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International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation

Students Today, Pharmacists Tomorrow

Application Forms Reallocation Project

2 201 n o Editi

Februray 2012 Edition

in 9 questions...

Enjoy SEP even more with the Application Forms Reallocation Project!

International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation

Student Exchange Programme

Dear SEO’s, We would like to kindly inform you about Application Form Reallocation Project. This project was approved by General Assembly at 55th World Congress 2009 Bali, Indonesia. In this document we would like to give you all the questions and answers to help you benefit from AF RP the most.

Enjoy SEP even more with the Application Forms Reallocation Project!


hat is Application Forms Reallocation Project (AF RP)?


It is a new project for running SEP even better. The aim is to use all AFs for each year. Some countries do not need so many AFs but on the other hand some countries would like to have some more AFs.


ow can we accomplish this idea?


According to Domestic Rules approved by General Assembly at 55th World Congress 2009 Bali, Indonesia, spare or unused AFs will be returned to Chairperson of Student Exchange by 1st March unless otherwise agreed upon, and reallocated in second round.


hy this project was created?


Aims of SEP are: • To promote understanding and cooperation amongst pharmacy students and all health care professionals • The programme offers a unique educational and cultural experience in addition to pharmacy knowledge • Also helps broaden the students’ understanding of pharmaceutical and social conditions in different countries

If we want to spread Student Exchange Programme and spirit of IPSF all over the world, we don’t want to waste our precious Application forms. Each year we lose more than 20% of all AFs. In year 2008-2009 we lost more than 210 AFs and in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 about 100 AFs. By re-distributing them again in second round we can gain better usage and keep constant growth of SEP. Â


ow does this project work?

In the first round, each country receives 1.5 times as many Application Forms as the number of applicants the organisation placed in the previous SEP year (rounded to the next integer). You can use these AFs up until 8th March.

4 Successful

AF pool

1st round


After 8th March, any spare or unused AFs will be returned to the Chairperson of Student Exchange on a voluntary basis. SEOs can request for more AFs or to host more students as part of this project. Spare or unused AFs will be re-allocated by members of the Student Exchange Committee.

Successful with limitations 1st round AF pool


Spare AF 2nd round


ow can I get more AFs?

1. You need to use all of your AFs allocated for your Country by 8th March. 2. If you have used up all your AFs, you can ask for more by applying for AF RP to the Chairperson of Student Exchange. 3. After the Student Exchange Committee meeting (in March 2012), all spare AFs will be re-distributed to countries that apply for AF RP, based on the criteria as outlined in the IPSF Official Documents. 4. Application Forms received in second round will be assigned. It means that you will receive list of countries where you can use them. This is to promote SEP equally within a wider range of IPSF member countries.



ow can I apply?


Fill out the AF RP form and submit it to the Chairperson of Student Exchange by 8th March.


ow many AFs can I get?

According to Domestic Rules there are 3 categories of countries. In category 1 are countries with 0-5 AFs. These countries can get 100% of the total number of AFs given on 1st round. For example, a country received 2 AFs in the first round and in the second round, they can receive 2 more AFs. In total, 4 AFs were allocated to this country for this SEP year.


In category 2 are countries with 6-15 AFs. These countries can get 50% of the total number of AFs given on 1st round. For example, a country received 10 AFs in the first round and in the second round, they can receive 5 more AFs. In total, the country would have received 15 AFs for this SEP year.

In category 3 are countries with more than 16 AFs. These countries can get 50% of the total number of AFs given on 1st round, but not more than 15. For example, a country received 30 AFs in the first round and in the second round; they can receive 15 more AFs. In total, 45 AFs were given for this SEP year. But for a country with 50 AFs in the first round, in the second round, they can only receive 15 more AFs. In total, the country received 65 AFs for this SEP year.


hen do I get results for my AF RP?


You will receive an answer after the SEC meeting but not later than April 15th. At SEC meeting, AF RP will be discussed and all spare AFs will be redistributed.


n which countries could these second round AFs be used?


You will receive a list of countries where you can apply with these AFs. The aim of this project is promote SEP equally within a wider range of IPSF member countries.

Hope we gave you answer for all your questions about AF RP. Thank you for using this programme for benefits of all. nge a h c x E ent d u t S f e o tt i n m o s r m e o airp ge C h n C a r h c u x o E Y ent d u t S d an

International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation P.O BOX 84200 2508 AE Den Haag The Netherlands Tel: +31 70 302 1992 Fax: +31 70 302 1999 Email: Website:

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