3 minute read
The next time you hear someone tell their story, we want you to listen closely for one particular part.
Pay attention to the point when they say their faith grew.
Many times, people will say that their faith grew during the toughest times in their lives.
And then they’ll say that engaging with God, God’s Word, their church community and God’s work in the world is what sustains them through the other times.
The answer is God. The answer is God’s Word. The answer is God’s people. The answer is God’s work in the world.
So, what’s the question? Whichever one you’re facing right now.
This past year has been one of the toughest times we can recall. And yet, God has been gracious and faithful through all of the ups and downs we’ve faced. We have missed you! And we’re so thankful that our church doors are open once again.
This summer we’ve seen:
• More than 80 children at VBS with 35 adult volunteers
• Approximately 65 children at Bible Times Marketplace with 25 youth volunteers and 40 adult volunteers
• Close to 150 members gathering at the Cooley’s for our first IPC Connect event and 110 at Virginia Samford Theatre for the second event.
• A newly formed Family Ministry Team who has been conducting “Porch Sessions,” which are relational one-on-one meetings with every parent in the church.
• Standing room only at Iron City Grill as we brought back Beer & Hymns
• An average of 25 Members in the Middle who meet each week for dinner, fellowship, and a study of Philippians
Each Sunday we’ve been able to worship God alongside each other, face-to-face, once again.
We’ve grown in our Sunday School classes as:
• Rising 2-year-olds through 5K have been gathering together in person.
• First grade through sixth grade have been meeting in person for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
• Youth have been gathering along with a large group of adults for Jeff Leonard’s class to discuss “Seekers in the Hands of an Elusive God.”
• Parents have been meeting at the Bridges Sunday School class to navigate the complexities of marriage, children, and family relationships with Dr. Stewart Jackson.
As we joyfully await the arrival of our new pastor Kevin Long and his family, staff and members are working hard together for a fall season filled with opportunities to encounter God, engage God’s Word, grow together as God’s people, and participate in God’s work in the world.
Here are just a few things we are looking forward to this fall:
• Expanded opportunities for Sunday Morning study for adults of all ages and life stages.
• Resuming Wednesday Noon Day Chapel.
• A revamped Wednesday night gathering. • IPC Connect Events each month for adults of all ages. • Marriage enrichment seminar with date nights for all adults.
This all begins at the churchwide Fall Kick-Off Event on Aug. 15 in Rushton Park.
We’re looking forward to brighter days. And for us, that means…
1. Seeing your smiling face walk into the church and grab a cup of coffee in the parlor.
2. Seeing how your faith expands after a tough year.
3. Seeing you grow into the person God has called you to be.
It all boils down to seeing you. And we know there are others seeking a church home.
We’ve seen many new visitors this summer who have voiced their need for a faith community during this time. Since the pandemic closures, many people have fallen out of the habit of going to church and connecting with God and God’s people. We hope that this fall is an opportunity to come back and invite someone to come with you.
If this time has taught us anything, it’s that we are better when we are together as the body of Christ. We are eager to welcome you as you return and the new people God will bring into our midst.