3 minute read
Help! I've got lockdown skin..
As we move closer to a World where we can socialise face to face, I am being asked a lot about lockdown skin issues, it seems panic is amongst some that family and friends will appear fresh faced with no sign of dull, dry, irritated lockdown skin. Sound familiar?
Worry not, you are not alone, and a few small changes now will make a big difference to your skin, here are my top tips for post lockdown healthy glowing skin.
Technology has been a huge help with keeping in touch with family and friends and enabling us to work but the blue light emitted from screens can have a harmful effect on our skin, increasing inflammation and premature ageing.
Our eyes can become strained from looking at the screen for long periods leading to dark circles and bags.
Take a regular break from the screen to limit the time of exposure and allow your eyes to rest.
I am always talking to clients about the benefits of wearing SPF daily. Yes, every day, even on the dullest of days the UV rays are strong enough to damage your skin, encourage premature skin ageing and increase pigmentation. Invest in a quality skincare SPF and apply on days when you are going outside, every quick trip in the car to collect the kids from school or pop to the shop is exposing your skin to the damaging UV rays.
Whilst there are fantastic products and treatments to assist with the signs of ageing the best anti-ageing product you can own is a decent SPF.
Washing your face in the hot steamy shower might seem like a good idea but hot water increases skin sensitivity and quickly removes natural oils from your skin, resulting in dry, irritated skin, prone to breakouts.
If you’ve oily skin your skin will respond by producing oil leaving you with an oily shine. Washing in warm water allows your cleanser to be effective whilst not stripping the skin of natural oils.
Whilst bored in lockdown you may have reached for more sugary snacks and alcohol. The high levels of sugar and toxins affects your skin as well as other organs. Acne, Rosacea and Eczema are all aggravated by high sugary diets.
Blood vessels in the nose and cheek area can dilate from excess sugar resulting in a puffy appearance. By limiting these snacks and drinking plenty of water to assist your body with removing toxins you are limiting the opportunity for skin flare ups.
With lockdown playing havoc with our routines, we are not sleeping as well, this can leave our skin looking tired and dull. Whilst we sleep our skin repairs, it takes a breather from fighting off environmental factors and replenishes whilst in the safety of a dark room.
Skin without time to rest, cannot fight off free radical damage as easily and will suffer from lines and wrinkles due to lower collagen production. Using essential oils, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques will help you get a good night’s sleep and give your skin chance to repair and renew, resulting in a radiant appearance.
We shed dead skin cells daily, but ageing and unprotected exposure to UV rays slows down this process resulting in dull, dry skin and clogged or enlarged pores.
Regular exfoliation, once or twice a week with a product suited to your skin type will assist with cell turnover, revealing fresh, healthy, hydrated skin cells, better absorption of skincare products and giving you a more youthful, glowing appearance.
For more tips and advice please follow me on social media @hayleykoonerbeauty.