9 minute read


Our goal is not to conserve our lives at any cost but rather to live our life in obedience to the call we have received

Michael Ramsden

UPDATES GOD’S PROVISION IN ASIA WORSHIP TANZANIA CONFERENCE This year, one of my main concerns We have just completed the first-ever, has been with my work and residence free, all-virtual Asia Worship Conference. permits (Visa). I sent my application We saw attendees from 25 nations, on Febrary 16, 2020. However, I did not including Bahrain, Indonesia, Myanmar, hear anything on the matter until May the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. 27, and the response was “Application We have seen over 33K combined online rejected.” views. This does not count the Christian Through a dream in the night, the Lord conference across India. showed up and gave me a letter. When By Yasinta Mrema TV stations which rebroadcasted the I woke up, I wrote it down to send to the Speakers for the three-day event Ministry of Labour. On June 25, I sent included former Gaither Vocal Band this letter as an appeal to respond to the keyboardist, Gordon Mote, as well rejection letter. as speakers from all across America, Australia, and Asia. The entire event, and In August, I recieved my work and each evening service, are still available residence permits, praise the Lord. on the Asia Worship Conference Facebook page. By Al & Coli Argo

UPDATES VIRTUAL CHURCH GROWTH MISSIONS FEST MAURITUS & MADAGASCAR WMM is excited to share the vision Our church in Mauritius, called End of seeing the gospel step into every Time Ministries International, is nation at Missions’ Fest on January 12, growing under the leadership of Rev. 2021 at 7pm EST. Conference leaders, John Leopold. They have planted four pastors, and missionaries are invited to branches since COVID and are still gather via our Facebook and YouTube growing. Recently, they baptized 20 new to interact, hear about all the Lord is converts in the Indian Ocean. doing around the world, and spend time encouraging one another. Stepping into The church in Antananarivo is doing a new year, we are confident that this exceptionally well too. Pastors Tojo and is the best way to begin 2021. Join us as Deborah Ranaivoarimanana are great we hear from key global leaders, reflect leaders who have a passion for lost souls. on the Lord’s faithfulness, and hear Recently, they had their first service what He is saying for this next season to in the New Life in Christ unfinished come! building. They had a great number of You can register today at https://docs. google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdE6Nv By Joe Delport q5p6yaBpT8WYBRqujXI8bj3rTN4tgNEt bD_eaM0CvVg/viewform people in attendance.

MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT GIVING TUESDAY BY DR. TERRY TRAMEL Giving Tuesday came into being through the power of social media. It sprang from a movement to create an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the holiday season. In the United States it is observed on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, following the more widely recognized annual shopping events known as “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday.”

For those who participate, Giving Tuesday jump-starts the charitable season when many people begin to focus on their holiday and end-of-the-year giving. One source that remains a worthy recipient of such benevolence is World Missions Ministries of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. This year, we invite you to join with countless others in contributing to these ministries that exist to help fulfill our Lord’s Great Commission.

In this year of the pandemic, many retailers are changing the dates and moving up their “Black Friday” sales. As followers of Christ, we should never engage in our personal spending first and then consider giving only if there is anything remaining afterward. Our question is, “Are we giving what is right or only what is left?” Therefore, in 2020 we challenge you to begin to think about your giving on November 24, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Starting then, we will be sharing daily ideas on our Facebook (https://www. facebook.com/iphcwmm) page of various mission ministries which need prayerful and financial support. These include:

The Global Outreach Offering https://give.iphc.org/project/global-outreach-offering

Missionary Support https://give.iphc.org/missionaries

International Covid-19 Relief Fund https://give.iphc.org/project/covid19-international-relief-fund

Mission Projects https://give.iphc.org/projects

The Awakening Ministry https://give.iphc.org/project/the-awakening-1

Antioch Grants (GO Offering) https://give.iphc.org/project/global-outreach-offering

“Being missional means moving intentionally beyond our church preferences, making missional decisions rather than preferential decisions.”

Ed Stetzer

OPERATION TEACHING TOOLS LOOKING FORWARD BY KEVIN SNEED Operation Teaching Tools (OTT) was launched by Rev. Rose Boyd in 1997. The ministry sought to provide resources and training for mobilizing local churches across the world for discipleship ministry. As OTT grew, the ministry expanded to support international Bible schools and offer digital distribution of discipleship resources.

The original mission of OTT was to train, encourage, motivate, and equip spiritual leadership and lay-leaders in established churches and missions overseas in the ministry of evangelism and discipleship, with the emphases on providing discipleship training and resources that equip and mature the Body of Christ. I join many in the USA and around the world in expressing gratitude for Rose Boyd and her commitment to carry out this mission. She worked diligently to put training in the hands of workers, materials in the hands of disciples, and tools in the hands of leaders to support the work of local churches and ministries all over the world. That legacy must be carried forward.


Earlier this year, Rev. Boyd entrusted this ministry into our care. After serving in missions for over a decade, we have observed the need for discipleship and developed a passion for international Christian education. Since 2008, we have strived to further Bible school ministry through East Africa Bible College in Eldoret, Kenya. We have also sought to encourage local discipleship ministry through our work in the conferences of East Africa where we promoted various discipleship programs, especially Girls’ Ministry. Thus, as we take up the ministry of OTT, we see God expanding the work we have already been doing in East Africa.

The foundation set in place by Rose Boyd is strong and we intend to build upon it in ways that honor the founding mission and further fulfills the plan of God for OTT. The mission of OTT going forward will be: to support international congregations and Bible schools in WMM by developing curriculum, distributing resources, and training leaders in order to make disciples among the nations.

This mission recognizes that Christian education is vital for both the laity and the clergy. OTT has always had a heart to promote discipleship among the lay people of the IPHC. We also recognize that well trained pastors and ministers are key to successful discipleship. Therefore, we will focus on equipping our national works for discipleship and educational success in both local churches and Bible schools.

We will carry out this mission in the following ways:


I. Curriculum Development

1. Create curriculum for free distribution and duplication among IPHC international congregations that is biblically sound, doctrinally compliant, and culturally relevant.

a. This curriculum will be for Sunday schools and other discipleship programs such as Girls’ Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Bible study, etc.

b. We will create material ourselves and draw from qualified IPHC writers.

2. Prepare American curriculum for international audiences.

a. The IPHC in the USA already has high quality material ready for local church use. We will work with the creators to adapt established curriculum for international use.

b. We will also continue to collect lessons written and donated by IPHC pastors and teachers in the USA for cross-cultural use.

II. Resource Distribution

1. Website Distribution

a. We will maintain, promote, and enhance the OTT website: www.operationteachingtools.com

b. We will create a resource catalog that will enable users to search for available curriculum based on various criteria such as topics and authors.

2. Digital Distribution

a. We will utilize other forms of digital communication such as Whatsapp to distribute curriculum.

STORIES FROM THE FIELD III. Leadership Training 1. Training local leaders in regions around the world for discipleship ministry.

2. Assisting national leaders in organizing seminars and conferences that emphasize discipleship.


I. Curriculum Development

1. We will assist in developing a core curriculum for WMM Bible schools to use as models for training leaders.

2. We will develop individual courses for use in WMM Bible schools.

II. Resource Distribution

1. We will make available various courses and materials designed by IPHC educators.

2. We will set up a USA based book depository to receive physical book donations. These books will be distributed among our Bible schools.

However, this return to receiving physical resources will be limited. We will be very selective about the books and resources we receive, store, and distribute. Digital resources will remain the priority.

III. Leadership Training 1. We will consult with WMM Bible schools and programs to enhance the ministry.

2. We will recruit those from the USA who are willing and able to teach shortterm in international Bible schools and connect them with schools that desire such teachers.

3. We will offer online experiences to connect international Bible school students with IPHC lecturers who cannot travel but still desire to teach internationally.


As OTT moves into the future, this ministry will continue to serve WMM with great impact and efficacy. By the help of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we intend to make that happen. We are thankful that this opportunity has come, but we also understand that challenges will arise on the horizon. We need help, and we welcome those who will pray for this ministry and support the work. Contact us today if you feel a calling to participate in any way with the work of OTT. Page 20


LAOS Bibles for Pakistan

Pakistan will become the most populous Muslim country in the world by 2030. There are over 400 unreached people groups in Pakistan. Despite the persecution that Christians face, our Pakistani national leaders and pastors are distributing the Word of God. It costs $8 to provide one Bible. The goal of our Pakistan IPHC leadership is to distribute 20,000 Bibles by the end of 2023.

To donate to this project, please earmark your check 17030P , or visit give.iphc.org.

Xiang Khouang Children’s Church The children’s ministry in this city is thriving, but the meeting place is collapsing. Meetings are held in a wooden shed with a dirt floor, and the shed is falling apart. They have raised $4,000 to rebuild the structure, but are in need of an additional $16,000.

To donate to this project, please earmark your check 77001P, or visit give.iphc.org.


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