Newsletter 46 - News

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Design by Mohanad Nader

Issue 46

9th August 2007

IPSF Publications

Ni-hao! Hello from Taipei City that is currently hosting our 53rd IPSF Annual Congress! This Newsletter summarises the last activities that happened before Congress. Enjoy!

IPSF Website Online! Check out the new IPSF website that has been designed by a professional webdesigner company under the coordination of the IPSF executive and especially the Chairperson of Publications. The new website is very easy to navigate on and is updated regularly. Have a look at!

UNESCO Meetings April Jane Chan and Kayte O’Brien IPSF interns 2006-07 Together with Audrey, IPSF President, we traveled next to Paris, France. There we met with Aylin the assistant director of the HIV and Human Rights Division of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). With her, we discussed the continuing involvement of IPSF in Stop AIDS Discrimination, a youth initiative on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. This program involves various projects led by youth all over the world to raise awareness for the disease. It aims to end the discrimination of HIV/AIDS infected people that results from fear and ignorance about the disease. The project targets HIV-related stigma, usually built upon existing negative stereotypes related to gender, race, sexuality and poverty. As part of a student organization such as IPSF, we can all do our part in continuing to support this initiative. We also attended a meeting with the Joint Programmatic Commission (JPC), a collaboration of youth nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) having relationship with UNESCO. JPC actively promotes non formal education (NFE) as a way of developing ideas and activities among its members. Alongside other student NGOs, IPSF will promote its field activities in the way of non formal education. In addition, IPSF will actively support the workshops on NFE titled, “Formal, Non Formal and Informal Education: A Challenge for Youth”.

IFISO MEETING April Jane Chan and Kayte O’Brien IPSF interns 2006-07 From 31 May to 4 June 2007 IPSF President Audrey Clarissa and IPSF Interns April Jane Chan and Kayte O’Brien attended a meeting of the Informal Forum of International Student Organizations (IFISO) in Brussels, Belgium. This meeting consisted of an informal discussion forum for international officers of non-political, not-for-profit international, student-run organizations. Executives from at least 18 such NGOs attended, representing more than 2 millions students altogether. The objective of the meeting was to allow student NGOs to collaborate and share knowledge in order to improve their individual organizations. At the meeting, Audrey, assisted by the interns, led a discussion about HIV/AIDS awareness among students throughout the world. A survey of the representatives found that about half had some kind of misconception about HIV/AIDS. Many students felt that the current state of disease awareness should be further assessed before a method of improving it can be developed. They also felt that it is not enough to simply distribute information. Instead, individuals must be inspired to take an active role in learning about the disease and how it can be prevented/treated. Another topic discussed extensively was innovative, educational methods such as the Bologna-Process (BP) and Non-Formal Education (NFE). The BP is an agreement made to strengthen the European higher education process by making it more uniform throughout Europe. It attempts to do so by creating standards for academic degrees and quality assurance. NFE is a type of instruction in which participation is voluntary and takes place outside the frame of the academic system. It allows for greater flexibility and helps in the development of practical skills. This type of education was discussed as a possible means of increasing HIV/AIDS awareness. Visit to USA: UNICEF – IAVI - PARO Audrey Clarissa IPSF President 2006-07 I had a chance to visit the United States of America for a few days from 6th – 13th June 2007. On the first day of my visit, I went to the NGO Liaison Office of the United Nations to follow-up our new status with the United Nations. We had a short discussion what IPSF needs to do after it has been given Roster Consultative Status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Later on that day, I joined UNICEF Executive Board where they discussed their education strategy to achieve Millennium Development Goals. Contact with UNICEF was established during this visit, as they are also concerned on HIV/AIDS and youth issues. Another contact with a professional organisation was established when I visited International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), a global not-for-profit, public-private partnership working to accelerate the development of a vaccine to prevent HIV infection and AIDS. Future collaboration in the future with this organisation is highly possible. During the weekend, I went to Milwaukee to meet the Pan American Regional Office (PARO) Chairperson, Karen McGill. We discussed many PARO issues such as Pan American Regional Symposium (PARS) which was successfully held in Costa Rica in May, South American countries’ membership, and PARO working group. We look forward to strengthening and developing this regional office.

HIV/AIDS Update On 30 May 2007 WHO and UNAIDS issued a new guidance on HIV testing and counselling in health facilities. The goal of this initiative is to increase access to needed HIV treatment, care support and prevention services. In order to do so, a shift from client-initiated or voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) to provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling must occur. This involves the health care provider specifically recommending an HIV test to patients attending health facilities. Such action should increase opportunities to diagnose HIV in clinical settings and thus prevent the many missed opportunities that current evidence suggests are occurring. In areas where HIV is firmly established in the general population, it recommended that HIV testing and counselling be given to all patients regardless of whether or not the patient has symptoms. In areas of low HIV prevalence, it is recommended that that HIV testing and counselling be given to patients who present with HIV symptoms and those in high-risk populations. Nonetheless, it is imperative that the patient has the right to decline the test in all circumstances. Testing must always be voluntary and confidential. It is also essential that all patients receive pre-test information and post-test counselling.

Your executive for 2006-07 has been:

Georgina Gál Secretary General

Annabelle McGowan Chair of Publications

Audrey Clarissa President

Zhining Goh C h ai r o f Education and Practice

Juha Mönkäre Treasurer and Vice President

Anna Watson Chair of Public Health

Mohamed Atef Natasa Nikolic Chair of Public Relations Chair of Student Exchange

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