A car needs fuel regardless of it being powered by petrol, diesel or electricity. We take it for granted when we get in the car that it will take us to where we want to go, but one thing is for sure, we need fuel to grow our business and that fuel is sales. In this latest sales feature, we look at creating a sustainable sales pipeline. A pipeline is a visual representation of the stages of your sales process and is particularly useful to a business owner in a number of ways. The Sales team can see what is being worked on and moved forwards, the Accounts team can weight the
likelihood of conversion and therefore cashow and P&L, the Operations team could use it to balance supply and demand on time, services or goods and the Leadership team use it as a key performance metric to measure company growth and future direction. The sales pipeline is crucial for any size of business and regardless if you are in B2C (business to consumer) or B2B (business to business) you’ll be able to make use of it. A pipeline is basically your next sale, usually you will have a number of stages in your sales process but, put simply, it is likely to