2 minute read



Our Congregational Care Department owes a great debt of gratitude to the many IPC members who participate in our Shepherd Teams, providing ministry to members of IPC in times of need.

The Knitting Ministry meets each week on Thursday at 11:30 am in Room 105 to share fellowship as they knit prayer shawls, which they provide to members in times of grief or serious illness.

The Intercessory Prayer Group meets each Tuesday at 11 am in the Edmonds Chapel to pray for all of those on our public prayer list and to write notes to those who have been hospitalized, are experiencing grief, or celebrating the birth of a new baby.

Love Thy Neighbor takes casseroles and soups to members who are returning home from a stay in the hospital, have welcomed a new baby, or are experiencing grief over the loss of a loved one.

Our Funeral Ushers provide hospitality and assistance to families and visitors at the time of a funeral or memorial service to make sure everything runs smoothly and families have the support they need to get through the day.

The Bereavement Note Team writes notes on the six-month and one-year anniversary of the loss of a loved one, expressing the church’s ongoing concern for the family.

The Home Communion Team takes The Lord’s Supper to our members who are unable to come to public worship during the week we celebrate the sacrament in morning worship at IPC, expressing our care and concern for our members who cannot be with us in person.

Our Shut-In Ministry Team makes phone calls and sends cards to our members who are homebound so they feel the love and concern of our community of faith.

I know many of you have benefited from these important ministries. We always welcome new members to any of these teams. If you are interested in providing ministry to our congregation, please contact the Congregational Care Department to connect with a team leader and get started!

Jesus said: I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35.

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