dead? A question that has been asked many times over the last few months, will fieldsales die and everything become internal and telephone based? In this article we look at the pro`s and cons of fieldsales and how a business can plan on the best way forward to use fieldsales to drive more business or is internal sales a more effective answer? Before Covid many companies were using fieldsales to gain more sales. Be this, direct salespeople on the ground, sales engineers, sales account managers or even van sales for industrial type products. Covid came and everything changed, and businesses had to adapt, both from the salesperson to the buyer, you just could not meet people face to face. As things have eased, albeit ever changing, many companies have found that internal sales can be done and maybe a fieldsales role is not needed. Before anyone decides that they are going to cut their sales teams, the fieldsales role still has a part to play but you need to define exactly what that role is and how much of it really does need to be done in the field. Another consideration is that great field salespeople are not always great internal salespeople and it requires a different skill set.
what are the pros and cons of fieldsales?