Two Sides
Erica Machida
Acknowledgments Thanks to all the artist, photographers and writers who contributed to this zine. Thank you to Island Pacific Academy for having the Literary Magazine class, who has supplied all of the pictures, storys poems and artwork to this zine. Thank you for taking the time to look through this.
Front Cover, Title and acknowledgments page: “Paris Lovers� By, Carly
Table of Contents Pg 1...Acknowledgments Pg 2...Table of Contents Pg 3...“Love” By, Kee Kee Broadwater Pg 4...“Behind the Glass” By, Sarah Li Pg 5...“Reflection”By, Kayla Economou Pg 6...“Phases of my Life” By, Gina Bacal Pg8...“Leaves Fall” By, Kayla Economou Pg 9...“The Fine Line” By, Kate Uesugi Pg 10...“Unrequited Love” By, Kelsei Teramae Pg 11...“Sunset” By, Brieanna Sundberg Pg 12...“Writing” By, Kee Kee Broadwater
Love By, Kee Kee Broadwater I never really knew what love was. I still don't have a full understanding on the word most authors spill on a page, about how their 1st true love just came out of nowhere, like something out of the fairy tales. But believe me child, if he came from a fairy tale he ain't real. He's just putting on a show to find a way to your heart. But guys , please do not get me wrong, this is not a bashing post on you. This is an, ‘OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES GIRLS!’ Guys will keep using the same game, and spit the same flow we wanna hear cause they have been studying up. Ever since when we were little and we would talk about being princesses, the guys have been there watching our every move, decision. pink dress, purple purse, plastic heels. Guys are not stupid. So when you're SHOCKED because he said all the right things or something, you're all like, ‘I don't even know where he came from.’ Check and see if he's your "prince charming”, Cause I promise you, if he ishe's really not.
Behind the Glass By, Sarah Li
Reflection By, Kayla Economou
Phases of Life By: Gina Bacal I remember a mad dash towards safety. Being prey was not fun. I sat in the darkness of my burrow, waiting for the harpy eagle to stop circling my home. It sucked being at the bottom of the food chain−a rabbit. It cant be health being prey; having your adrenaline spike and drop all the time. I peeked out of the burrow. The eagle was gone. I took a few hops forward and stood on my back legs, scouting the area. Content, I set off to find food. The moment I lowered my guard, I found the lower half of my body inside the mouth of a wolf. In my next life, I was a wolf. In that life, I realized that the chase was more exhilarating than the run. The chase was my livelihood. A cold wind blew past me, winter was approaching. It was time to hunt. My nose led me to the scent of flesh. In an open field, I saw a beautiful sight, a lone elk. Elks don’t go into the open at this hour. Was it old? Sick? Abandoned? I didn’t care, it was food, and I couldn’t be picky. I crouched into a low stance and pounced. I licked the blood off my paws and stretched out. The elk was more than enough to last me two weeks. With a full belly, I stood up. As I turned to leave a searing pain exploded within me. I collapsed to the ground and the last thing I saw was the figure of a human.
I am currently a human being. I sat in my house watching TV. What did I want for dinner? I had so much to choose from: meat, fruit, vegetables, takeout? The possibilities were endless. I just grabbed an apple and continued watching the news. A surfer had been eaten by a shark, and the shark had been killed by fisherman. I turned off the TV. No longer hungry, I threw the apple away and began preparing for bed. Humans were the only creatures I knew that could fit in the bottom, middle or top of the food chain.
Leaves Fall
By, Kayla Economou
The Fine Line By, Kate Uesugi
Kelsi Teramae
I realized I was in love with you one day, like really in love. Not just the simple kind of love that I could have for anybody--I realized I had fallen for you. I fell in love with you the way you wake up one morning and realize it’s Friday. I fell in love with you and it felt like I had snuggled under the covers of my bed, like the idea of being in love with you was warm and comfortable, and enveloped me and held me close. I fell in love with you one day, and I honestly couldn’t tell you which day, when I looked at you and we were laughing because it was just so easy to be around each other and it was like when your eyes focus on those 3D optical illusions, and everything turned from a big blurry mess to something that was so clear to me. I fell in love, and I was in love with the fact that I had fallen in love with you. I fell in love with you like it was meant to happen, like every day we had spent together was leading up to this one moment. I realized I was in love the way you realize the answer to a really hard math problem or the way you realize that the breeze has started blowing and made the air the perfect temperature. I fell in love like waves washing over the shore and burying your feet in sand. I fell in love like the sun shining through a square in the window and illuminating dust motes in the air. I fell in love and waited for you to fall in love with me. I fell in love with you, and wished I hadn’t. I fell in love with you, and wished you hadn’t. I wished you hadn’t been home alone that day. I wished you didn’t have to feel like there was no way out. I wished you hadn’t found your father’s gun that day. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you. I’m sorry that after I knew I was in love with you I also knew that you had blown your brains across your bedroom wall. I’m sorry, and I will never be un-sorry, but I will also never be un-in love with you. I love you in the present tense. I love you and I will never stop loving you; it’s involuntary, like blinking or breathing. I love you and it’s like remembering those happy days we had together, and our last good day together, and everything in between. I’ve since been in love with other people, I’ve even been in steady relationships with some of them, but dear God it’s been five years and I’m still falling in love with you.
Sunset By, Brieanna
Writing Kee Kee Broadwater
Writing Empty pages I am a writer? Could I be a writer? Can my mind flow at an openly paste like a writer? Where I can spill my thoughts out on the pages all at once? Like I am doctor phil: bold, white guy, beard, smart enough where anything i say people will listen and take my advice. Could I really do something like that ? Would anyone even listen to what i have to say? Like two lovers. Your mom doesn’t like her? She doesn’t have too! You miss her? Than do something about it! You love her? Than let her know! Don’t keep playing these stupid childish games of tag where no one is going to win. As a writer, i shall show sympathy to the young and stupid. So lets do that again shall we? Letting out my inner doctor phil. Your mom doesn’t like her? Well in some cases, just talk to your mother. I am sure she has a excellent reason to be quote on quote “ruining your life”. But child, what life would this be that you are talking about? The life she gave you? the life she works hard to keep going? But its your life, you are right about that. Do what makes you happy, but do what is the right thing to do. You miss her? So you come up with some elaborate plan where you sneak out of the house at 12:03 pm to lay in the slightly damp grass and count stars until you get lost
in time and before you know it you’re cuddling with her, in her arms you lay. As the temperature drops and the wetness of the grass makes you shiver and she takes off her jacket and gives it to you. Knowing everything that you are doing is wrong and against all of your mother’s wishes, and just for that moment, being okay with it. Because all is pure and well, and life couldn’t be better. The moment when she leans down, and her lips touch yours, and fireworks go off in your head. And at that moment, you know you love her. You love her? Cherish her with your love! Simple as that. Doctor Phil, off. Teenage girl, on. Words on this paper, do not add up to a perfect love story. If you read it the right way you will feel the pain, of two lovers. Who are never meant to be, but they play around the rules. They are not as deadly as Romeo and Juliet, but there love is just as real. Thought by thought, i tell it how it is. Letting my mind run wild on this piece of paper, could you follow the plot?