1 minute read

Keeping your name in the frame with social media

Using social media for your business has never been more important than during the last 12 months.

Many businesses have embraced using social media to promote their products and services and have done very well out of it. But those businesses that decided that footfall was sufficient have really suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic as shops and premises were forced to shut due to lockdowns.


Suddenly all their clients disappeared and trying to reach their old customers became almost impossible. So they realised that maybe social media was the answer.

But the big question then was which platform to use?

If you have products then that is fairly simple - Facebook or Instagram as both these platforms are image driven.

If you have a service then LinkedIn is most definitely the place to be - you can give hints, tips, advice and sell yourself and what you do very effectively.

However it is not just as simple as doing a post here and there. My mantra is quite simply - CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY.

Yes you do have to show up every day, you do have to post something but more importantly you must engage with those you follow.

Engagement is the sweet spot of social media - after all the clue is in the name!

Many people make the mistake of just posting or broadcasting, as it is known in the trade, and whilst it is important to showcase what you do it is just as important to engage with those you follow.

But social media is not as simple as you think - you have to consider when to post, what to post, what hashtags to use (these are extremely important on Instagram) and then there are always new platforms to consider.

Would you be better talking to your clients on WhatsApp, Messenger or the new kid on the block Clubhouse?

To be honest the possibilities are endless.

Another point to consider before you choose a platform is “Where is your ideal client hanging out”. There is no point in using a platform if your audience is not there. To find this out you will need to do some research by looking at what your competitors are doing.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get social!

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