umbrella over the different abuses. “The crux of all these types of violence, the idea of intimidation, fear, control, threatening, shame, guilt,” Acker said. As a result, psychological abuse is “meant to intimidate [...] maybe making them feel guilty,” she said. Acker added who that could be. “It could be a friend, partner, family member [...] isolating someone from their everyday activities that could cause some emotional trauma and can be seen as psychologically abusive,” she said. Clippert-Treadwell said psychological abuse and emotional abuse are also one and the same. Psychological abuse, as well as other forms of abuse, might lead to a “lack of trust in somebody, feelings of worthlessness about yourself, low self-confidence, low self-esteem,” Clippert-Treadwell said. She also summarized some victims’ thoughts about emotional, verbal and psychological abuse treatment. “Some people might think it’s not abuse because it does not leave a physical scar, but it is abuse,” she said. Wrap up In addition to separating the gray area by putting a label on different abuses, the professionals indicated that there is an additional gray area about different experiences — there is no one way to experience some form of abuse. Each individual is different, Acker said. Because of victim blaming she has seen, Clippert-Treadwell said, “This is so prevalent, especially among college students. There is a stigma around it [...] because people are afraid they might not receive help. [...] We want people to get help. There is help for them. We can help you get past a very dark time in your life.” “We believe in you.”

provide more services. “[The proposal] took a lot of analysis,” Baldwin said. “It was really important for us that students understood specifically what the money was going to fund.” The current cost is $108 per semester, but it will increase to $120 starting in July. This will fund the salary and benefits to hire a psychiatrist, a mental health nurse practitioner, a registered nurse at the Health Center and three psychologists at Student Counseling Services. The semester increase of $12 totals to $817,680. “This will be the first time that the student health fee

will go to fund not only services at Student Health but will help pay for services at Student Counseling,” Baldwin said. Baldwin encourages employees at the Health Center to ask people they know in their field to apply. Dr. Carver Nebbe explained that the shortage of mental health providers can come from a production shortage. The University of Iowa is currently the only psychiatric residency in the state. “Many of those [mental health specialists] get hired out of state because honestly, there’s a lot more money out of state,” Nebbe said.

the bill be passed later this week. Iowa Board of Regents President Bruce Rastetter said in a statement following the initial proposal of the $25.5 million in budget

cuts from higher education that he understands the constraints that Iowa faces and hopes to “make the required reductions in a way that has the least effect on students.”

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