IPSF Call for Applications

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The Call for the IPSF Delegation to the 71st World Health Assembly (WHA) May 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland To all IPSF members, On the date of release of this call, the period for applications to be part of the IPSF Delegation to the 71st World Health Assembly is officially open. The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO). Every year, the event is attended by delegations from all WHO member states and non-state actors, with focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed program budget. IPSF acts as a non-state actor during this event using this opportunity to voice our opinions on matters important to us. The 71st World Health Assembly will be held between the 21st and the 26th of May 2018, in Geneva, Switzerland. In order to be considered and accepted for this prestigious opportunity, interested IPSF members should (1) send a Curriculum Vitae (CV), (2) send a Confirmation Letter from the applicant’s respective Contact Person, and (3) fill out the Application Form. Please complete and submit the form before the 1st of January 2018 at 00:00 GMT +0. All applicants will be notified regarding the results of the screening by the 20th of January 2018, at the latest, if the conditions have been met by this date. The applicants may be contacted if additional information is needed regarding their application. All steps of the application follow the terms under General Terms and Conditions attached to this call. If there are any concerns or questions, please feel free to send an email to: healthadvocacy@ipsf.org or publichealth@ipsf.org

General Terms and Conditions These Terms and General Conditions are valid for every IPSF member who applies to be part of the IPSF Delegation to the World Health Assembly in May 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland. The following Terms and General Conditions describe the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Application and screening process Passport and visa requirements Responsibilities of the delegates Costs

1. Application and screening process • Only the participants who submit a fully completed application form and requirements will be considered. • Each participant will be screened by a team that is comprised of the following: o Chairperson of Public Health o Public Health Advocacy Coordinator o President-elect o WHA Officer • Each participant will be evaluated based on the following criteria: o Application Form (75%) o Curriculum Vitae (25%) • The decision of the Organizing Team is final. • A list of candidates selected for the delegation will be provided to all applicants at the time the results are announced. 2. Passport and Visa Requirements: • The participants are responsible for their own travel and visa requirements. • Those participants who require an entry visa to Geneva, Switzerland must allow sufficient time for the visa application process. • The Organizing Team will be sending an invitation letter or any other pertinent document, as requested, to support the participant’s visa application. 3. Responsibilities of the Delegates Prior to the 2018 WHA: • All participants should comply with all online trainings, lectures and reading materials provided by the Organizing Team. Moreover, all participants are expected to prepare adequately for active participation in sessions and discussions. • All participants are expected to behave and act “in character” throughout the 2018 WHA by consistently advocating the interests of the Organization. To act “in character” also means displaying respect for the opinions and ideas of fellow delegates, even if these may be opposing or in conflict with yours. The head of the delegation has the right to withdraw badges if code of participation is broken and delegates act “out of character.” Disciplinary action may be taken depending on the severity of the act. • All participants should be present for the whole duration of the 2018 WHA and training sessions before. Training sessions may be held from the 19th of May in the afternoon to the 20th of May before the WHA. This will be confirmed after selection.

When necessary, the Organizing Team reserves the right to assign the participants to specific events, meetings or briefings, even if these may not be suitable to the participant’s interests or preferences. 4. Costs (accommodation, travel, food, etc.) • Financial assistance from IPSF will not be available for the WHA. • Each participant is responsible for all costs involved in his or her participation in the WHA including, but not limited to, the following: accommodation, travel, and food. • IPSF is not responsible for the booking of the accommodation during the WHA. • IPSF is not responsible for any personal loss or injury which may be incurred by the participant during the WHA. • Note: Please do not engage in any activities before knowing the results of your application. If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to Ms. Clara-Jessica “Cheska” Rances (IPSF Public Health Advocacy Coordinator): healthadvocacy@ipsf.org or to Mr. Yu-Lin Tsai “Christopher Chua” (IPSF Chairperson of Public Health): publichealth@ipsf.org

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: Is there a fee for the event? A: There is no fee for attending the WHA as a part of the IPSF delegation. Q: When is the exact date of the assembly? A: The event will be held between the 21st and the 26th of May 2018. Q: Do I have to be there for all days or are there certain days that my presence is required? A: It is not mandatory to attend the full event, but it is highly advised to do so. Q: Will IPSF cover my participation? Or am I responsible for all charges? A: IPSF will not cover the participation of delegates, which means that all participants are responsible for all charges related to the attendance to the event. Q: What am I expected to do during the WHA? A: The IPSF delegates are expected to engage in activities delegated to participants by the IPSF Organizing Team, such as: attend meetings prior to the event, logistic-related tasks (organize a dinner, among others), prepare for the event by attending webinars or working on materials, take notes at events, establish contacts and participate in an active way. Q: Do I have to participate in all the sessions? A: It is not possible to participate in all sessions since several sessions happen at the same time. It is highly advised to participate in the maximum sessions possible, and it is mandatory to participate in the sessions assigned to the delegate. Q: If I am selected to participate, what should I prepare for the event? A: After selection, the delegates will be instructed with the necessary information regarding preparation. They will be guided by the IPSF Chairperson of Public Health. The WHA agenda will be shared with the delegates once it is released. The work of the delegates will focus on the topics of the agenda. Q: If I am selected, do I book for the hotel on my own? A: The delegates are responsible for booking their own accommodations. The organization of the delegates will promote that the participants stay in the same location. Q: I need a visa. Can IPSF support me with a letter to obtain my visa on time for the event? A: The participants are responsible for their own travel and visa requirements and must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. The IPSF Organizing Team will be sending an invitation letter or any other pertinent document, as requested, to support the participant’s visa application. Q: How many delegates are selected to represent IPSF? A: We are looking to select a maximum of 25 applicants. However, a reduction of this number may be considered by the commission in case the applications do not show enough potential for the representation of IPSF.

Q: What are the conditions of the selection to attend WHA? A: The delegates will be selected by a commission composed by the Chairperson of Public Health, the Public Health Advocacy Coordinator, President-elect and WHA Officer. The commission will consider the responses given by the applicants, their previous experience in teams and events, and their potential contributions to the delegation based on the application. Q: Does IPSF help with finding an appropriate place for accommodation? A: The Organizing Team will offer some suggestions for accommodation. This help is limited. If the delegate does not book accommodation and then can no longer find accommodation in the suggested place, the delegate will be entirely responsible for finding accommodation. In addition, if the suggested accommodation does not please the delegate, he or she will be responsible for it. Q: What is the last date for the registration? A: The last date for registration is the 1st of January 2018. Q: What happens if I get selected but then miss the event? Who will substitute? A: If the cancellation is done in a timely manner, an applicant that was not previously selected may be invited to participate in the event, according to the selection of the commission. If it is too late to invite another delegate to the event or if there are no other suitable applicants to join the delegation, the spot will be left vacant. Q: Is there any certificate for attending the WHA? A: IPSF delegates may ask for a certificate from the IPSF Executive Committee stating that they have participated in the event. This would be a certificate issued by IPSF and not by WHO. Q: Who can apply for the delegation? Do I need to be part of the IPSF team? Do I need to be part of my local/national organization board? A: A candidate is eligible to apply for the IPSF delegation to the WHA, if the applicant is recognized as a member of an association that is a member of IPSF or the applicant is an individual member. In other words, you do not need to be part of the IPSF team or to be part of your local/national organization board.

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