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Summer Programme Portal
The Summer Programme Portal was launched on EducationPosts.ie in March. There are a number of stages to the Summer Programme recruitment process this year. Special Schools are being prioritised initially and will have access to available Job Seekers on the Summer Programme portal first. The Department of Education will inform EducationPosts.ie when the portal can be opened further – to all school-based provision, and the third and final stage will be opening the portal for home provision.

Job Seekers access the portal by creating an account, or logging into their existing EducationPosts.ie account, and selecting ‘Advertise’ and ‘Summer Programme Portal’ on the website toolbar. The portal consists of a form whereby Job Seekers enter their details, indicate their occupation (including Teachers, SNAs, Students, Early

Childhood etc.), and confirm their availability for work in July and August of this year. Schools and employers may contact available Job Seekers directly by phone or email in relation to their availability.