2 minute read
Four Days in May
(continued from page 21) This conference resolves to promote a richer understanding of article 31 across the world and to encourage and work with governments to fulfill their obli-gations as signatories to the URCRC.
At the end of the conference it was announced that the 20th IPA Triennial World Conference would be held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in September 2017. In summing up our experience in Istanbul, Theresa said, “My memories of Istanbul 2014 will be of solidarity, friendship, hard work and amazing examples of initiatives to ensure all children can exercise their right to play.” l
IPA XXI Triennial World Conference, 2020
Members of IPA who have been excited by attending previous world conferences in Istanbul, Cardiff or Hong Kong often ask, usually in the afterglow of a fascinating week, how they bring this wonderful event to their country. Planning is now underway to find IPA members or branches, who are interested in working collaboratively with the Board to explore the possibility of bringing the 21st Triennial World Conference in 2020 to their city. If you have dreamed of it, it can happen. It is a big commitment, but the benefits are powerful and lasting.
Here in July 2015 the election of the 2017- 2020 Executive Board seems a long way away, however this is just the time to start planning for the future! In 2017-2020 a number of the current Board members will be stepping down. We are keen to hear from IPA members with an interest in learning more about how the Board works before considering standing for election in 2017. An IPA Board member is typically someone who is active with their IPA Branch or with IPA internationally, and also has experience of the issues common to the management of large organizations or national charities, or project management/delivery. They must have the time to commit to the work of the Board, which is done on a voluntary basis, and of course be committed to children’s play rights. The majority of the day-to-day business of IPA is carried out by email, Groupsite (a virtual ‘office’) and by Skype. IPA holds a full Board meeting annually, but Board members also take the chance to meet each other for face-to-face discussion when opportunities arise, e.g. when attending an international conference for their own organization, or during an IPA project. Annual meetings take place at the IPA World conference and in that city the year before the conference, but can also be held anywhere else in the world, depending on the most economical option, or at the most appropriate event. Role and responsibility descriptions for Executive Board Officers, and any further information required are all available on request from the IPA Secretary at Secretary@ipaworld.org. The Council of Representatives will oversee the nomination and election process.
IPA Executive Board (2017-2020)
• President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer
Executive Board Officers
• Communications Officer • Membership Officer • Development Officer