Principles for Keep up with the times It seems clear that the key to any long-standing business’ success is staying relevant to the times it’s operating in. No business wants to be left behind, but if you fail to innovate this is exactly what may happen. If you find that your market is getting smaller, then it may be time to reinvent and adapt. Many of us will have heard of the Charles Handy analogy of the frog in the jar of cold water that will not move and allow itself to be boiled to death when the heat is applied slowly to the water. Granted it’s not a particularly pleasant image, but it does suit the point quite well. Keeping up with the ever evolving and shifting business world is essential to ensure continued success and to avoid the fate of the poor old frog (figuratively speaking, of course). As business people, we don’t operate in isolation and it is important to keep abreast of any changing developments in your industry and others. Invigorating the company and bringing in fresh new ideas will help you to keep up with your competitors. Better than that, you may even become a major mover in your sector! The way I achieve this is by trying to meet a minimum of three key people in the financial services industry every year. I ask questions about the sector’s future, including the
direction it’s heading and important changes we should be aware of. I then feed these conversations back to my colleagues before adjusting our business accordingly. Of course, we’d all like a crystal ball to see into the future but in the absence of that, looking